What mods would you make?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by thorneel, November 2, 2012.

  1. thorneel

    thorneel Member

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    There are modders from FA and Spring out there, and quite a few people show their interest for the modding tools that PA will have.

    So I'm curious, do you already have some idea about what mods you will make? Obviously it's very early to tell, and things like balance mods, units additions and such can't be planned without an actual game to enhance, but maybe you have some idea about a total conversion, an unconventional gameplay idea or something else.

    One thing I want to play with is the procedural terrain generator.
    For example, I'd like to try and make a game mode on a small fraction of a vaster landscape with a vaster war going on. So when in other games you can call bomber strikes and supply drops from the nowhere outside of the map, here it would be done by actual NPC units and bases, and you may receive but also send support to other battlefields around you.
    If this is too hard, too much work or if I am too laz... if I don't have enough free time, I at least want to make a 'classical' game where there is actual landscape around the map instead of an ominous wall of nothingness so many games have. (Yes, SupCom 2 didn't have those AFAICT but, well, it was SupCom 2.)

    Also, there is a challenge I'd like to take up some day.
  2. sylvesterink

    sylvesterink Active Member

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    I would create a Starcraft total conversion.
  3. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    1. GalCon

    Because how can you not play GalCon when you have multiple planets? I've also wanted a GalCon-esque gameplay mod for SupCom for a long time now.

    2. As a random game idea I've been mulling over for a few years:

    An RTS that doesn't play on a square map, but a sphere.

    • "Oh but we have Planetary Annihilation," you yell, "surely that's what you want."

    Well, no. I want an RTS that plays on the inside of a sphere. When you look up, don't see sky - you see the enemy. There's some nifty things that happen. Anti-air guns become artillery, and artillery becomes anti-air. Turtling becomes ineffectual, so you are forced to fight.

    High ground? What high ground? Hills and mountains mean nothing on the inside of a sphere. The only thing to protect you from being pounded from afar would be things like floating platforms and other mega-structures.

    3. Ultimate Overkill Control.

    Anyone that knows me from my SupCom modding shenanigans will know how much I whored-out this mod. What it does is add a tiny bit of smarts to units so that they don't waste too many shots firing on weak/damaged enemies. It makes units so much more efficient, and when you have an army of SCIENCE(TM) robots from the future... why wouldn't you be coordinating your fire?

    If PA doesn't include this, I will be modding it in myself.

    4. A different Galactic War.

    I'm not entirely sold on the current implementation of GW. It might be fun, but I think I want something that works a little differently and is a little more social.

    But I'm going to wait until I play it first before going too far.
  4. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    One word, Basilisk.

  5. brandonpotter

    brandonpotter Well-Known Member

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    Another word. Wyvern. :lol:
  6. RaTcHeT302

    RaTcHeT302 Guest

    Personality mod wich adds robotic voices to the units when doing certain tasks, even acting as annoyed or exstatic when you just move them around. :lol:

    "NO WAY"
    "[High Pitched Voice] YAAAAAAAY! [Serious Voice] NOW CAN WE DO SOMETHING ELSE?"
  7. mazondel

    mazondel New Member

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    I would probably make a mod expanding the space capabilities of the game.

    I love fleets and such and would probably work on having something like orbital warships and stations.
  8. teriderol

    teriderol New Member

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    Definitely a mod which gives you color overview in pathing. something giving you a possibility to see a colored map of the density of obstacles.
    (always nasty if you have this huge army split or stuck by wreckage. It would be great however if tiny bots would get cover from it)

    artilery range probing, together with the above you can pinpoint the weak link and eliminate the chain.

    A mod to modify the unit system, making you choose what defense+offense+movement you take and how much you invest in it. Messes up the complete game balance completely though. (build units from scratch)

    Although they will already have more naval options then TA, a mod to create a complete underwater base, wheter or not turtled up in a terraformed chasm.

    Depending on the engine, a mod which gives you a terraform unit or building which let you change the the kind of planet.

    but hey, that is just some of my hopes...
  9. dalante

    dalante Member

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    Redefine all naval units as orbital units.
    Because by god there are going to be spaceships.
  10. zachb

    zachb Member

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    DotA but with robots...... no that's dumb.

    Well as someone who plans on playing PA at a lot of LAN parties I am going to see if I can make the multiplayer a little more inclusive so that people who die early or show up late have something to do, "Sorry you were out making a pizza run, or got rushed 5 minutes in. As soon as we finish up this match you can hop in the next one... maybe you could play some skyrim or something while we finish up."

    By the way watching someone playing Skyrim alone at a lan party is the saddest thing you'll ever see.

    One thing I have seen in the past are RTSs where you are allowed to join an in progress game as a spectator. Then you detect any active spectators, find a spawn point, give em some units, and redefine them as an active player. So someone joins, spends half a second as an observer, and then is back in play. Maybe not the best solution but it beats having them twiddle their thumbs for an hour.

    Or in a team game when someone dies you turn off the code that kicks them right away. Then their team mates can donate them units.
  11. Yourtime

    Yourtime Member

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    beeing able through trash in space creating asteriods or even planets through several asteriods..
  12. vincentvascaul

    vincentvascaul New Member

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    a full on Battletech (Mechwarrior) RTS conversion with everything from Elementals to Aerospace to Dropships and if possible Jumpships and Warships.
  13. supremevoid

    supremevoid Member

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    Well poorly i can´t mod in any way :(.All i can is changing some values in xml files.
    But if I would make a STARGATE mod I LOVE STARGATE.But I hope there is another guy who loves Stargate as me and makes a Stargate mod.
  14. captainshootalot

    captainshootalot Member

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    If I ever could, I would make some kind of subfactions, similar to Civilization, Rise of Nations, Red Alert 2, etc.

    But in a different way, your opponents who were determined in de game lobby (presuming there will be in-game diplomacy) won't know what subfaction you chose, and you'll get opportunity to choose the subfactions with your predetermined team, to make the most efficient decisions.

    But, your chosen subfaction's bonus units would be shared within your predetermined team, so every team would have a different pool of units. To keep the excitement of getting to know what faction you are playing against in the game, and some diversity beween armies.
  15. sacrificiallamb

    sacrificiallamb Member

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    I would like to make a single player GW scenario, with custom commanders with abilities unit pool. With the commanders being the only sentient AIs and you being a newly constructed commander learning. With other faction commanders in simultaneous and/or asynchronous battles. But I strongly suspect I'm unlikely to have the time or know how to follow through.
  16. thapear

    thapear Member

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    I'll probably be doing some UI stuff, like I did with SupCom FA.
  17. RCIX

    RCIX Member

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    Experimentals with ACTUAL drawbacks and unit rebalancing to mix things up when I get bored of how the default units work.
  18. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    A planet dependent army, with units having their movement changed to suit the environment.

    Like Hovercraft for water worlds, legs and spiders for rocky worlds, jet packs and hydrogen balloons for gas giants and of course wheels/treads for everything else.

    That way you have a full arsenal for each world, with slight differences per modification.
  19. paulzeke

    paulzeke Member

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    Two ideas

    Think something Command and Conquer Red Alert 2 style. Alternative 20th century timeline with over the top unit design and animated intros for the missions. It would also draw heavily from Starship Troopers humor

    It would be a 2 factioned mod - an American Empire vs the Space Nazis fighting for supremacy across the solar system

    I'd already done some preliminary design on how this would work as an FPS mod, but I'd rather fit it into Planetary Annihilation


    I'd design a plant-based faction with very different abilities from the robots. The idea being that it would be awesome to play as the planet's fighting back against all these robots that keep blowing craters in them.

    So picture playing against a normal PA robot army as a side that uses terraforming and weather systems as a primary attack method. It would be about defending some "god-tree" that serves as the nervous center for the plant network, and the game becomes about using herds of animals, birds, and trent-like tree-creatures to fight back against the robot invaders. You'd be able to grow huge vine-tree complexes to make movement difficult for the robots, setting traps all over the planet to slow their advance
  20. Pawz

    Pawz Active Member

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    I'd probably explore the idea of logistics. I know many people here are apt to shout about how it adds too much micro and so on, but I've always been fascinated with the immense amount of effort that goes into getting that one tank on the battlefield. Games like Harvest: Massive Encounter and M.A.X. have some interesting mechanics that I haven't seen in an RTS, and it would be fun to see whether or not the naysayers are correct: Is it possible to add logistics to the game and keep it fun and engaging?

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