What Other RTS Games Have You Played?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by wolfdogg, September 21, 2012.

  1. keinash

    keinash New Member

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    By reading this topic remembered a lot of good games like Age of Empires and Dungeon Keeper I used to play a lot in my past and would like to play them now.

    Red Alert 1,2,3
    Starcraft 1,2
    Age of Empires 1,2
    Supreme Commander 1
    Total Annihilation
    Warcraft 2,3
    Knights of Honor
    Homeworld 2
    Warzone 2100
    Rise of Nations
    Dungeon Keeper 2
    Dune 2000
  2. cptkilljack

    cptkilljack Member

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    Homeworld Cataclysm
    Homeworld 2
    Supreme Commander & SC:FA
    Supreme Commander 2
    European Escalation

    A lot of homeworld. Was about what the old pentium 3 before i built my computer could play and my parents never let me buy much. So it was a lot of homeworld games for a long time.
  3. wolfdogg

    wolfdogg Member

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    This is what I was hoping to achieve :D
  4. deloi

    deloi New Member

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    Anno 2070 [I like this one.]
    Anno 1401
    Age of Empires II (+ all expansions)
    Age of Empires III (+ all expansions) [I like this one.]
    Age pf Mythology + the Titans expansion [I like this one.]
    Black and white
    Black and white II
    Command and Counqer: Tiberium sun
    Command and Counquer 3: Tiberium wars + the Kane's Wrath expansion [I like this one.]
    Command and Counquer 4: Tiberium twilight (Realy didnt like this one as much as the third installment, but i finished it once or twice)
    Command and Counquer: Red Alert
    Command and Counquer: Red Alert 3 + the Uprising expansion
    Command and Counquer: Generals [I like this one.]
    Company of Heroes + all expansions [I realy like this one.]
    Dark Reign
    Dungeon Keeper II
    Empire: Total War
    Empire Earth
    Empire Earth II
    Empire Earth III
    Impossible Creatures
    Ground Control II
    Halo Wars
    Homeworld II [I like this one.]
    Napoleon: Total War
    Nexus: The jupiter incident (No basebuilding so im not sure its considered a rts)
    Starcraft + the broodwars expansion [I like this one.]
    Starcraft II: Wings of liberty [I like this one.]
    Starwars: Empire at war + the Forces of corruption expansion [I like this one.]
    Supreme Commander + the Forged Alliance expansion [I like this one.]
    Supreme Commander 2 (+ DLC)
    Sid Meier's Civ V (+ expansion)
    Sins of a solar empire (+ all expansions) [I like this one.]
    Sword of the stars (+ expansions) (I have sword of the stars II but i still consider it unfinished) [I like this one.]
    Total Annihilation
    Total War: SHOGUN 2
    Lotr: Battle for middle earth [I like this one.]
    Lotr: Battle for middle earth II + the Rise of angmar expansion [I like this one.]
    Universe at War
    Warcraft III (+ expansion) [I like this one.]
    Warhammer: Battle March
    Warhammer 40k: Dawn of war + all expansions (Winter assult, Dark crusade, Soulstorm) [I realy like this one.]
    Warhammer 40k: Dawn of war II + The Chaos Rising expansion [I like this one.]

    World in Conflict

    Im certain i have forgotten a bunch of games... I have atleast finished whatever single player they have on all these games or played them aloot in multiplayer. Some of them (Like Dawn of war and company of heroes for example) i realy love and still play to this day.

    Hmm seems like many of my favorite strategy games are made by relic entertainment, go figure (They tend to try new things).

    I prefear supreme commander (and love the game btw) and its expansion forged alliance over supreme commander II. I did play total annihilation but didnt like it that much (Yes i know heresy, considering that i loved supreme commander that is heavily inspired by total annihilation i belive its just the limits of the old game that prevents me from liking it).
  5. klewis5

    klewis5 Member

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    Age of Empires 2 + 3
    Rome: Total War
    Medieval II: Total War
    Empire: Total War
    Shogun II: Total War
    Supreme Commander + SC:FA
    Supreme Commander 2
    Company of Heroes
    Galactic Civilizations (1 or 2, can't remember)
  6. FlandersNed

    FlandersNed Member

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    *runs away quickly*

    I never really played RTS games. I was hoping that PA would introduce me to the genre, though I did just buy TA (which is a great game) during the sale on GOG.
  7. wolfdogg

    wolfdogg Member

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    Oh yeah I forgot about this game. I only did sp campaign in that. Was ok but had some serious shortcomings. I can't say I struggled with the game because I played it on the xbox 360, but I think it could've been so much better if it was originally developed for PC only.

    I loved the campaign of WiC. I thought the ending was really well thought out. It's hard to post about it without spoilers but... after you have spent the whole game thinking the guy was an incompetent coward, what he does is pretty heroic.
  8. deloi

    deloi New Member

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    Honeslty speaking Halo Wars is bloody awful in a gameplay perspective. I mean, they did okey considering its on xbox 360, but i agree that it would have been so much better on a pc.

    But i love it anyway since im a Halo fanboy. Just watching those warthogs driving around with allmost the same movements (physics) as in the fps halo games is awsome.

    For me a game with awsome lore and story (Offcourse the story wasent that good either in Halo Wars xD) can still be worth playing even if the gameplay sucks. Its all about the feeling i get when i play, for me.
  9. xnavigator

    xnavigator Member

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    every c&c
    and a bunch of other RTS

    Red Alert 3 played competitivly
  10. Batosai33

    Batosai33 New Member

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    adding time played for ones with significant time investment that i can remember

    Supreme Commander (series) 500+hrs
    Total Anihilation
    Sins of a solar empire (series) 300+hrs
    Age of Empires II
    Stronghold II
    Empire Earth II
    StarCraft (series) 200+hrs
    Warcraft III + expansion 200+hrs
    C&C RA 3
    Shogun 2 Total War
    GalCiv II

    i don't play a lot of RTSs, but when I do, I play them for a long time
  11. brandonpotter

    brandonpotter Well-Known Member

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    Total Annihilation
    Total Annihilation: Core Contingency
    Total Annihilation: Battle Tactics
    Supreme Commander
    Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance
    Supreme Commander 2

    Yup. only RTS games I have ever played.
  12. larsethearse

    larsethearse Member

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    Strategic Conquest (if it counts... it was turn based)
    Dune 2
    Command & Conquer
    Red Alert
    Red Alert 2
    Warcraft 1
    Warcraft 2
    Warcraft 3
    Total Annihilation
    Homeworld Cataclysm
    Homeworld 2
    World in Conflict
    Supreme Commander
    Supreme Commander FA
    Supreme Commander 2

    I feel so old... and RTS has gone a long way
  13. neddie

    neddie New Member

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    I'll list them in order of when I first played them;

    Warcraft II
    Age Of Empires II
    XTA (Spring)
    Command & Conquer: Generals
    Absolute Annihilation (Spring)
    Age Of Empires
    Warcraft III
    Expand & Exterminate (Spring)
    Dawn Of War
    Total Annihilation
    Earth 2160
    Gundam RTS (Spring)
    Spring 1944 (Spring)
    Kernel Panic (Spring)
    Sins Of A Solar Empire
    Supreme Commander
    NOTA (Spring)
    Complete Annihilation (Spring)
    The Cursed (Spring)
    Zero-K (Spring)
    Supreme Commander 2
    Dawn Of War II

    I left out games that I didn't play at least twenty hours of, as well as whatever I forgot. I stopped playing RTS entirely after burning out on Starcraft years and years ago. The Spring projects brought me back to the genre, though after half a decade I dropped away again.
  14. doctorzuber

    doctorzuber New Member

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    I played DUNE.

    Damn I feel old saying that. Suffice to say I'm not even going to TRY to list my entire history of RTS titles, because it would be a daunting task and would inevitably be an incomplete list. Suffice to say, I've played a fair number of RTS games over the years.

    And I must say, I still remember DUNE. It's just not the same without giant freakin' worms periodically reaching up out of the sand to eat your units. I miss those days.
  15. pureriffs

    pureriffs Member

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    Dam Dune was amazing, i had it on the Amiga. That really seemed like something fresh lol

    I liked populous 1 and 2 and also megalomania, they dont make games like this any more. Oh and dungeon keeper kicked *** too. Shame we did not get the 3rd edition.

    TA was a great step up as was sup com FA. No other RTS can compare to these two games really.
  16. lordantag

    lordantag Member

    Likes Received:
    Command and Conquer Series (All of them)
    Total Annihilation
    Supreme Commander: FA
    Ground Control
    Warcraft 2 & 3
    Starcraft, Brood War & Starcraft 2
    Total War series (Shogun 1 & 2, Medieval 2, Rome 1, Empire & Napoleon)
    The Settlers 2, 3 & 6
    Age of Empires 2 & 3
    Homeworld 1 & 2
    Star Wars: Empire at War
    Company of Heroes
    Dungeon Keeper 2
    D&D: Dragonshard

    I`m considering here games I played for at least 10 hours. At some I have clocked above a hundred hours (not hard with The Settlers 3)
  17. Pluisjen

    Pluisjen Member

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    Lets see...

    - C&C, Red Alert, Tiberium Sun, Red Alert 2, Tiberium Dawn
    - Dune 2000 & Emperor
    - Dawn of War 1 & 2
    - Stronghold 1, Crusader, and 2
    - Imperium Galactica 2
    - Homeworld
    - Total Annihilation ofc
    - Warcraft 1,2 & 3
    - Starcraft 1 & 2
    - Total War (shogun, rome, medieval, empire, medieval 2, total war 2)
    - Battle for Middle Earth
    - Dungeon Keeper 1 & 2
    - Majesty 1 & 2
    - Some Settlers games
    - Earth 2140, 2150
    - Age of Empires I, II, III
    - Z

    - A whole bunch of crappy ones and smaller ones that I can't remember the name off
    - Probably a few big ones I'm forgetting
  18. mrlukeduke

    mrlukeduke Member

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    It all started with Malfador's Space Empires 3... then 4. OK, these are turn based but that made me go looking for an RTS that'd run on 32Mb of RAM.

    Then my friend bought Total Annihilation and I went nuts with that for years.

    Battle for Middle Earth 2.

    SupCom 1, 2.

    StarCraft 2.
  19. infinitycanvas

    infinitycanvas Well-Known Member

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    Silver League Starcraft II.

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