Confirmed features and suggestions

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by xedi, August 17, 2012.

  1. diagoras

    diagoras New Member

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    This seems reasonable. One color for your units, one color for friendlies, one color for enemies, another color for neutrals? But, all colors (from your perspective) are customizable. Your enemies might appear red, someone else's enemies might be white or yellow. As a person who's colorblind, this kind of customization would be extremely welcome. (I'm looking at you, EVERY OTHER GAME that uses red/green to differentiate between friendly and enemy)
  2. olodn

    olodn New Member

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    What about:

    Giant lenses that could be used to melt the enemy with the power of the sun.

    Units with AI, Build a subcommander that could build a base at a designated location without micro.
  3. Alcheon

    Alcheon Member

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    i like this one, reminds me of the SAPL from john ringo's troy series, coul be an interesting mechanic, partucularily if there is some orbital mechanics involved, the weapon would have to wait until there were no blocking planets, rotation etc... until it could fire on its target, could be a fun weapon

    initially this sounded like a good idea but many repeated discussion in multiple threads it was revealed that the majority of potential players would prefer a more robust and supported template system as opposed to any AI assistance, and honestly i think a more developed template system is probably a better idea from a gameplay perspective and probably much more enjoyable for the player
  4. pletcherayo

    pletcherayo New Member

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    uggs norge nettbutikk

    Cette désavantage pour vous aider tribunal secteur articles et commentaires est en réalité qui considérant qu'il est certainement absolument libre pour nous tous, un assez grand nombre de concurrents votre concours peut éventuellement pouvez télécharger ces individus pour démarrer. à peu près tous seul site en ligne doit être classique et, en outre tout à fait unique pendant que vous possèdent exactement les mêmes catégorie, cela pourrait être une sorte votre obstacle. Plus, vous pouvez vraiment modifier lui ou elle un peu lttle ensemble beaucoup plus expression de recherche et même Les expressions-clés mots-clés et phrases-clés pour la fabrication de ces plus désirable. asics udsalg À l'heure actuelle, i Comme choisir leur stratégie principalement à l'intérieur d'un poésie; un seul milieu essentielle métaphore la divers une moindre quantité de considérable personnes croissant sur elle. Pour paraphraser, par Noël fois arbrisseau vrai dire il venir à être seulement 1 plutôt éblouissante star de cinéma ainsi.
  5. braunbaer

    braunbaer New Member

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  6. wildcard84

    wildcard84 New Member

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    I would like to see space ships. Huge vessels floating in the low orbit and raining devastation to the planet.

    And ofcourse these ships would battle in the void against each other aswell.

    (This was something many modders, including myself, were trying to achieve on SupCom / Forged Alliance)

    BTW, going with the devs previous titles, has there been any word / confirmation / topics on PA "Experimentals"
  7. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Yes, there more than likely won't be any. If there are, they will be few and far between.

    Basically, PA will not be a game about experimentals. The community has also had many in-depth discussions on the pros and cons of very large units (which some may call experimental). The consensus is that they're fraught with problems.
  8. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    I guess planet killers will be in the same bin as every other unit?
  9. ninja9k

    ninja9k New Member

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    one thing i would like to see is to be able to turn off unit limit
  10. thapear

    thapear Member

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    Already confirmed.
  11. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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  12. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Turn off in the sense that you can do that in a config file yes. It's kind of a dumb idea though because all it means is you crash instead of not being able to create more units.
  13. TerrorScout

    TerrorScout Member

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    So will the unit limit auto scale based on the number or servers or available memory then?

    Or do you just mean there wont be a limit on the limit so you should just set it so high its impossible to reach the limit in say 24hrs or however long your game will go?
  14. thapear

    thapear Member

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    What he means is there will be a way to turn off the limit altogether, so there's nothing stopping you from crashing on an out of memory message. This is done to allow the game to be increasingly large on computers with increasing amounts of memory. Since the theoretical limit of 64-bit computing is 16 exbibytes of RAM, this is a smart move.
  15. drtonychoppper

    drtonychoppper New Member

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    How about dancing units?
  16. yxalitis

    yxalitis New Member

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    The D-Gun, and its ability to WTFPWN everything, is the subject of some controversy.

    Here are some Ideas for the D-Gun in PA, feel free to tear them to shreds, but please try and be constructive.

    The D-Gun is not a “one size fits them all device”, or does it have to be, the D-Gun is a tool that can evolve with the commander.
    Early game, the D-Gun is a smallish AoE effect weapon, the temporally disables enemy mobile units in a circle around the commander. This has a longish cooldown, so you can still overwhelm the commander early game. Specifically this will prevent the commander from wiping out the enemy base in an early raid.
    Stun lasts a few minutes.

    As the Commander is upgraded, options are available for the D-Gun.
    Early upgrade is to damage units in the radius, instead of stunning them, but only enough to kill T1 units
    Increase radius of the stun/damage, allow it to effect buildings as well as mobile units, but long cooldowns remain.
    Later on the Commander can access more advanced upgrades
    Focus fire, more like traditional D-Gun, can be upgraded along this path to be capable of taking down an experimental, just like the good old days.
    Focus Stun, if you didn’t go down the damage route, a stun blast that effects all units in a radius surrounding impact.

    There, just some ideas, let rip guys!
  17. Alcheon

    Alcheon Member

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    i never really liked the experimental as they were in supcom, but i do like the idea of the commander being upgraded to become the experimental unit as has been discussed in some of the threads here, give the user a few options for some upgrades that transforms your commander physically and mentally from the mild mannered construction unit that he usually is into a walking weapon of war to bring death and destruction to your enemies, it keeps people from overuse of experimentals , the only experimentla that you get cannot be risked on a one way suicide push because he's also your commander, it also has the added bonus of providing him with additional Armour and protection in late game when he basically becomes a liability, because no-one wants a lightly armored nuclear bomb walking around their base
  18. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    An upgrading commander might be cool. It might even be a necessity, given the highly scaling nature of the game.

    I don't think combat upgrades are necessarily the only endgame, though. A late game commander is going to have his whole army to buffer against attack. Rather, he's going to need ways to avoid snipe tactics like planet killers, nukes, and bombing runs, which aren't really things you can defend. This means new abilities like a recall device, personal antinuke, cloaking(Which was in TA), or faster teleport travel. When it hits the fan, it's time to get out of dodge!
  19. Vieral

    Vieral New Member

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    If I may suggest something. Toggleable planet lock: Consider making a way to lock the view to a planet. that way you can strategic zoom only that planet and not worry about messing yourself up scrolling too high so you can focus on the battle.
  20. elexis

    elexis Member

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    Sorry to pick on you vieral, everyone is doing it.
    Please post your ideas either in a related existing topic or create your own topic for it to be discussed.

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