When theres more than 2 of the same class on your team?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Reltsirk, December 12, 2010.

  1. Reltsirk

    Reltsirk New Member

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    What normally goes through your head?
    Does it make you change class?
    Do you care what class you play?
    Do you prefer games having a diverse set of classes?
    Does it really matter to you?

    I feel like picking 3 of the same class is frowned upon in most cases after two have already chosen that class, I'm usually one for diversity and all and having a little bit of everything. However, What do you think when your in a public game, and "that guy" picks a class there's already 2 of at the beginning.

    Its usually not a problem for me as a tank player since the latter doesnt play tank, however when I want to play something else, I usually get dragged back into tank due to the class selection. Is there such a thing as too much of one class?
  2. Fighter4Christ

    Fighter4Christ New Member

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    This is what I do in the vast majority of my games, unless I know there are capable people on the other team. If that is the case, I will only go with classes I too am capable with. But usually, I am one of the last people to choose my class so I can see both what my team has AND the other team.
  3. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    I can go Support/Tank/Gunner so I can fill gaps as necessary. normally it's not a huge problem if the people know what they're doing, but too many slayers and not enough pushers (or vice versa) could really gimp up a team. If the other team has 3 decent assassins I pray for just one more tank, otherwise bot pushing comes to a standstill.
  4. utopia6

    utopia6 New Member

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    I usually pick tank or gunner because I try to push bots, and not necessarily try for kills. There usually aren't very many tanks and its what Im good at doing.
  5. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Tank for pushing with a side of slaying, or gunner for slaying with a side of pushing.

    Assassin if we have too many of both tanks and gunners (IE: They are all snipers and assaults)
  6. xl G h o S 7 lx

    xl G h o S 7 lx New Member

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    I pick the same class i would normally play. All thats important is how well i do compared to how well my team does. :roll:
  7. Cardboardwarior

    Cardboardwarior New Member

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    I hate it when the class select menu doesn't feature one of each class. It's why I learned to play all of the classes effectively, except for sniper because screw snipers.
  8. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    If I notice my team has 2+ Assassins, I will go Assassin for 2 reasons.

    1. I am 99% sure they will suck and we're gonna need an Assassin that can actually do something.
    2. To show them how a competent Assassin plays.
  9. cq217

    cq217 Member

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    yah, if u play a pub game and at least 2 other people on ur team are the same class, most of the time they are going to be horrible on it.
    Then I just choose my best class to make up for it
  10. grindout

    grindout Member

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    I like games that have diverse classes, but 2 of a class on a team is fine even 3 is fine for gunner/sniper/support/ and even tank. But 3 or more of assassins and or assaults get kind of annoying and boring.

    But I never change my class unless its for fun randomly.
  11. Grec

    Grec New Member

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    It pisses me off that people think they can Snipe as well as Greciler. It makes me even angrier when they're in the same spot as me because they're copying me and they're stealing my kills by killing the people I'm grappling and shooting the people I've frozen while I'm in the middle of something.

    It makes me want to go into the tv, pull them into the game and F*CKING KILL HIM WITH A GUNNER 3 GRAPPLE (because you know the gunner takes the minigun which looks like it weighs a lot and effortlessly swings it at them)
  12. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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  13. soulrampage

    soulrampage New Member

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    I usually choose a class that isn't already on the team, in that way I try to balance the game, add variety ,and take care of that class' specific role...
  14. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    I play every class and I usually try to fill the gaps. I check what my team is and try to balance the bot pushers (I categorize Assassin and Tank as such) vs the pro killers (Assault and Gunner). I don't categorize Sniper because he's a bit different, and Support is obviously support. My most-played class is Support just because I hate playing on teams that don't have a Support. If there is a Support, I'll usually pick something else because it definitely gets boring playing one class too much.

    There are times where I'll just say "**** my team" and pick whatever I feel like picking, though.
  15. Special C

    Special C New Member

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    It really depends on the classes. The only class you really HAVE to have one of is Support so your turrets don't get whittled down. Having 3 Assaults can actually be really good because they frustrate a lot of classes as long as you have at least one support and a couple of bot pushers. Assassins or Snipers in 3s is really bad. A Good team can have 3 supports too. I wouldn't want to have 3 gunners or tanks but I wouldn't mind having 2.
  16. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    Three assaults could take the gap between pro waves to devastate their bots with their grenade launchers.

    If you're an assault, and your weapon isn't firing, then A: You don't think its your job to help with bots or B: You died and you're on your way back to the action.

    For most people I run into, its A. I rarely see an assault with his grenade launcher out. Its a great suppression weapon.
  17. Mellowbusiness

    Mellowbusiness New Member

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    I usually switch classes because i can fill a niche for any team (though sniper is my worst, still good though)

    Unless my team is absolute trash, i can go positive 15+ and win games by my efforts with any class (sometimes not because either my team just decimates the entire team and the game last literaly a minute and a half and only get 3-7 kills).
  18. CrazyCarl

    CrazyCarl New Member

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    I usually will switch between Assassin and Assault depending if my team already has 2 of either, but if not I usually switch every game between the two. I'll try out other classes as well but I'm not as proficient.
  19. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    I play support
  20. FB Zombie Chaos

    FB Zombie Chaos New Member

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    I'll play support. Even if there is 5 of them....

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