What's your biggest worry about this game?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by qwerty3w, November 1, 2012.

  1. qwerty3w

    qwerty3w Active Member

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    My first biggest worry is about the camera control, with multiple spherical playgrounds, it can be a bit unhandy.

    My second biggest worry is about the space, it is a new type of terrain boundary for rts games, I'm not completely sure that the developers can do it right, If it is too hard to cross, the early game might be quite boring, if it is too easy to cross, defending a base might become too hard since the enemy can land at anywhere on your planet easily.

    What's yours?
    Last edited: November 1, 2012
  2. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    My biggest worry is the game will have units, planets, resources, textures, animations, projectile weapons, light effects, sound effects, interface, title screen, network protocols, combat, an installer, an executable.... :roll:
  3. sylvesterink

    sylvesterink Active Member

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    I honestly don't have any major concerns. There's a lot of weird stuff being discussed on the forums, but there were weirder things being discussed on the GPG forums when Supcom was being developed. (Or whatever they called the forums back then.) Still, Supcom turned out very well, so I figure I can trust that the devs know what they're doing. ;)

    My only real concern is how Linux support will be implemented and the details around that, but that can wait until the game reaches testing stages.
  4. ultramarine777

    ultramarine777 Member

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    I have only one concern and that will be the amount of awesome defences and artillery cannons. My favorite part of TA was building intimidators, Punishers, and plasma cannons as well as laser defences. I love killing the enemy from far then sending in my troops to clean out scattered enemy forces. I hope that this game will have extreme long ranged cannons and defenses to those.
  5. thorneel

    thorneel Member

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    My biggest worry is how powerful will be the modding tools and the engine, as I'm pretty confident that the game itself will be great.
  6. th33x1l3

    th33x1l3 New Member

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    yeah, and it would be sweet if it had support for steamworks (view of mods and automatic download of them). Also the camera component. For a game with wide spawn battle in real time a good camera and event system is a must.
  7. zachb

    zachb Member

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    Mainly balance, by adding in all the orbital stuff and planet smashing we are doing something new, which is going to lead to a lot of people trying new tactics that the developers never predicted, this game is going to need a lot of patches and post launch tweaking.

    Also I am kind of anxious to get my hands on the modding tools and see what I can and cannot do.
  8. tommie77

    tommie77 New Member

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    my biggest worry is how the game runs on older computer setups what the FPS will be like, hw smooth the game will run
  9. voodoomaster

    voodoomaster Member

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    I hope the graphic will be epic ^^
  10. efoe

    efoe New Member

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    My biggest worry is that the game will have too strong defenses. I never liked turtling and hated to be forced to turtle, only to crack open the other turtles with experimentals.

    I want massive attacks with huge armies. (not moving in stiff blocks!) I want to counter attack assaults with own units, I want my defenses to delay and turn the tide with armies. I want to make several layers of defenses, lose them, retake them, rebuild them, conquer a ridge, reinforce that, and begin all over again. While massing a new assault that will conquer a part of the enemy front.

    In short: I want the dynamic and epic battles like those of TA! :) No uber long range tough defenses and no experimentals please :)
  11. m374llic4

    m374llic4 New Member

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    My biggest worry is that it will not come out soon enough. : \
  12. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    My worry is that the game will be designed for the Pro's leaving most players unable to enjoy it without using the same strategy's.
  13. jctorta

    jctorta New Member

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    "My worry is that the game will be designed for the Pro's leaving most players unable to enjoy it without using the same strategy's."

    I agree Allot of online games are becoming newbie killing grounds for people that have ALLOT of free? time to play the game. There are Allot of more casual players that just can't compete in the time sink it takes to be competitive (or even survive) in that environment. Do not want to compete in a hostile environment (as allot of lobbies are now)
    I play with quite a few people that play well but are not as good at . . mousing. And that effectively cripples them to the point of being newbie fodder. I have gotten a few to play Starcraft Or Supcom vs myself (in which I always tried a wacky tactic to see if it would work to even things out – or slowed the game down) or did coop vs AIs.
    One taste of online play in the “normal” channels turned them off completely. Making most multilayer games no go's if they do not have single player or skirmish.
    So do not Dumb it down! But make it more accessible! as it was the not strategy or hardness that was the problem it was the frantic mousing. Allow scalable and optional automated support or something comparable to assist people that can't do lightning mouse gymnastics and hyper fast micromanaging and put some more strategy back in RTS's
  14. norsa

    norsa New Member

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    My biggest worry is that the game will be to fast. In that the units might move really fast and be really micro intensive!
    I loved the good old total annihilation and the speed that game used and hope PA will be about the same! (I find sc2 to be to fast aswell taking away from the strategy and moving the focus over on tactics/micro)
  15. bobc7

    bobc7 New Member

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    My biggest worry is how the game looks. I really loved the promo video and the style of the animations. I hope that this can be replicated in the game. I'm an original Total Annihilation user and remember how amazed I was when I bought it in 1997.

    I think the gameplay will be good and I'm not worried by that but I've always preferred certain styles of game look / animation. So I'm worried about how it will look, my preference is the promo video look "fingers crossed"
  16. bobc7

    bobc7 New Member

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    My biggest worry is how the game looks. I really loved the promo video and the style of the animations. I hope that this can be replicated in the game. I'm an original Total Annihilation user and remember how amazed I was when I bought it in 1997.

    I think the gameplay will be good and I'm not worried by that but I've always preferred certain styles of game look / animation. So I'm worried about how it will look, my preference is the promo video look "fingers crossed"
  17. MasterKane

    MasterKane Member

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    Exact opposite here. My biggest worry is that balance will favor fast-paced, aggressive and micro-intensive play which I never enjoyed. Vanilla SupCom's shift towards less nervous gameplay with more defence elements, high-tech warfare and massive encounters, was a big step forward to my notion of an ideal RTS, so I hope PA will follow this trend.
  18. Veleiro

    Veleiro Member

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    My biggest concern, i can't deny it, is that it will not match the art style that I have envisioned from seeing the commander concept art and the metal planet render. I love the idea of the bright colors and simplified polygons, but I do not like the idea of a cartooney game. I am hoping the units will have a realistic scale with the structures, I am hoping the art style won't have exaggerated features like big heads or inproportional design.

    Like I said, I really like what I've seen from the concept art and renders so far, but I am scared that it could go too cartooney in the future.
  19. iampetard

    iampetard Active Member

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    My only concern is that the game will consume me and that I'll forget about the real world completely.

    I probably have around 1000 hours of TA from 2005 until now and around 300 hours of SupCom.. considering I'm here since the beginning of PA I have a feeling I will have bajillion hours very quickly...
  20. japporo

    japporo Active Member

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    My biggest worry is that the game area will be too "big". Let's say there are 2-3 planets in a system, each about the size of a 20x20 SupCom map (seems like a reasonable minimum size for something as big as a planet), and a number of asteroids. You're effectively managing a battle front on each of those planets and some asteroids. Seems that battles might be decided by whoever can do the most APM (actions per minute) and multitask the best.

    (Second biggest worry: not enough cool voiceovers from John Lowrie. :) )

    Turtling does not seem like a viable option at all. A player that hides in his base on one planet is simply going to lose control of the other planets and have the other player crush him purely through economic might.

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