If you were making this game, what would you add

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by travelingt93, November 1, 2012.

  1. travelingt93

    travelingt93 New Member

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    Just wanted to give a list of what i would like to place in this game, if i was making it, and i thought i would see what every one else thought as well.
    My List:
    1.Since they are robots, it would be cool to be able to fuse the destroyed bodies of two or more dead units. Think about the combinations you could get, and while it would take some resources, rebuilding an army would be much more interesting.
    2. Space battles, i know they keep saying things about this, but if you could add the ability to have like real time troop movement across the galaxy, it would add another level to building armies and logistics. If you had to think about your units being destroyed in transit between planets, and you would build like giant protection fleets, or had to be more smuggler about it. That would be really cool.
    3. Corporations: in the big forty person Multi-player games, if you could in game form an alliance, and doing so would have a economic impact, like you could create a trade route between two players, and their planets. You could get large corporations facing off, and if they could be made persistent, large corporation could face off against each other to see who is best at this game.
    Let me see yours
  2. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    1A. Space combat.
    1B (If 1A was forbidden). Orbital space ships (viewtopic.php?f=61&t=40426).

    2. Aloot of buildings made for making astroids/moons/planets into mobile battle stations (for example, deep artillery sites submerged into the surface, they can take more of a beating but only fire at other planets/moons/astroids).

    Yes i like space.

    3. Robots that behave logicaly like the soldiers in company of heroes (Takes cover and such) and the terrain that is included.

    Now wouldent that be awsome?

    4. Modifiable units and a module system (Being able to design and swap different modules on bigger units and weapons/equipment on smaller units) and a BIG tech tree (think something simular to sword of the stars) with different weapon types and such (So you can customize units endlessly).

    Combine this with 3 and you have a very intressting army.
  3. travelingt93

    travelingt93 New Member

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    Imagine if you take your 4(modular robots) and combine it with my 2(combining dead robots), that would make for one really interesting army late game, with almost chimera like creations in your army with a host of interesting combinations of powers. Also the mobile battle station idea is awesome, i would love to have a like a flotilla of artillery asteroids that i move around pounding on planets.
  4. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    The mobile battle stations isent my idea, and are allredy confirmed, i just want buildings made for the purpose and expand the idea (if i made the game) xD.

    (A assumption is being made on my part that there will be damageing artillery that can be fired between worlds like the unit cannon in the trailer).
  5. zachb

    zachb Member

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    I'd try to make the SupCom shields workable. No matter how game breaking they were, there is something aesthetically neat about seeing a giant shimmering bubble over a base.

    I am hoping that the only real problem with shields was the ridiculous overlapping, and that adding one odd mechanic would magically fix everything, like if shields shared HP, or if when one shield popped it would pop all the shields it touched.
  6. captainshootalot

    captainshootalot Member

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    1. Space Platforms/ Artificial, randomly generated structures in space and on planets

    2. Robots with melee weapons

    3. Flamethrowers, Cryo weaponry, Toxic sprays, that kind of stuff

    4. The ability to make some kind of facility that can produce little upgrade packs that can be dropped and give units upgrades like extra barrels and weapons.

    5A. Lots of different ACU's to choose between, each with weaponry
    5B. A 'Last Stand' gamemode with these different ACU's

    6. STEEL REIN ( Drop pods, perhaps from dropships or orbital stations)

    7. Some kind of Creepy Node thing that can make improvised units from unreclaimed metal, like Necrons

    8. And a whole bunch of other stuff
  7. travelingt93

    travelingt93 New Member

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    That would be awesome, the best thing with this would be to have a shield that you would cover a planet in, that would be the best, to just have a massive shield, imagine what it would look like as it took hits from orbital bombardment
  8. wraith84

    wraith84 New Member

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    The thing I want most is an RTS where your imagination is the only thing limiting you.

    1st - customizable units (I liked this a lot in Earth 2160 but maybe even more customizable, need to be balanced very carefully for this to work though.)

    2nd - more physics (so you can bring down a mountain on someone or flood their base or something)

    3rd - localized economy and ammo cost (so you could actually win a minor battle by cutting off supplies and then waiting for them to run out of ammo)

    4th - modular damage (homeworld 2 had this and it was great!)

    5th - more control over the units AI (can tell units how to prioritize their fire or tell a nuke to detonate in the air or on contact or even in its silo)

    6th - custom races, able to chose which areas they specialize in (this way you can't just memorize the perfect counters to every unit/race, have to re-learn each battle)
  9. thorneel

    thorneel Member

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    If I was making the game with unlimited funds and time, it would be about the epic struggle of (at least) three factions. It would have a heavily story-driven campaign showing the complexity of each faction, how they are not as united and evil as it looks from the exterior, how they are fighting for survival and near desperate, it would feature alliances, betrayals, heroes, monsters and more generally people caught into something bigger than them and they can't stop.
    It would be like the SupCom campaign, in fact, but done correctly.
    The first parts of the campaign would each time be before the character has become a Commander, as the pilot of a combat unit or even as part of a local militia caught in a bigger battle.
    The entire game would be made as seen from a first-person perspective, what the player sees would be what the character sees from inside their Commander unit. In a mission of the campaign where, say, you begin with a stealth unit and try to infiltrate the enemy place and get into a Commander, you would actually see the image disappear, jump from the stealth unit's cockpit into the Commander unit's and see everything reactivate, all in first-person.
    Everything would be real-sized, but you wouldn't fight for the entire planet or system. Instead, you would fight for a small portion of it, in a very precise battlefield, while a bigger war is going on around you. Later in the campaign and in massive multiplayer games, you would actually control an entire region with multiple Commanders under your orders, choosing how and where to deploy them, who should support who and such...
    Commanders wouldn't be the only weapon. There would also be elite fighting units, used as garrison. As such, Commanders wouldn't be sent right in the middle of the enemy position, but away, to build an army before attacking. Which means that a defending Commander may arrive later but receive reinforcements as the game progresses from those units. Said units wouldn't be all robots, some would be piloted by humans.
    There would also be massive spaceship battles in orbit, explaining why you don't take a laser hail on the head as soon as you arrive on a new planet.

    Now, what I would do if I was making Planetary Anihilation.

    - I would take the flat tech tree idea from Zero-K.
    - Each factory would always have the same metal-buildpower and energy-buildpower ratio for all their units. I'd tend to go further and make everything costing the same metal-energy-buildpower, but not without some tests first.
    - Factories would mostly be divided by movement type : hover lab, gunship lab, plane lab (atmosphere only), airship lab (gas giant/Venusian atmosphere only)...
    - Most factories would have two models : one for land, the other for sea. In each case, the build list would be different : for example a land vehicle factory may have land-only vehicles and submarine amphibious vehicles. On sea, it would have submarine amphibious vehicles and sea-only submarines.
    - On the sea, a factory would be on surface or underwater depending on what it builds. A shipyard would be on the surface, the previous submarine/vehicle factory would be underwater.
    - You would be able to take direct control of the Commander unit to fight more effectively, with things like direct moves, jumpjet controls (yes, Commanders should probably have jumpjets), maybe energy management... (Though, contrary to, say, a Mechwarrior, targeting would be automatic and you could still give orders to the nearby units to cover you.) But the emphasis would probably not be put on that, it would be for when your Commander is caught in unexpectedly complex and dangerous battles and that microing is suddenly becomes very important.
    - The Commander would have a complex upgrade system, so it would stay a force to be reckoned with (but not overpowered either) for the entire game.
    - Orbits would be simulated.
    - Explosions in vacuum would actually look like explosions in vacuum instead of the massive fireball every single SF show uses. Space isn't made of propane.
    - The biggest units would be composed of multiple individually damageable parts, and units would be smart enough to attack those effectively without you having to micro them.
    - In fact, units would be smart enough so you don't have to micro them.
    - Enormous care would be taken to the UI.
    - Some of the UI tools would rely on the AI. Automatic scouting of a zone (so you don't have to manually add all the waypoints), auto-placement of buildings when their position isn't critical (rear economy bases, for example)...
    - Tessellated shields, so shields are effective against artillery but not against direct-fire (an individual shield segment would fall easily). If it doesn't work, maybe a shield that stops only artillery projectiles. If it doesn't work, anti-missile systems that can target artillery shots, but not well (so artillery would saturate them easily).
    - And other stuff.
  10. thorneel

    thorneel Member

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    Oh, and I forgot about Galactic Wars :

    The fiction would be that each time that you win a battle on a system, you actually turn the system into a giant starfleet factory fortress, consuming it entirely. Resulting starships are slow, and can't attack much further than the neighbour systems. And they are the only things powerful enough to demolish said star fortresses.

    The gameplay result would be that you don't actually see individual stars on the galactic map, you only see sectors. To contest a sector, you actually jump into one of the countless unoccupied systems, which means a newly generated procedural map. If you win, your influence percentage in the sector rises.
    Which means that not two battles will take place on the same map, and you will never see your bases from previous games. After all, there are hundreds of billions of stars in one galaxy, so it would be too bad to not take advantage of the procedural generation and have to actually fight twice on the same map.
  11. japporo

    japporo Active Member

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    I'd add command UI improvements like the ones suggested in the Ideas from Zero-K thread.

    Commercial RTS command interfaces feels like they have barely evolved from Dune 2 back in 1992. I would love for PA to put in more tools to let players focus on grand strategy rather than micro-ing a handfuls of units.
  12. dracoknight

    dracoknight New Member

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    a large number of things:

    Walking bases: like that race in universe at war that only had walkers as bases ( or similar )

    Underwater bases is a possibility is already in the game, but i would like orbital bases around planets too ( like a frontier to attack a planet, you would like to have some reinforcements close by )

    Massive experimental units

    Spider like robots, i love those 4-legged robots from SupCom 1 and i would love to see more "Animal like" robots, tanks and humanoid robots get boring after a while.

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