Sub community / countries / language forum ?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by taeleat, October 26, 2012.

  1. taeleat

    taeleat New Member

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    Hello gentlemen moderators !

    My message will be very simple, my English is very imperfect, I wondered if it would be possible to create sub-community forum?

    Indeed, because not only mastering the language of shakespear, but having born in the language of Moliére and telling me that you surment full kickstarter donation from lots of different countries.

    I said : there must be many people as me !

    As each person who donates or Paypal kickstarter able to give its opinion and it could be retransmitted in English by a person volunteer in each community.

    What do you think of this idea?

    Un petit Français qui vous salue pour votre beau projet qu'est PA :D :D

    thank you for reading
  2. LordQ

    LordQ Active Member

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    If you feel up to it, and can find a few of your fellow countrymen/language speakers to start out with, you could start your own independent forums. Other than that, I don't know that there's yet a high enough demand for other language forums.
  3. sturm532

    sturm532 Member

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    i like your idea and i support it i can't help much but i can translate english to dutch (netherlands) and i might help out with frisian but i don't write that so thats gonna be a problem....
    But thats where emails and skype comes in..


    Proud Paypall backer who whaits and waits for the backer forums and hopes they are bloody expanded and have their own fiction section ....

    edit :: burning to write the first PA fanfiction
    that makes me wonder will we be seeing Planetary Annnihilation fiction from UBER ??
    how are their fiction write abilities, maybe time for a challenge maybe a fiction about the kickstarter video, how about a battle viewed from the commanders point of view...
    The entire battle of the kickstrarter video in a fiction, well thats a nice project...
    But i got my own stuff .. maybe Dotswarlock is browsing this forum
    and another thing should commmanders have a truly sentient ai or should they be warmachines ? ( i had another question )

    ..................................PM me if you don't want to befoul the thread..........................
    Last edited: October 26, 2012
  4. elexis

    elexis Member

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    This may happen, but i doubt it will happen until the game is released. The dev team is primarily English speaking and when alpha/beta is out they will need to read the feedback and bug reports. A non-English forum will not provide much benefit to this.
  5. sturm532

    sturm532 Member

    Likes Received:
    His first post and the ideas topics discussed do respond to your answer..

    not the things of my edit ...
  6. wolfdogg

    wolfdogg Member

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    Sir, you speak better English than some of the of people here who claim it as their first language.

    Perhaps you would be so kind as to teach a few of the linguistically challenged members of our community a thing or two about the English language?
  7. mestigot

    mestigot New Member

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    [[ Start french reply ]]

    Salut à toi, ça tombe bien, il y a quelques mois j'ai décidé de créer un site dédié au jeu auquel je suis fan depuis ses débuts : Total Annihilation. Heureux hasard, au même moment Planetary Annihilation pointe le bout de son nez, alors du coup j'ai décidé de faire d'une pierre deux coup et d'en faire aussi un site d'actu pour Planetary Annihilation. Le site est encore en construction, beaucoup de choses sont à faire et je prévois aussi de créer un forum sous peu si il y a assez de personnes pour l'animer. En tout cas tu es le bienvenu. :)

    Voici l'adresse :

    [[ End french reply ]]

    Sorry guys for french. ;)
  8. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

    Likes Received:
    We were talking about starting to split the forums a couple of days ago. I don't have a particular problem having some language specific sub-forums as I expect there to be a heavy amount of European users from non-english countries that are into the game. We'll probably need some moderators that can speak those languages.
  9. taeleat

    taeleat New Member

    Likes Received:
    @Wolfdogg : Thank you for your compliments.

    Unfortunately i have not a patience for teach :D

    @ Neutrino : Thank you for your answers.

    @ Mestigo : I Add your URL ;)

    @ Sturm532 : Thank you for the congratulations on my idea

    I am happy my idea was also well received by the community even though I do not have 1000 answers.

    I hope that this beautiful game mentality will be retrievable in (futur) game ;)
  10. supremevoid

    supremevoid Member

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    We need some sub forums but I think this can wait a couple of months longer because all here can speak english in any way or with google translator.

    Well if you need some german moderator : Ich bin immer hier um zu helfen (I´m always here to help) ;)
  11. thapear

    thapear Member

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    Exactly, I think non-english speakers will find google translate surprisingly capable. Example from my native language:
    And back:
  12. Malkara

    Malkara New Member

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    While I think multiple language sub-forums would be nice for the long run and could certainly have some pro's as opposed to the current English-only forums, I think that Google Translate is more than capable for the current traffic.
    Most people who can speak relatively good English can most likely read Google Translate English, and I would assume most people who's native language is not English can read Google Translated -their native language-.

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