1. PandaOracle

    PandaOracle New Member

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    This seriously needs to be looked at.

    I mean when a team's doing great, keeping the enemies bots away, plus upgrading your turrets and attacking too, it's a shame when overtime comes along and basically says "who ever gets to the others moneyball first wins".

    My team was destroying the other, as in killing all their bots, and their turrets but it's feels terrible when one sneaky player ups in, uses juice and wins the game.

    Overtime is needed, clearly since one team has to win, but Uber can you at least remove the juice given? That to me seems like the real problem. Give all players a tiny amount of extra juice, or non at all since juice is awarded to those who survive...Or have 500 points to waste.
  2. pizzapotamus

    pizzapotamus Member

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    Post DLC I think overtime is right where it should be and have actually had games last through all of OT instead of the old five second frenzy. If your team has been dominating you should have a nice start on their moneyball giving you a clear advantage especially since the ball doesn't take damage like it used to. Either go shoot up their ball too or play some defense at the ball so they can't damage it unopposed.
  3. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    Although Overtime can be a bit unfair in terms of the fact that you put up a good defense only to have it rushed in .5 seconds, it is a necessity. I mean, sure, it takes reward away from the fact that you kept a base alive and well throughout most of the game, but the only way you could get to Overtime is because the opposing team did the same thing - they defended their base as well. Overtime is SUPPOSED to end games, and being prepared for it is just another thing to do.

    Don't get me wrong, I hate OT losses as much as the next guy, but I understand why it was added and will attack or defend accordingly. Just another part of the game, is all.
  4. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    To sort of dovetail off of what SXD said: You may think you are doing better because you're destroying their bots, keeping their turrets out of commission, and pushing bots. Unless these bots are piling onto their moneyball continuously, however, your team did not push successfully enough for you to not give the other team credit for their ability to defend. They managed to hold you off until OT. There are two hallmarks of a great team: being able to drop a moneyball and KEEP it down despite virtually limitless resistance, and being able to protect a moneyball until OT from a perpetually-pushing team. In the end, one team was unable to drop the moneyball and keep it down, and the other team was able to protect their ball the entire game. My money's on the defending team, in that respect. What I've learned from playing so much Crossfire is that just because your team is able to keep the enemy in their base during much of the game, doesn't mean they'll be competent enough to swarm the moneyball, or at least swarm it successfully, when OT hits.
  5. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    I would say after DLC that overtime is a lot more balanced then it once was. Sure, your turrets are probably going to be destroyed, and your defense can't hold forever, but if you've got a good team, you can hold your opponents back before they can destroy you.

    I'm thinking now that a defensive support is almost vital to the game now, if you want to do well.
  6. MikeLanglois

    MikeLanglois New Member

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    Overtime shouldn't happen if you've done damage to the enemy teams moneyball.

    Overtime is their to break a tie, its not a tie if someone has already done damage to a moneyball.
  7. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    Goal is to Destroy the enemy moneyball, not hurt it.

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