Most Underpowerd Class (Post DLC)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by An Artic Fox, December 3, 2010.


Most Under Powered Class

  1. None

    56 vote(s)
  2. Assault

    8 vote(s)
  3. Assassin

    28 vote(s)
  4. Support

    80 vote(s)
  5. Sniper

    5 vote(s)
  6. Tank

    24 vote(s)
  7. Gunner

    11 vote(s)
  1. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Ya see, I don't understand that. I would say the Supports shotgun borders on being overpowered if it wasn't the only way get all my money now. Bots give a decent amount, but I don't want them to ever get in my base.

    So, in order to get money to do well, I'm pretty much forced to run around playing extremely offensively.

    Place the firebase close to their bot spawn, charge pros with shotgun. The best (or worst, take your pick) part is that it works extremely well. Just stick to corners and jump diagonally to avoid the inevitable Charge from Tanks/Assaults, or Grapples from Sniper/Assassin, and to just plain come out on top over a mini gun.
  2. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    by point blank do u mean maximum effective range of the jet gun?
  3. R3VAN

    R3VAN New Member

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    Every update the support gets nerfed. HH gut gets messed with, hacks get messed with, juice gets messed with, now air strike? The only thing good about him now is the shotgun. The firebase is pretty good still but this games been out so long most everyone knows how to deal with them effectively.

    I was top 10 on the leader boards damn near as long as the game has been out, and I can say with certainty the support has been knocked down off the pedastool to the floor. I really did not mind all the other changes as I felt it made the Support balanced, but now it takes much longer to get juiced and the airstrikes are much too slow to really be effective with them anymore.

    I'm sure next the FB will be nerf'd to have a cool down time everytime it fires for 2 seconds straight.

    With that said, I can still go positive and pwn some nubs =p
  4. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    I can't believe more people didn't put assassin. That class absolutely sucks. The cloak is pointless because people can still see you and it is a very obvious noise. Same with the smoke bomb, very obvious where they are going. Every other class has a perfect counter other than maybe the sniper. The only thing they can do is kill bots until they get juice and kill turrets, and even then, they are not very dangerous to most classes. I like how the assassin used to be, I could be stealthy all the time, and the other team could here all assassins. I did appreciate the speed glitch though, but that was about it.
  5. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Zatch, while I appreciate your contributing to the thread, and not being a troll (ah, the old one two), I must disagree.

    While a head on fight is suicide, unless you're just plain better, you push bots like crazy. You gain juice probably the fastest now. If anyone knows you're around, they'll become super paranoid. If they don't, easy kill. Especially with the new lunge grapple, which is now being abused everywhere.

    The Assassin is an invaluable class with an incredibly high skill curve. Other classes you can do decent with with no experience, but a bad Assassin is BAD.
  6. Reltsirk

    Reltsirk New Member

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    This must be why theres so many frickin assaults playing now. :(
  7. Evil Panda666

    Evil Panda666 New Member

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  8. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    Yesterday I played a game with three assaults. THREE. I was very surprised. At least assault can be played for kills (not that I'm condoning that behavior).

    I don't think there are any unbalanced classes, personally.
  9. thrustbucket

    thrustbucket New Member

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    Let's face it, a support with gold RoF and Silver speed is essentially an Assassin with a 20 foot sword. They can nearly be played the same way Assassins are (and are a lot lately).

    I also see a lot of supports post-patch still heavily relying on fully upgraded airstrike spam and wreaking all manner of hell.

    A level 3 airstrike support spamming gapshots with the shotgun out = rage quitter epidemic.

    Supports are NOT underpowered.
  10. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    You have to make note of the fact that EVERY class has a counter to the Assassin. Assault's charge and fly. Gunner's grapple+slam combo, or just holding down right trigger. Sniper's traps and grapple. Support's shotgun is a 1 hit kill on non armored Assassins, and a 2 hit kill (which can EASILY be pulled off) on a gold armored Assassin. And Tank... well just be a Tank.

    If there's even a single Gunner, Tank, or Assault blocking your lane pushing, you're basically stuck. If there's a Sniper with explosive rounds, just leave that lane because you're never going to push it.

    I STILL find the Assassin to be the most underpowered class for the above reasons.
  11. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    You can work around it, and I think it's more of a thing where all classes have a pro v pro tool.

    The Assassin doesn't, except maybe the lunge, which is being seen everywhere right now.

    So, when the Assassin has to take down a pro, it's all player skill, unless you get 'em from behind, which is just easier for an Assassin, but still completely nullified by an aware opponent.

    With the lunge grapple in effect, you could say it's balanced now. I don't think a sword buff was needed though, just a dagger. Now a lunge grapple well near guarantee a kill, which lets all the morons run around and kill stuff going "I IZ AZZAZIN, IZ S0 UBER 1337!!!", instead of letting it dawn on them that charging and going 0-25 isn't helping anyone out much.
  12. mute

    mute New Member

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    Amen x2. At the very least a noobie using Assassin will go 1:1, or close to it. You can't do that with any of the other Characters as a new player. No way the Assassin has the hardest initial skill curve. The hardest would be 1) Tank 2) Assault (flight/aim mastering) 3) Support (learning how to balance your roles and deal with the weakest offense in the game). Noobies using Support are the most worthless characters in the game. They just stay camped up in the base and do nothing but die and maybe keep a turret alive for a few extra seconds. Its even worse when they dont even do that and think they can run around gung-ho on offense because they saw a skilled player doing it in the previous game. At least a noob Assassin will get some kills and maybe take out a few turrets. There is a huge difference with both characters when played right after lots of practice.. its definitely a curve and not a straight line for any character.
  13. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    I heavily disagree except for the support. Support noobs suck.

    I have NEVER seen a new/bad Assassin go even close to breaking even. It's actually become to where if they have less than ten more deaths to kills, I'll consider them above average.
  14. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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  15. mute

    mute New Member

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    doh :D !
  16. DigitalArchmage

    DigitalArchmage Member

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    Supports are way underpowered now.

    I didn't want to say anything at first as a knee jerk reaction, lest I do so before getting used to the changes. But enough play time has passed, and I'm gonna speak up.

    With gold skill recovery, it's painfully long to get an airstrike. Recently I found myself having 0 airstrikes and grabbed 2 churros from XLs falling and STILL didn't have an airstrike available. I remind myself often: "If this is gold skill regen, I'd hate to see it with no skill endorsements" (does anyone have it timed with 0,1,2,3 skill regen on levels 1,2,3? I'd love some numbers! I think I'll figure these this evening if no one has it.)

    I want to address everyone saying, "gosh, maybe you should be SUPPORTING with the support!"

    In order to make money as a pro, you gotta go kill bots and players. Let's face it, you're not going to SUPPORT well without money. And Supports want a shot at 1st place, too - healing doesn't provide that.

    So what can we kill with? The harm gun is useless on bots, and only an annoyance to other pros. So that's out. Airstrikes are awesome against bots, but with the new regen rate, you never have those, or else feel you really should be saving them for a pro or a turret.

    So the frustration is that no other class has to "save up" a skill like this - everyone else gets their skills really fast. The tank can spin and spin and spin or gunners can grenade the crap out of you from far away, the assault can dash within a short cooldown, and I'd love to have a button to push to combat those - but I'm always out of airstrikes these days. The new cooldown on airstrikes is horrible.

    Also, the other 2 skills a support has are completely useless in face-to-face combat. So there's a pro in front of me - what skill should I use? Hack, Firebase, Airstrike. Hack was spent (I make sure something's always hacked when it comes up) but even if not, it does me no good here. Firebase... well, sure, if I have it, I could drop it, but that's a pretty newb and irrelevant thing to do. Grapple is about the same as giving him a hug (so it's reserved to take time from a juiced pro). That leaves airstrike - so I can't stress how important it is to a support that one's available when he needs it. And most airstrikes are a miss, or placed between the two pros to hold back the attacker (meant to miss, unless they walk into it).

    Supports also don't get around the map as easily as other classes. If you had a problem with spammy airstrikes, it's because our aim was good, and that's how we made you think twice about using a long range weapon on us - but it's usually easy to run away from an airstrike this way. It's not like we can run up to you if you see us coming.

    Speaking of that - support has terrible jump, and really can't maneuver around the map as easily as most other classes (watch I'm Hudson's vids as he takes the tank around a map - the support can only dream of such maneuverability).

    Where was I? Oh right. So that leaves the shotgun. Pretty effective on players who are faced the other way, and horrible against bots. The shotgun-grapple can can take out a jackbot pretty well, but 3x jackbots just aren't easily cleared by a support. The shotgun-grapple has a refresh time, and they march right by you. So how to make money? Turrets and pros. You really need all 3 airstrikes for turrets. And you're not gonna have all 3 very often anymore. So that leaves pros. It was players complaining about supports that got the airstrikes nerfed.

    How to use the shotgun? The reliable method is surprising a weaker class. So I gotta jump out from behind stuff, and sneak up on people (more sneaky than the assassin has to be - she's invis!). So I'm reduced to playing stealthy with my shotgun with an endorsement on rate of fire. How is that "supporting"?

    Like I said about the harm gun - even at level 3, it doesn't really do more than annoy other pros (and sometimes take kills from teammates). Sure it locks on and doesn't let go, but any pro with experience is barely bothered by this. They turn and kill (tanks don't even turn - they skip to kill). The heal gun doesn't give you any money worth mentioning. I upgrade passive last, and only to heal faster (cause yes, I overheal teammates - i'm not against supporting the team, i'm just FOR making money).

    Sum up: Can't hack enemy turrets, gotta somehow manage to avoid head-on fights (and make money at the same time???), if fighting players we pretty much have to pop out of nowhere or sneak up behind them with a shotgun (or airstrike if lucky).

    I think maybe there should be an incentive for not burning through airstrikes right away... and by that I mean the 1st airstrike takes the current long time to get, but if you have have 1, your 2nd generates faster, and if you have 2, your 3rd generates faster yet. I'd like that. So if you choose to spend all 3 (probably on a turret or you're running from a tank) you're gonna have to take cover before you get another - but if you ration them out, you find you have a better stream of single strikes - a better stream than it is currently.

    Another idea is to make the refresh time of airstrikes faster if you're closer to your base. That way we can be "supporting" the base against attackers.

    My other point of stress comes from hacking enemy turrets. I play a lot (I think), and have seen roughly 5 hacked enemy turrets since the update that included the change to how long it takes to hack them (and 3 of those were my hacks). Hacking enemy turrets went from an ordinary occurrence to a freakish occurrence. It was over nerfed. It also needs to be a protag.

    So what's a support to do? We don't hack enemy turrets anymore (title update nerf), and we're not terrorizing with airstrikes (DLC nerf). We don't make money from supporting. We're shotgunners and overhealers now.

    In b4 everyone saying "then don't play," "learn to play" etc. Yes, I'm playing other classes lately, and hoping they return some of the power to the support. In doing so, it's obvious other classes are way more powerful. I still like the game, I'm just frustrated.
    Last edited: December 13, 2010
  17. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Well, that's the thing. The Support doesn't make money supporting people. He makes money for playing incredibly aggressively with his shotgun. The only thing he does well that makes him money is setting up turrents, and when you want then enemy to break into your base, it's a sad day indeed.
  18. DigitalArchmage

    DigitalArchmage Member

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    Thinking of more options, I'd spend money on instant skill regen (like buying skill pills), or stand in front of some regenegrate station (in danger of snipers) while some crazy beamy lights regens my skills faster. I guess I should put these in the wishes forum...
  19. xX Ript3r Xx

    xX Ript3r Xx New Member

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    Most underpowered is Support himself (excluding turret) he dies to fast. Though this contributes to all classes but as the support is the least nimble of any class it is a serious issue. I wont even play it no longer since dlc. And I won't till he's fixed. Though this goes along with them needing to bring the gold armor ratio back to how it was because you shouldn't die so easily now as anyone. Armor 3 on a gunner is only a little bit better than having no armor.

    I vote Support then after him I say Gunner.
  20. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    I honestly think it's hilarious how people are saying the Support is underpowered. How can an underpowered class have 2 extremely overpowered aspects? The shotgun is nearly 100% accurate and can kill unarmored Snipers and Assassins in 1 hit. Run gold Armor? A gold armored Assassin dies in 2 hits. Ridiculous. And the Firebase? Do I even need to explain why this is overpowered?

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