Was thinking that if there was a "B" instead of a "P"...then when this game gets successful we could have a BA-CON. Sure, "Boundless Annihilation" may seem weaker at first...but...BACON. :lol: You may now return to your regularly scheduled litany of polls.
What has the question of how solid the name is to do with an arbitrary con, which may not even exist and is set somewhere in the future? I don't mind the joke, it was even funny to some extend, but could you at least make a title that has something to do with your post?
I have no idea what that spambot is trying to sell, but I saw the word biceps in there; so my best guess is gay porn.
Well brandonpotter, I personally have been looking for Hollister products for a very long time, and being that I live nowhere near a town and nobody has yet invented a system for searching the internet I find these advertisements very useful.
I dont like where this thread is heading. I believe that it getting locked is the right course of action.