Why does it take the Support two shots to kill the Assault?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by cutecakes, December 6, 2010.

  1. cutecakes

    cutecakes Member

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    With the shotgun? As well as this, they get an airstrike, a deployable turret, a lock-on offensive weapon, healing and hacking? Plus they Juice at the drop of the hat.

    Isn't a support, by definition, supposed to have lousy offence but strong defense?
  2. The Teominator

    The Teominator New Member

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    Shotgun has short range meaning that any good Assault knows that they shall keep their distance. Airstrike makes an annoying, loud sound and marks the spot before exploding.
    And takes a long time to recharge as well meaning that even if you get killed by one it will take like 1-2 mins before the support has new ones.
    An firebase babysitting support is easier than an aggressive shotty support.
    Throw an bomb to blow him away from the firebase and shoot him while he's away from it. Or just learn how to kill an firebase with your Assault rifle.
    The hurt gun never prevails over your Assault rfile as long you HIT him.
    His juice gain has been nerfed so he gains juice much slower.
  3. Snappyguy

    Snappyguy New Member

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    Yeah he has a good defense, so when they are worrying about your turrets you run up and smash them.
  4. mute

    mute New Member

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    Because it's a shotgun :roll: . Get in someone's face thats carrying a shotgun and its not going to go well. The assault rifle absolutely tears through everything.. how about we complain about that instead.
  5. CStubing

    CStubing New Member

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    I don't mean to sound rude, but I think you just need to learn the assault character's strengths and weaknesses a bit better. A good assault will keep a critical distance from a support while fighting him -- outside of shotgun & hurtgun range. I can either run and hide, or throw an airstrike and then run and hide. ;) A good assault will see me throw an airstrike and/or hear its telltale sound when it's been thrown near him and then quickly move out of the way.

    Of all the classes I face as a support, a good assault is easily one of the hardest to deal with.
  6. cutecakes

    cutecakes Member

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    I am lvl. 80 now only using Assault; got 36 - 28 - 6 today, so I'm not THAT bad! :)

    Anyway, I have decided to stop bitching about the Support and start trying to use that class :D

    Beat them at their own game :twisted:
  7. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    Armor and range of the shotgun. Each step you are away from the person being shot at decreases the damage of the shotgun. By 10%!. So keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

    The best way to test this is play a private match vs a guest and shoot him with the shotgun close range then back up one tile by the respawn then shoot. If your beyond 10 steps/tiles back your damage will be almost 10% meaning useless.
  8. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    They do have relatively lousy offense when compared to Assault, Sniper, Gunner, and Tank.
  9. eido740

    eido740 New Member

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    The assault is the most mobile class in the game. The support is one of the slowest. The only way a support can take you out with the shotgun is if you let him get within 5 feet of you.

    I've killed a lot of assaults after they missed a charge at me.

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