Spunky Cola FREE DLC Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Ekanaut, November 30, 2010.

  1. dredd

    dredd Member

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    List of issues that are still in the game

    The Support classes shotgun still has way to much range for the ammount of damage it puts out 1-2 shots you need to be no less than 3 feet away from me in game to kill me like that

    Reduce the damage that assassin does the turrets and players (From the front)

    Still does tomuch damage to the Heavyer classes i still murder a Gunner in close quarters with a Gnner
    Place a cool down meeter on the jump there are many times ill be fighting an Assault and all the sudden he will begin to halo jump like a freaking rabbit avoiding my bullets (Wtf?) and end up killing me

    There are still unnessary ammounts of lag and issue with lag i hope that in the next patch (Soon please) that the lag issues are fixed some one who gets dsl from walmart shouldnt get host because there connection sucks wangs
  2. Scias19

    Scias19 New Member

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    omg omg i didn't even see that it had been released allready :eek: gonna go on the xbox and get it can't wait to try the new things out :mrgreen:
  3. mute

    mute New Member

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    thrustbucket, ...theres no way you primarily play a support. more like an assassin with thinly veiled complaints.
  4. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    Has the Gunner's Mortar been nerfed? It feels far weaker now compared to pre-DLC. For example, I remember that a Juiced Gunner with Passive 3 was able to take out a fully overhealed level 3 RockIt with 3 shots. In an earlier game it took a Juiced Gunner with Passive 3 9 shots to do the same, which was essentially the entire period of the juice.

    I've also used the Mortar to harass enemies behind cover, and they seem to take far less damage now than they used to.
  5. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    If that was the case, it's because the mortars weren't breaking up. They still do the same damage.
  6. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    I make sure to use the Mortar at medium to long range, so I'm pretty sure they were splitting.
  7. dredd

    dredd Member

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    I've gone 80+ with the Support 80-22-13
  8. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    Stretch knows what he is talking about cause I flattened his Tank the other day ;)
  9. meenpop

    meenpop New Member

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    Thanks for the great game Uber, I had a lot of fun playing it.

    Time to move on to another game though as the support nerfs were just too much and really ruined the game for me.

    I might pick it back up if support is fixed in the next patch. Still good game though and I think you are doing a great job listening to feedback... sometimes.
  10. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    Try playing support as a support instead of one man army :lol: I've been using him last night for a few games and still hitting near the team scoreboard for most cash earned and that includes healing my team mates, sticking the firebase in sneaky locations and hacking turrets to shoot snipers.
  11. J Triple Dash

    J Triple Dash New Member

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    humiliation is unlocked for getting a melee kill.
  12. MojoTeq

    MojoTeq New Member

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    Absolutely the shotgun is easier than scoring a back grapple, especially when the back grapple misses and you get stuck with waiting for the cooldown, where with a shottie you just hold the trigger and maneuver, AND the dagger/sword has NO range at all. Plus the support has many other offensive tactics down his sleeve. Airstrikes, possible FB buddy, hurt gun. The Shank betch has shurikens, true, but mostly if you miss the grapple, you run like hell. Shotgun > Assassination

    As other people said, Headcrabs and pancakes are guaranteed 1 shot kills. Backstabs are not though. They SHOULD be, imho. Even though I almost never play Assassin any more, I still think a backstab should = death. Dagger or sword, no matter what endorsement you have.
  13. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    I like the touch you guys did for the toughest career protag for the cash earned in a single match. I generally hate the meme since it's overused, but it works well for it.

    Also, small bug: The leaderboard ticker that runs across the screen will show Sudden Death and Super Sudden Death high rounds in currency form, even though rounds are not currency. I'm just guessing you guys made the leaderboard ticker universally use a currency display since all of the leaderboards except SD/SSD use currency anyway.
  14. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    There are three major things I love the most in this DLC.

    1. New Mickey Cantor voice-overs. I laughed so hard the first time I heard "There's Monday Night Combat's loveable mascot - Bullseye! Hehehe. . .kill him, KILL HIM NOW!"

    2. New loading screens, fabulous. Especially the Support riding a Bouncer.

    3. New ProTags. I'm actually GLAD there's a tag that says "Support This". So now Supports will be able to heal me more often! Thank you, Uber!
  15. firemonk

    firemonk New Member

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    1 major thing I don't like about the DLC so far, is that it only switches between Spunky Arena, and 1 other arena, and that is almost it. I forget the name of the other arena, the 1 with the circle platform in the center. I think we played 1 other arena that was those 2, just once.

    I thought the game came with 6 maps, but apparently with the DLC only 2 get (including the DLC map) get played. This needs to be fixed please.

    I also don't like the layout of this map. It seems whomever can get to the top platforms in the center first and camp it wins, and I am never on the team that knows that.
  16. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    This migration brought to you by...

    I've successfully migrated more times than I can count since DLC. It's AWESOME. (Actually right before I was in a game that migrated twice! One of the other cats said we should get a new achievement for it.) I pretty much love the whole DLC, nice job and thanks a ton.
  17. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    On your first point: I've tested it this afternoon, and I've had:

    2 times Spunky Cola Arena
    1 time LazeRazor Arena (veto'd once)
    2 times Grenade III Arena
    3 times Steel Peel Arena
    1 time AmmoMule Arena

    So I guess it's pretty even. Maybe you were just unlucky.
  18. zodbones

    zodbones New Member

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    I love the new map it's fast and chaotic while at the same time pretty balanced.
    The re-designed maps are also GREAT! I don't have to worry about a sniper killing a turret I JUST built from his spawn room anymore!

    The class balances are great, but I think there are maybe three things that should be looked into

    1) the supports shotgun vs bots and pros. It feels too strong against pros, and too weak against bots.

    2) supports firebase against pros feels a little high.

    3) Snipers explosion damage against pros feels a little high (splash damage not body shot).

    those are the 3 biggest things I'd like to see get retuned otherwise all the current pro updates has made the game muuuuch more balanced.
  19. IcyZyon

    IcyZyon New Member

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    While I have had this happen once. The way the maps are chosen does not seem to be fixed.

    I have played 6 games today.

    2 Spunky Cola
    3 Steel Peel(God how I hate this map)
    1 LazerRazor
  20. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    I know I'm late to the party and haven't posted on here for a bit, but that's because I hadn't gotten to play the DLC until just yesterday.

    Uber, this game is now officially AMAZING! It finally feels like a fully realized, polished game! That's not to say that the game was crappy originally, but the game just didn't feel finished. I now feel like almost everything in this game is completely balanced. Playing the DLC yesterday brought back my love for the game and more. I want to thank you, and congratulate you on success.

    That being said, there's still some issues. But we can work those our over time...

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