Super MNC, to pass the time until PA!

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by thetrophysystem, September 30, 2012.

  1. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    This may especially be interesting to you who have pledged on Planetary Annihilation through Kickstarter, as one reward for $20+ is an ingame player badge in SMNC, and for $90+ is an ingame player-orbiting solar-system around the player.

    If TL;DR: just hop in and see if you like it. If you like it but find it difficult to have a "good game", it may help to come back and read a bit, learn the controls fluidly, look up character's abilities and their correct uses and skill combinations, game tips like killing bots for level, and maybe check into the neighboring SMNC forum with a post or two.

    -Super MNC just recieved an engine update. The devs should be coming up with some updates soon that they were unable to give the game on the old engine. Now would be the perfect time to try it out.

    -Super MNC is free to play, just download it here by itself, or here on steam.
    --It requires fairly low computer specs, especially if you use "grimbar's config".

    NOTE! If you download and find registering has you banned when you have never even played this game before, contact Support@Uberent.Com or Private Message a developer (Scathis) to have them fix it.

    CHAT SERVER! Use MUMBLE and follow the instructions here, to find many players any hour of the day to talk to on mic, maybe get some in-game communication or help playing.

    -It is a cartoony-graphics humor-filled futuristic combat sport, where players defend their various attack bots and kill the enemy attack bots, hoping to breach the enemy turrets and finally moneyball (which are immune to player attacks until the bots reach it). Each map has a base for each team, and fields of various themes with two lanes of bots colliding against each other, as well as an above/below area to flank called the "jungle".

    --To get your bots to the enemy's turrets and moneyball, you fight aganst enemy players and their bot waves, as they try to fight you and your bot waves to get their own bots to your moneyball.
    ---Different characters have different tools to help, by healing players and bots, to killing groups of bots fast, to targetting and eliminating enemy bot killers.
    ---Usually teamwork helps outdamaging a divided enemy, tactic helps navigate the field more intellegently, and at least assisting in as many bot kills as possible helps earn experience and level up your damage/health/skills against enemies.
    ---Outleveling is often important, as the more your score exceeds the enemy the more your damage and health will exceed theirs.

    --There are 5 classes of character, and roughly 3-4 different characters of the same class type but with different abilities.
    ---high damage high health slow Enforcers
    ---faster and more utility burstdamage Strikers
    ---fastest and sneakiest low health Commandos
    ---healing and area holding Defenders
    ---long-range low health Sharpshooters.

    --The characters, or Pros, each have different tools at their disposal from each other, but each Pro will have their same skills for each same Pro. Different enforcers have entirely different things, but every exact character has exactly the same things. Spark has different weapons and skills than Wascot, but every Spark has the same weapons and skills as any other Spark. Tools of combat include:
    ---3 skills. These can buff something or act as a high damage weapon with a cooldown.
    ---weapons, some guns, some melee
    ---primary and alternate fire, whether alternate fire tightens aim or performs a different attack
    ---melee grapple animations, every character has one, but some have more than one, some have ones that throw, some have ones that do more damage, and such.
    ---Intellegent skill combinations to stack hurt on enemies, and even team coordinated skill combos to "nuke" enemies efficiently.

    --There is a meta-game, giving players the motivation to play and unlock small effects in-game, and/or unlock or purchase cosmetics for their character (like the PA Flairs).
    ---"Gear" are purely cosmetic changes (as every particular character has the same set of weapons and skills) can be earned rarely at random or purchased (Pay 2 Pretty). They can be traded through Steam Trading by anyone who has ever made one cash purchase in the Uber Store (including trading discontinued items and probably even PA flair).
    ---"Endorsements" unlock with every 4 levels and give 25 small stacking buffs to a player's stats such as Reload Speed and Rate of Fire and Skill Cooldown. The higher ones come with negatives to others, such as Reload Speed reducing Magazine Size and vice-versa. These are obtained common to semi-rare from games, or purchased with Combat Credits rewarded from every completed game.
    ---"Products" are "effect perks", activating every so often for a certain effect, ranging from near death delayed teleport, to faster moving jumps with air control, to setting any grappled enemies on fire for a short time. They can be obtained over time rarely from games at random, and by spending Combat Credits earned from completed games.

    --Currently, the small playerbase honestly only makes multiplayer "Turbocross" and "Solo Super Crossfire" find any matches in a reasonable time, but that is something that would change with more players to matchmake with. There is also a Coop Wave Mode called "Blitz"
    ---Turbocross is fairly new player friendly anyway, being a join in session and leave at will game mode, where single players are capable of doing lethal damage easier.
    ---Super Crossfire is considered harder, with snowballing effects when you level up since every level unlocks a skill upgrade as well as an automatic slight damage and health buff that increases every level you get over your enemy.
    ---Blitz puts your team against ever-stronger waves of bots, in an effort to defend your moneyball for as long as possible. Blitz is a good way to get familiar with buttons and what a Pro can do, as well as earn stuff.

    It is free, so give it a try until Planetary Annihilation comes out. You have free cool-looking in-game cosmetics as kickstarter reward, might as well see them and possibly trade them away if you don't want them. Well, there is sure to be SMNC player response to this, more than likely destructive critizism, but I didn't advertize anything outside this site so I don't think I can be banned or anything. So reguardless, try this game out, become part of a growing playerbase, spread the word about this game, delete it as soon as you desire, get what you want from it. I just hope we get more players in all honestly, as it is what I play as I wait for PA.
    Last edited: October 2, 2012
  2. eukanuba

    eukanuba Well-Known Member

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    I've had a bit of a go at SMNC but I haven't found it easy to make progress. I've read the relevant guides for each character I've tried to play as, but the only ones I've had any success with are Combat Girl and Megabeth.

    What general advice about the game can you give? There's a huge amount on the forum but I've no idea what is relevant or useful.

    Also, I don't really understand the various boost items. Is a player with a few products so much better than stock that they can't be beaten, or is it just a minor improvement? I guess the less polite version would be to ask is it possible to pay to win, and have I actually got a chance against established players?
  3. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Well, those are different questions.

    It isn't possible to Pay to Win. Just Pay to Pretty, as it is theoretically within reason capable to say that you can't cosmetics nearly at will any way you want but you can if you pay. The closest thing to Pay to Win, is combat credit boosts, which give you more reward credits at the end of a game, which let you buy products and endorsements with less games played. Still, in my experience I got every endorsement and product I needed for several characters by lvl60, and someone with boosts would get the same by say 40. Maybe 20-40 games difference.

    I personally think the products and endorsements themselves can let someone beat another though. They can make direct advantages to the character's strength. I just think anyone can get them in a reasonable time, you can't buy them directly or get them even by paying in an extremely short time, nor would it take you a nonexistantly long time to get what you need.

    For Megabeth I have no clue on what to use, but for Combat Girl just get Skill Regen endorsements, Rate of Fire endorsements, Speed endorsements, Money Magnet product, Death Dodger product, and most people would recommend Massive Air product on absolutely every character just so you can bunnyhop with really fast speed.

    Most people play her by putting kittens all over the place, but in a localized area (i.e. they all shoot at the same doorway but are scattered amongst walls and roofs). Bait people or wait for people to try to get the teammates that the kittens guard, and when they get shot at by kittens you use fortify on the kittens. The kittens while fortified will slow enemies, and will eat their health near-instantly. Fire your laser at clustered enemies and down crowded enemy bot lanes to damage the entire lane at once so your team can push forward. As long as safe by kittens and team, you won't die anyway, but if you are injured just bunnyhop and flee or leech-life with red-beam alt-fire of primary weapon until you teleport with death dodger.
  4. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    thetrophysystem, how much have you pledged for PA?
  5. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    100 for the Box Set. 20 for a physical copy of the game, to go INTO the box set. Hope the flash drive looks
    Prediction of your next question: What RTS games have you played before?

    Answer: I have played all the C&C Series, like everyone else mainly RA2. I have played TA briefly, and have watched Starcraft played more often but have physically played Starcraft even less frequently. Also, do tower defence games like Bloons Tower Defence count as RTS, I mean if you think about it? Also, I have played tons of turn-based strategy as well. Generally just like the base building and the strategy and planning and learning in's and out's of what one can do.

    But no, I am not a 1000 pledger, nor have I modded for SupCom2 for multiple years. Hey brah, like my poll btw?
  6. theavatarofwar

    theavatarofwar New Member

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    I tried 3 whole games of SMNC. Though admittedly I came into the game with preconceptions that the idea was broken and would never work out (level-based team competition), all those three games did was demonstrate it.

    When I'm being sniped from a battlement for considerable damage, in a location I can never reach, and when I attempt to return fire only to have the enemy just take a step back and ignore me... yeah, great fun.

    When my melee guy (forget his name; the one with rockets) has to fire for a full minute in order to kill another melee guy, a level 43 paired up against my level 2 "for some strange reason" is able to grapple me outside of my rocket range, pull me into melee, keep me stun-locked, and kill me in 5 seconds flat.

    Yeah, I love games that aren't even remotely balanced. I get to be cannon fodder for a month or more as I get the skills I need to finally compete? Sign me up.
  7. sylvesterink

    sylvesterink Active Member

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    Unfortunately, there's no Linux version of SMNC. Otherwise I'd give it a try.
    But I'm much more of a Warsow guy, and I'm afraid I'd find SMNC a little on the slow and dull side. (Also, Dota-style games just aren't my thing.) Maybe if all the classes played like the Assassin from MNC. That's just a little closer to Warsow speed. :D
  8. zuegma

    zuegma New Member

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    Well I'd like to give the game a try but for some reason when I try to register an account with my user name and email address, it says this user account is banned. Strange when you consider I haven't played this before, so I guess I'll have to wait :p
  9. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Wow. I thought they fixed that. THAT is probably what is keeping this game down. That is the kind of things I mean. Contact Support@Uberent.Com or PM a developer to have them fix it. It is a glitch that bans every preexisting forum acct from registering as a game account, and it has to manually be fixed by the admins.

    The gap stuff doesn't work how you say it does. Being an agent level isn't what that huge health gap is. Agent levels can't really grant health bonuses, and the only exception leeches stats that actually matter like skill regen in order to get a lame 10% more health if I am not mistaken.

    That health gap you see is in-game level. Everyone starts off each game at level 1, and as they help kill bots and players they get more levels to upgrade skills. Each level also increases health and damage. To fix that, play the new Turbocross where all the damages are maxed at lvl 1 so everyone starts with lethal 1v1 damage. Also, always kill bots to stay the same level as your enemy. If you actually manage to outlevel them, it will be you able to take the tons of bullets and them unable to affect your health alone at all.

    It is a difficult slope to play on, which is why I figure if I tell people about this game, it is more likely the vass majority who tries it if only for the PA rewards might bring the small fraction of longer term players.
  10. rick104547

    rick104547 Member

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    I tried playing it but it keeps disconnecting me. SO UBER IF YOU WANT PPL TO PLAY SMNC THEN FIX THAT...
  11. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    The game is, in my opinion, better than GTA4 at hardware compatability and multiplayer connectivity, but that doesn't say a lot at all.

    Sometimes you have to try to troubleshoot things. If you have disconnects, try allowing the game as an exception on the firewall and stuff. Recently I have been experiencing shutter where anyone walking walks straight, teleports back to where they were, walks straight again... yet that happens when for some reason my ping spikes to 950+
  12. knickles

    knickles Well-Known Member

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    what reward?

    if I had known I would have claimed it a long time ago
  13. realwar

    realwar Member

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    Unfortunately, Supercross is pretty dead, and that's way more balanced and less frustrating than turbocross. Despite that, I would recommend people play SMNC. If you're having a hair-tearing time, come back a few days later. Take baby-steps if you need to.
  14. AraxisHT

    AraxisHT Active Member

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    The game is balanced pretty well. (Supercross and Blitz are impeccably balanced, Turbocross could use a little work but is still mostly balanced)
    Agent levels have no effect* on gameplay.
    Pro level, the level of a Pro in any given match, is used to upgrade your skills (in match only). This is all it does except in Supercross, where it also gives you passive buffs. Pro level ranges from 1 to 15. You always start a match at level 1. The fastest way to gain Pro levels in a match is to kill bots.
    Any Pro (character) can access any part of every map that a player is meant to have access to.
    If someone was sniping you from a place you couldn't access, you either just didn't find the jump pad or they were exploiting a flaw in the map. If you were being sniped by an actual sharpshooter, there is no way you couldn't get to where they were; they have the worst mobility in the game.
    It's painfully obvious that you just jumped into matchmaking without going through any sort of guide or exploring the training map.
    I question if you know what "melee" means. Rockets are not melee, they are ranged.
    The Pro that pulled you in close is the Veteran. He has a skill called Ka-Klaw that yanks you into grapple range. It is a very easy attack to dodge, especially if you know what it sounds like. Veteran is only dangerous in close range and only if you face him 1 on 1.
    I don't know who your "Rocket Melee Guy" is. The only pro that fires rockets is MegaBeth, and she's a girl. It's impossible to be outside MegaBeth's rocket launcher's range; the rockets continue until they hit something (Veteran's Ka-Klaw does not.).

    My point is that you went in completely unprepared and intentionally looking for an excuse to call the game broken. If you try again with an open mind and at least watch the intro video and read what your pro does, you will do much better.

    When you try again, I strongly suggest avoiding using any of the commandos (Spark, Assassin, Wascot), any of the sharpshooters (Sniper, Artemis, Gunslinger), or Veteran. They are the most difficult pros to play well (though they are extremely effective if you know how to use them right). Good pros to start with are Assaut, Gunner, Support, Cheston, Combat Girl, and MegaBeth. Also, as a general rule, fight bots, not players. Never chase a player.

    Blitz mode and the Training map are both good ways to get a feel for a new pro. (There are only 16. It's not like League of Legends where there will always be a character you don't know.) Once you start playing with one Pro, you get a feel for what the others are like just by having other players play as them.

    *The only thing Agent Level affects is Endorsement slots. Endorsement slots are unlocked in the first 96 Agent Levels. Endorsements affect a fraction of a percent of certain stats and always feature negative stats to counteract their positive effect. Individually they do nearly nothing. If you collect enough, they effectively allow you to swap a portion of your health or speed for an additional shot in your magazine or a small increase in critical hit chance.
  15. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Always kill bots and stay with your team. You will find enemies get themselves killed and that you can help assist the kill or even get the kill and die a whole lot less when you do this. Not to mention after half a game of killing bots you will be on or above enemy levels, meaning an enemy could probably hit you hard and you would feel it much less and/or be able to reap him even after getting blindsided by him.

    Ask for his story, it is possible and has happened a lot since the start of the game that he was playing gunner or tank and delt with a tank or veteran. I doubt he was megabeth.

    Anywho, I noticed a trend here. More people at least looking at the game since they have items for it for free is good to see. Forum members telling me how they cant get into the game due to hardware or banned-glitch or connection is helpful, as we can compile a list of problems and solutions to make it easier to get into this game.
  16. eukanuba

    eukanuba Well-Known Member

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    Would any SMNC player be willing to go on teamspeak and bark instructions at me? It would make getting the idea of right things and wrong things to do much easier.
  17. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I personally would do it :lol: :lol:

    Speaking of, editing main post to add the "VOIP Community Mumble" server as well, so you could find anyone to do it for you.
  18. eukanuba

    eukanuba Well-Known Member

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    I think it would be a good idea. It might be hard to get in the same game by using the matchmaker, but if we could find eight noobs and two people willing to instruct them it could be really good.
  19. AraxisHT

    AraxisHT Active Member

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    I'm game for this sort of thing if it happens when I'm online.
  20. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I don't have a mic personally (just noticed). I only have an XBox mic. So... :roll:

    Who else is hyped about the scheduled weekly update today? I hope they don't delay it :lol: I also hope it has some meat to it, like a new character or a big change to a game function or a new queue that is easier to find games in. Something.

    Oh, and fixes for the things that prevent new players from just signing up and playing.

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