The issue with upgraded throws, grapples and knockdowns.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Vuther, December 6, 2010.

  1. Vuther

    Vuther New Member

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    You know all the skills that can throw people around? An Assault Charge at level 3? Level 3 Gunner Grapple? Level 2 Sniper Grapple? Isn't it annoying when you do that, throwing your enemy away, but you quickly realized you will not kill them, and now they're safe from your awesome wrath? Feels like you shouldn't of spend your precious money on that, right?

    So, here's a suggestion to alleviate that. To utilize grapples, throw or knockdown added by upgrades (but I'd say to keep the improved damage always anyway), the button must held down a bit longer. This can allow Assaults to disrupt a bunch of Blackjacks running to their Moneyball rather than just killing the one in front, or to make it much easier for a Tank to keep Jet Gunning their target, or make it easier for Assaults to escape their enemies by not having to charge in such a way that they will not hit any grappleable enemies.
    Last edited: December 6, 2010
  2. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    Re: A functionality that would be helpful.

    Had to re-read it to understand what you meant, but it's not a bad idea :D
  3. Shroomkaboom

    Shroomkaboom New Member

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    Then Assassin should have the same thing I feel for one of her grapples. It's one thing thats always ticked me off when the sniper knocks me away, that now I'm right where he wants me, far away and looking down the barrel of his gun. So an assassin who stabs a tank, and then isn't immediatly killed by his death blossom would be a happy assassin indeed.
  4. Vuther

    Vuther New Member

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    That doesn't make any sense though, since the Assassin never knocks the enemy away from them. The purpose to make sure a player who upgrades their throwy stuff is fully capable of utilizing what it used to do if that would be advantageous at the moment. Otherwise, it's much less of an upgrade!
  5. Saint Mudknot

    Saint Mudknot New Member

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    The throwback can kill though, just aim for an off the map spot, it needs to be strategic to be a killing move. If you knockback into a safe zone, its called bad aim lol
  6. Vuther

    Vuther New Member

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    That's exactly my point. What would be perfectly acceptable aim at lower levels of the skills potentially become outright bad aim when you upgrade the skills. That doesn't sound like much of an upgrade, right?

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