Please buy Awesomenauts.

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by nefariousursine, September 27, 2012.

  1. Pave

    Pave Active Member

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    Thanks for the offer, but no thanks. You can find my opinons about the game in this thread (there's at least three posts spread each page).

    And as much I've been reading patch notes, there's still no self-damage dealt by explosives (kamikaze-god-mode for the win).

    There's more better games to get with 10-euros (both single and multiplayer ones). I still like the soundtrack though, but I'll probably get separately without the game (unless they'll do at least some mandatory balancing).

    Oh, I'm gonna counter Awesomenauts with a game still in Alpha: BAM! have a NEO Scavenger. Now die because of cardiac arrest (in-game that is).
    Last edited: September 27, 2012
  2. Cerilium

    Cerilium Active Member

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    Tried it on xbox and like it, But I don't go on the xbox online that often as I don't even plan on rebuying my membership so I don't see much point in buying.

    Before you say get on steam I can only play Smnc at my friends on weekends sometimes, so I'm not wasting to get a game I'm not even going to play.
  3. nefariousursine

    nefariousursine Member

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    It's just as repetitive as any other MOBA, No more. You'd actually be surprised how much variety you can have with 2 skills and an autoattack.
    Last edited: September 27, 2012
  4. qu4ckers

    qu4ckers Active Member

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    awesomenauts is better than smnc...

    it's actually balanced right now except for Leon's crits, and people play it
  5. FireflyJenkins

    FireflyJenkins Active Member

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  6. zerodivide

    zerodivide New Member

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    I'm waiting for it to drop to 5$. I actually tried to get a couple friends to buy the bundle with me but the appearance makes its hard to get serious gamers to try it out. and from what i have seen, its had matchmaking and low player count problems from day 1.

    I would so go crazy for a Humble indie bundle with Awesomenauts, Hero Academy(w/expansions), tower wars and revenge of the titans all together.

    Speaking of Humble indie bundles.. I bet if SMNC could toss in a package in the indie bundle with a couple of pros or something it may give the game a bit of a player surge. Best to wait until the new engine is going strong though.
  7. AraxisHT

    AraxisHT Active Member

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    You just sound like a one-note whiny kid that calls anything that kills him OP.
  8. Pave

    Pave Active Member

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    I usually don't reply on "public personal aggregator messages". But please, do enlighten me/elaborate your statement regarding to my post.
  9. AraxisHT

    AraxisHT Active Member

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    You constantly complain about one single thing without reason or evidence as to why it's bad. Every one of your posts relating to this game say exactly the same thing. You sound exactly like the 'Pyro is OP noob class' guys from TF2 and the "Assassin is OP" guys from SMNC and the whiny kids from every competitive game ever.
  10. thetrollingking

    thetrollingking New Member

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    Game sucks imo. Maps are too small and gameplay is too repetitive. It really doens't feel like a MOBA, it feels like SMNC turbo, but 2d and even more retarded.
  11. qu4ckers

    qu4ckers Active Member

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    I know, you keep losing. Nice win rate last time I checked, maybe 15%?
  12. Pave

    Pave Active Member

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    Well I do apologize that I haven't been on a loop when invulnerable-kamikaze-tactic became a stable things in PVP-games during my 20-years exprience of playing video-games other non-video-games.
    Would you kindly direct me for more PVP-games that enforces this strategy?

    I mean, sure when more TF2-servers removed team-damage (afterwardsbecome the default setting on the game itself), this setting became more stable things within PVP-shooters after that. I forgave this for the reason of incresed amount of spread-fire and explosions, since you still couldn't do C4-attached-to-ones-crotch-kamikaze, and walk away without single scratch from the shrapnels.

    Oh, team-damage. Makes you really wonder how on earth "anyone" was able to survive constant bombardments back then...

    Education and infromation inquiry are strange things nowadays aren't they...

    Fine print note: I didn't say the game is bad. But I did say I don't recomment this game for players such like myself due balance issues.
  13. nefariousursine

    nefariousursine Member

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    I honestly see no glaring balance issues. Yuri is a bit OP, gnaw a bit UP, but other than that I find everyone fine. the only people that can do explosions in your face is clunk and lonestar. clunk actually gets hurt by it and lonestar, well, not a big fan of it, but it isnt really a big deal since you have to be REALLY close to him.

    So while you complain about imaginary balance issues, I'll enjoy this great game that constantly updates with new and unique characters unlike SMNC *cough*gunslinger*cough*
  14. Nap

    Nap Well-Known Member

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    Amazing game, everyone is OP if you suck. Get good
  15. Pave

    Pave Active Member

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    My replies are written on red. Only porions of things according to my exprience of this game.

    1-non-prestige player vs 3-prestige players
    "Good luck! You'll need it..."
    Last edited: September 28, 2012
  16. nefariousursine

    nefariousursine Member

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    The dynamites being layed like mines got patched ages ago in the PC version. And hyperbull has gotten some nerfs too i believe.

    Yuri being a 1 trick pony with mine spamming is annoying, yes, but one good move will kill him and it'll take forever for him to build up his little mine field again.

    And about prestiging and newbies, you aren't gonna be put up against newbies if you're prestiging. There's matchmaking to prevent this. I have to admit its a bit strict right now so you'll probably start off playing with bots, but games do fill up quite nicely. And losing gives quite a good amount of XP, not to mention winning a battle gives you loads. You can unlock all the characters with 2 good days of playing, unlike the very grindy SMNC, where you either pay 10 dollars or grind for 33+ games.

    I have no idea why you'd think prestiging people would be put up against brand new people.
    Also prestiging means nothing to me. I couldve prestiged twice over already but i decided I'd rather have my full arsenal then to have my e-peen growing. I've even beaten level 10 prestiges.
    Last edited: September 28, 2012
  17. SnappleT

    SnappleT Active Member

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    I lost it then and there. I know Awesomenauts's characters are as entertaining as SMNC's, but GOD. :lol:
  18. thetrollingking

    thetrollingking New Member

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    Last time I played the game was about 3 weeks ago, played about 20 games so rates don't really mean anything. Also, how does losing have anything to do with what I think about the gameplay and maps?
  19. nefariousursine

    nefariousursine Member

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    Losing usually makes you think the game sucks since you cant ROFLstomp like you can in SMNC. maybe you think its retarded turbo cause you play like a retard and think its turbocross from SMNC.

    And maps are a perfect size for a game like this.
  20. AndyMatronic

    AndyMatronic Member

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    I ain't about that sidescrollin' life, unless it's a platformer.

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