
Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by thedomino, September 26, 2012.

  1. thedomino

    thedomino New Member

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    I'm hoping that the ingame movies and cutscenes use a known easy to use codec
    so that we might be able to add our own cutscenes/videos much easier than previous games, this includes UI videos and such.

  2. mortiferusrosa

    mortiferusrosa Member

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    On a slight side note, I want to say that the main menu screen from SupCom was my favorite (a video of the battle on Seton's Clutch with awesome music). Something similar would be cool.
  3. supremevoid

    supremevoid Member

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    I think we must hope that the community can make movies/cutsence.
    Because this is not in the budget of Uber.It would cost too much to make 30-60min cutsence.
  4. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    I dunno, the still images from TA were always a cool reward for a tough mission, and the simple voicing and briefing text was really nice.

    But maybe I am just kinda old.
  5. mortiferusrosa

    mortiferusrosa Member

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    I'd imagine the cost behind that would be exorbitant.
  6. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    If nothing else wouldn't we want to be able to access the documentary? It's also likely that we'll have an opening cinematic to set everything up. Steve likes to make movies ;) Oh and the credits will likely be a movie. Example the MNC credits:
  7. blackwell181st

    blackwell181st New Member

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    If they do include any movies or cutscenes then I hope they'll also include the option of skipping them just like I hope they'll do the same with the introduction or end credits.

    My reasoning for this is because having to watch un-skippable intro videos advertising the developer/publisher/technology used/yesterday's breakfast/etc before the game finally loads the main menu can be annoying for me and the same goes for cinematics unless of course I consider them to be particularly good such as the Dawn of War series (the exceptions are Soulstorm's cinematic and Retribution since I haven't played it yet).

    Unskippable cutscenes can also be annoying in-game particularly if you find yourself having to fight a boss five separate times before you're successful and being forced to hear his pre-fight speech beforehand each time.
  8. sorynarkayn

    sorynarkayn New Member

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    Considering how awesome the KS trailer was (it helped convince me to back the game), I think Uber could produce another 2-3 minute cutscene using in-game graphics.

    They don't need to spend millions on CG animation.

    It would be cool if Uber had a CONTEST to create PA's intro cinematic. The KS backers who will have access to the alpha/beta can edit in-game graphics together and create their own videos, and submit them. Then Uber can pick the best one, have John Patrick Lowrie narrate it, and put it in the game.

    Even if Uber decides to do the intro themselves, it would still be a great contest to get fans excited about the game's release.
  9. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    I don't think there's any way you could convince Steve to let other people do the fun part (making the movie).

    I do like the idea of doing some kind of contest though.
  10. thedomino

    thedomino New Member

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    i think front end movies and cutscenes are important, it doesnt matter how long they are
    as long as they are AWESOME!!

    also i cant recollect a games with cutscenes where i couldnt skip it,

    what i was basicly asking/hoping for is that from a modding perspective will the ingame
    movies be moddable, so that we can add our own if we wanted to.

    Coming from supcom, the actual movie code for the ui was quite good, getting movies to
    show was the easy part, however the codec used was .sfd, which as it happens costs alot of money to use, so virtually no custom movies or cutscenes were made, i was the one that figured out how to get custom movies into supcom, so it would be good if the PA movies used a better codec which is easly accessable.

    Also the movies had to be a percific "base" folder which was mounted by the game
    and could not be put into a mods folder, it would be awesome if we could put the movies and sounds in mods folders, if indeed the mods have there own folder structures.

    since i have little information on modding this request is a shot in the dark.
  11. chirmaya

    chirmaya Member

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    I'd also like a format that we could work with. I tried to do some animated unit images during dialogue (Starcraft style), but had to work with still images instead due to that evil SFD format.

  12. thedomino

    thedomino New Member

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    Well i did these,

    i also added some new voice sounds for each faction,
    as well as some front end movies for all factions and some loading screens.

    i was hoping others would also make some new front end movies but no one did. :(

    heres some videos ive done with supcom, some interesting things on there

    here a quick video of the linked video's in action
    something simple..

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