Planetary Assaults and Interstellar Transportation

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by TheLambaster, September 7, 2012.


What resembles your opinion?

  1. dropships and dropship-carriers both sound nice

    146 vote(s)
  2. dropships sound good, but no need for carriers

    22 vote(s)
  3. we don't need interplanetary troop transports

    3 vote(s)
  4. we don't need interstellar troop transports

    8 vote(s)
  5. neither interstellar nor interplanetary troop transport is needed

    10 vote(s)
  6. whatever... I don't mind

    7 vote(s)
  1. zordon

    zordon Member

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    You say it yourself and yet are failing to acknowledge it, you're presuming one of the things being debated is true. You can't just say this is how it is, none of us know that yet.

    Now If I were to ask, I think people would find your insistence on the one true dropship more of a troll than anything I've said to you in this thread.
  2. elexis

    elexis Member

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    So you want to build a giant spacefactory to build.... transports. And nothing else (because the devs have repeatedly said there wont be space combat).

    That sounds practical.

    Thankyou for clarifying the Dune reference for me, you have proven that the definition of Dropship is not consistent across science fiction and therefore the Thread Creator is allowed in interpret the word Dropship as he sees fit. Please stop derailing the topic.

    If this is still driving you insane then I strongly recommend you see a psychiatrist, you may have Asperger's.
  3. sorynarkayn

    sorynarkayn New Member

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    As "practical" as using an asteroid to destroy an enemy base, possibly annihilating the entire planet, and destroying your own base in the process.

    Regardless, an orbital factory/shipyard wouldn't only build IP Transports. It could build other units too. But this topic isn't about orbital units or factories, it's about modes of interplanetary and interstellar transportation. The only reason I brought up orbital factories was one possible explanation of how IP Transports could be produced. You cherry-picked the orbital factory just to make an issue of it. TROLL.

    Google "Dropship" and here is the first webpage that appears:

    I couldn't find any sources for Dropships that contend they're capable of interplanetary or interstellar travel. I was the one who did the leg work for Dune, so you didn't even get that one right.

    So provide sources for your wrong definition of "Dropship", or STFU. TROLL.

    You, the OP, or anyone else can continue to use the WRONG definition for Dropship. You can also argue that 2+2=5 based on 1984. You're still WRONG. So go ahead, be wrong. It just means that I'm right.
  4. TheLambaster

    TheLambaster Active Member

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    Couldn't a mod/ admin send him a warning or temp-ban him or something? His aggressive and irrational behavior is unacceptable. He makes it impossible to have a cultivated discussion and really gets down this thread.
  5. zordon

    zordon Member

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    A dropSHIP implies a ship that can also drop, where as say a dropPOD would just be capable of carrying some kind of cargo and dropping.

  6. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    I don't know about you guys, but I can't wait to fly my dropships between planets.
  7. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    And moons and Asteroids!

    Boy, I can't wait for those Dropships! Maybe I should whip up some Concepts for the Dropships!

  8. TheLambaster

    TheLambaster Active Member

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    "Dropship!" Man, I just dropped the D-bomb.
  9. sorynarkayn

    sorynarkayn New Member

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    Way to pile on with the off-topic flamers, and prove you have absolutely no integrity, OP.

    PS: If I was a troll: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, DUMB@$$! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  10. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Except we're the ones having fun.

  11. sorynarkayn

    sorynarkayn New Member

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    Fun? You mean your flawless impersonations of a gaggle of ignorant rednecks, scratching your heads and guffawing at the cityslicker and al' his fancy booklearnin' after I tell you that thunder isn't the sound of angels bowling. Yeah, I find that hilarious. :lol:

    I don't think I could have done a more masterful job in manipulating you all into exposing your willful ignorance and childish petulance, causing you to completely undermine yourselves and destroy whatever credibility you imagined that you had.
  12. zordon

    zordon Member

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    Someone sure does take himself seriously don't they.
  13. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    It is the Internet, after all.

    Maybe the dropships, on their way back from another planet, will bring some sense to sorynarkayn.
  14. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    You're pretty arrogant about a fictional term in a fictional setting eh?

  15. elexis

    elexis Member

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    For the record you pointed out, in a very long post (or three), that the "commonly accepted" definition of the word dropship is not consistent with what the OP was saying. I said that because you clearly understand what he really meant, you should drop it and instead focus on the actual topic. Instead you went on a rant which involved multiple occurrences of long posts, often consecutively, arguing the use of the word. Thus ruining what was a decent dosen-page thread about a valid and interesting topic.

    And now you are claiming that YOU are the one trolling us. YOU are admitting that you intentionally derailed a thread with the sole purpose to antagonise others.

    Well played. Now leave this thread and don't come back.
  16. neov1per

    neov1per New Member

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    Hey there folks,

    I'd like to just throwout an idea about moving units between worlds, bases etc.
    I've seen a lot of talk of transports being vehicle based but few ideas about building based forms transport apart from the the rocket of course.

    But what if units were capable of being downloaded and uploaded? Instead of being physically moved around?

    What if you could build a special structure that allows units to be disassembled back down to there nano form and transported across the map to another station. Now I realise this steps on the toes of factories but no resources are being consumed by this process (although maybe an energy cost) and the reassembly would be much quicker assembling whole groups instead of single units like that of a factory, it would also allows for groups of 10,20,50 etc to be moved between these stations.
    These "stations" could also tie into the radar systems as it would need a link from source to destination.

    Now that's all well and good for established bases I hear you cry but what about dropping units into a heated battle?

    Well instead of a drop ship why not have a unit capable of downloading small groups of units to itself and placing them at its location. A sort of mobile radar / transfer unit.

    Anyway just an idea I had.
  17. elexis

    elexis Member

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    So a teleporter?

    Doable, just got to manage the obvious balance issue (namely, transport is either instantaneous or the units are just plain invulnerable while in transit).
  18. neov1per

    neov1per New Member

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    Yeah I suppose it really is just a teleporter :lol:
  19. TheLambaster

    TheLambaster Active Member

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    Similar to the Warp Prism in StarCraft2? Just in this case the units would not be loaded into the mobile teleport? This is a decent idea, as it is a compromise between establishing a gate and landing dropships. At least that is how I understood it... the mobile teleports would be basically air units I guess? But they could also travel between astronomical bodies?

    I for one would completely ignore stationary teleports and go for mobile ones in different sizes. Some which have a high rate of reconstruction and some with lower rates.

    I thought f something like this:


    A mobile teleportation craft, that is basically a gunship (without weapons) that can go into space.


    For clarification: I suggest the following mechanic:

    You need a start platform, where you put you units on. Ones units are on that platform, they can be assigned to a transport. They get automatically teleported once the mobie teleport reaches it's "teleport cargo to here" point, or when the player presses a "teleport cargo to ground now" button. The player can also select single units to be teleported to the ground. The UI of the mobile teleportation craft gets updated when units are assigned to the respective MTC. A MTC can only carry a maximum number of units at a time. But once a unit is being teleported successfully or is unassigned from the MTCm a slot get's free.


    Teleporting should cost ressources, because it would be pretty imbalanced otherwise.
    Last edited: September 25, 2012
  20. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    So its a spaceship?

    I still don't see the problem, defending planets will be extremely hard, and with a strong economy you can just build a new army to attack another planet.

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