Should the game have resource limit?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by qwerty3w, September 20, 2012.


Should the game have resource limit?

  1. yes

    83 vote(s)
  2. no

    90 vote(s)
  1. supremevoid

    supremevoid Member

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    Re: Should the game have resource storage limit?

    For balance YES sure.Feels pretty bad if someone build and build and build.... units for ever.If your economy is not as good as the economy from your enemy you cant pick up your things and say GG and then you give the match up.

    For Optionial selecting NO.

    But If storage Limit.
    Metal: 5Mio
    Energy: depends on energy storages.
    other:5Mio or depends on other storage houses.

    5Mio sounds realy big amount but i dont know yet how much units will cost so i took 5Mio.Be okay with that.

    MAYBE you can add a "YES but Optional" to your Poll.I would take that
  2. jurgenvonjurgensen

    jurgenvonjurgensen Active Member

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    Re: Should the game have resource storage limit?

    That's how you get people to stop making mistakes. Wasting mass (especially if there's a flashing "Mass wastage" warning) is more obvious than having resources sitting in your infinite storage not contributing to your war effort. If something is a mistake, it should be an obvious mistake. Allowing bad players to continue making the same mistakes and thinking it's perfectly fine will not help them get better.
  3. wolfdogg

    wolfdogg Member

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    Re: Should the game have resource storage limit?

    Indeed. Additionally, you normally see your stats at the end of a game, displayed for all to see. "total mass wasted" and "total energy wasted" are things you should be penalised for. Anybody trying to improve will be studying their performance anyway.

    Punishing people for doing things wrong means that they will think twice about how they are going to do things the next time around.
  4. stmorpheus

    stmorpheus New Member

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    Re: Should the game have resource storage limit?

    are we talking supcom style storage or just endless storage in general. i would like supcom style storage but not endless automatic storage.
  5. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Re: Should the game have resource storage limit?

    SupCom style, technically it's not even storage if it's infinite, its just allowing you to use all your resources you ever collected.

  6. qwerty3w

    qwerty3w Active Member

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    Re: Should the game have resource storage limit?

    If the game has resource caps, then the player might shouldn't occupy six metal spots then build two constructors, he has to build one constructor for each three metal spots, it isn't a easy task for newbies, and the difference between the metal cost and the build time would make it harder.
    And because the punishment is bigger than other rts games, the newbies would need to reach a higher level of resources management skills before they become proper multiplayer players, some of the newbies might give up the game before they reach that level.
    Cause the multiplayer players usually stick to a game for a longer time, that might be bad for the community.

    We could see some interesting gameplay more without the resource caps, like store a lot of energy then use them for a assault of a large group of cloaked units that use too much energy for cloaking so you can't afford it ceaselessly.

    If the newbies need to know the importance of incessantly resource spending, the game can tell them in the tutorial.
  7. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Re: Should the game have resource storage limit?

    I'm not sure what you mean by this, are you thinking of a spending Cap?

    I'm confused because right at the start of a game all storage cap does is allow the player to only build so much before he has to get Resource buildings(in FA you could build a factory first instead of having to do Mex-Pgen-Mex-Pgen-Mex-Pgen-Mex-Pgen-Factory type build) and during the rest of the game all it does is limit how much the player has on hand he can still use as much or little of his income as he wants, its only when his resource needs out larger than his income, it starts draining the storage first and when that runs out everything slows down until his requirements match his income.

  8. wolfdogg

    wolfdogg Member

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    Re: Should the game have resource storage limit?

    Thing is with being a newbie is that everyone was one at some point.

    When I learned to play SC I played the campaign. This prepared me in no way what so ever for the online world of SC. Instead I got beat. Over and over and over...

    One of the best ways to learn is getting beat. As long as you learn by your mistakes. One of the best things about SC was that you could save your games and watch the replays when the game had concluded.

    One of the other best things about SC was that you could watch replays of other peoples' games. This was an amazing way to see the techniques used by some of the best players in the world and learn from them by watching how they won and lost.

    PA really needs this feature. It's not like everyone has time to take the newbie under their wing. Also the neat thing about it was that you might not be a competitive player, but watching a replay could still help you get more out of your game. Even if you just play against your mate or the skirmish AI.
  9. chrishaldor

    chrishaldor Member

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    Re: Should the game have resource storage limit?

    We know that PA is using a rate-based economy, which doesn't work with a res cap, so I just clocked that this thread is completely pointless :?
  10. thapear

    thapear Member

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    Re: Should the game have resource storage limit?

    Except that TA and SC had res caps, and they worked fine...
  11. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Re: Should the game have resource storage limit?

    You should explain your thought process, I'm curious.

  12. doctorzuber

    doctorzuber New Member

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    Re: Should the game have resource storage limit?

    Of course it should. Not having a cap on streaming resources would be a terrible idea. It would completely wreck the game balance.
  13. doctorzuber

    doctorzuber New Member

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    Re: Should the game have resource storage limit?

    His english is terribad, but I'm guessing he means a hypothetical build order.

    Metal Extractor (x3) >> Constructor >> Metal Extractor (x3) >> Constructor
    Metal Extractor (x6) >> Constructor (x2)

    If I'm understanding his theoretical example, the first case is a good build order. The second is not because your metal storage will cap out on you before you finish the 6 extractors. Little details like that yes, are rough on noobs since the early game build orders can be fairly strict to maximize economy.

    But it really doesn't take THAT long to start learning that stuff, especially if there are some tutorials to clue you in to what you need to be watching for.

    I would much rather have a bit of a learning curve for new players to tackle than to deal with the potential balance nightmares of having a completely uncapped streaming economy.
  14. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Re: Should the game have resource storage limit?

  15. qwerty3w

    qwerty3w Active Member

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    Re: Should the game have resource storage limit?

    Yeah, I'm not a experienced english speaker at all.
    But please explain why it would break the balance, I know it would make large constructors groups more powerful, why would that necessary break the balance? They would die to aoe weapons easily if they don't have too much hp like the clam was in Zero-K.

    It might be longer than you think, I can't remember how many times I see a player forgot to get enough build power in time in Zero-K, some of them are not even newbies.
  16. Alcheon

    Alcheon Member

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    Re: Should the game have resource storage limit?

    no, buuild all the energy and metal storage units you want, youll need a ton of resources to manage war on a galactic scale
  17. DragonMaus

    DragonMaus New Member

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    Re: Should the game have resource storage limit?

    I think there may be a bit of misunderstanding regarding the poll.

    Initially, I thought the question was "Should there be a hard cap on resources that cannot be passed no matter how many storage units you build?", thus I voted "no".

    After thinking about it for a bit and reading the entire thread, it seems much more likely that the question is actually "Should there be an initial limit to resource storage, that you can expand infinitely by building storage units?", which earns a resounding "YES" from me.
    I'd imagine that at least a couple of the "no"s are based on the first meaning.

    Is my thinking correct (or even plausible)? Could we clearly define what's being discussed here?
  18. qwerty3w

    qwerty3w Active Member

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    Re: Should the game have resource storage limit?

    I use the second definition, maybe I should remove "storage" in the title.
  19. Bastilean

    Bastilean Active Member

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    Mass storage will be necessary if:

    1. We have local economies. Because we need to be able to move our mass around and you can't move what you can't store. Local economies without storage is nonsense. :geek:

    2. In TA the only real use for mass storage was when you had large metal structures to reclaim that were worth more mass than you could store. So if we are going to be able to reclaim large on map wreckage mass storage should be included.

    So I didn't vote, because I don't this is an issue that people's opinions have any direct relevance to. It should be decided by other factors and decisions and be an extension there of.
  20. holmebrian

    holmebrian New Member

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    they could limit it also based on how many storage buildings you can build.

    so that is another option

    ps: just cause it is an idea i don't like dosent mean i should not post it

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