Most Overpowerd class (Post DLC)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by An Artic Fox, December 3, 2010.


Most Over Powerd Class

  1. Assault

    95 vote(s)
  2. Assassin

    30 vote(s)
  3. Support

    9 vote(s)
  4. Tank

    10 vote(s)
  5. Sniper

    28 vote(s)
  6. Gunner

    15 vote(s)
  7. None

    51 vote(s)
  1. An Artic Fox

    An Artic Fox New Member

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    Name says it all. EDIT: I have changed my Vote to the Assault. I finally learned to deal with Assassins juice and otherwise , but the Assault is ridiculous. Beats you at long range. Beats you mid range. Beats you at close range. Spams bombs. Can fly. Has a charge grapple and with critical shots? Almost garentees youll go positive 20. I played the Assault myself and find the game goes into easy mode.
    Last edited: December 6, 2010
  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Where's the all classes are balanced option?
  3. An Artic Fox

    An Artic Fox New Member

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    I dont put those. this is opinion based on most OP class. If yuo think they are balensed just dont vote. :)
  4. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    I don't see any class as being OP at this point, though Assassin juice gains seem a little much, and Spunky Cola arena is really good at exposing the inherent weaknesses of all the classes. I'm sure once we have enough hands-on time with it and see how it should be played at a much higher level, we'll know if any one class actually qualifies for OP status.
  5. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    None are OP post DLC. Support is a bit weak. the juiced shotgun now the fastest moneyball destroyer?
  6. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Added none and made sticky.
  7. ManaCorporation

    ManaCorporation New Member

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    I say it's the Gunner because I can't seem to kill them and they seem capable of pulverizing any class I use even with Gold Armor/Silver Armor. It's ridiculous.
  8. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    Most OP (Skilled Player)
    1. Tank
    2. Assault
    3. Sniper
    4. Gunner
    5. Assassin
    6. Support

    Most OP (Average Players)
    1. Assault
    2. Sniper
    3. Assassin
    4. Gunner
    5. Support
    6. Tank

    In my opinion, this hasn't changed since day 1.
  9. Cardboardwarior

    Cardboardwarior New Member

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    I think the Assault would be the closest thing to overpowered, but it is a stretch.
  10. mute

    mute New Member

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    Voted none as far as OP goes,.. I'd almost say Assassin or Sniper still due to crazy easy juicing but Assassins die like paper dolls and the Sniper's juice rate now that some LOS issues have been fixed is not as bad as it was before. Can't just camp forever in the back or a corner as much as before and get juice for practically no reason by sniping turrets. Gunner tears people up, but that's rightfully so.. I mean, look @ his gun. He also has glaring weaknesses, one of which is he's incredibly slow and very easy to sneak up on... so he balances out as well.

    I havent played GrenadeIII much yet as a or against many Gunners so if the distance/damage thing has been fixed I havent really noticed.. that map is one of the obvious examples of when it used to be an issue (they could be on the entire opposite side of the map up on a bridge, shooting all the way across the middle to the other walkways and snipe you out cold with a couple hits).
  11. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Lol @ people who think the Assassin is overpowered. If you think that then you're probably not as good as you think you are. I play Assassin exclusive, and many people will agree that I'm quite good at it. Yet people like Roy and Hudson can handle me easily, even when juicing.

    I voted Assault. There's no one particular thing about him that I find OP; it's a combination of the bomb, charge, fly, and the overall ease with which he can kill pros. I suppose this is made up for by the lack of lane pushing abilities, but I didn't want to vote none.
  12. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    The number of assassin votes is hilarious.

    Tank gets my vote.
  13. DDM

    DDM New Member

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    hmm... this is a hard one
    assault all around seems to be the best pro killer in the game all his skills are very good but nothing about him is rediculous.
    tank great lane pusher, turret killer, good skills and still a respectable pro killer. with juice OMG!!!!!! death blossum = air stike jet gun is a lazer cannon of pure concentrated ownage against everything need i go on. although he is the slowest juicer in the game.

    I think its a hard choice but i'll say tank is the most OP
  14. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Only thing that feels really OP about the Tank is the indirect buff he got from the nerfing of lazer blazers. Even then, won't work against any team with half a brain, and LB's tend to stop targeting you when you are deployed if your bots walk in range.

    That being said, Deploy was risk/reward before the DLC against lazer blazers, and still is against other sources of damage (like buzzers and gremlins). Post DLC however, there is much less risk deploying in front of MULTIPLE 3.3 lazers. Before the DLC, you could not gain 100% juice if any other pros frontloaded you with about 20% of your health bar in damage. Now 3.3s will barely drop you to half health (if that).

    As for the other aspects of the tank, his only really OP thing he had going for him was the money ball damage of the rail gun. I think he is a really strong pro, if not the strongest when played properly, but no matter how he is played he is eaten alive by any decent Assault at medium and sometimes even close range (easy head crabs on charging fat tanks), and the gunner can destroy him at mid range with ease.

    I would have a great many lols if the tank suddenly goes from "underpowered class that no one plays" (see prior most OP class thread) to anything close to "overpowered" after only receiving nerfs in the past two balance changes. :p
  15. Enigma5081

    Enigma5081 New Member

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    None and i don't see why people think tank is overpowered he hasn't had any buffs. Assault is a pro killer he sucks against bots. And yes of course its easy for assassins to push on spunky the bots all group together and with the chance of churros they have a chance of regaining healh and skill. Gunners are big slow and don't have alot of armor. So i believe no class is overpowered.
  16. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    i see all the classes fairly balanced now, Tank is NOT overpowered, he is in the hands of a good player but what class isn't? he has a lot of counters, i mainly play assault and i dominate a lot of tanks in mid range my friend who is a good tank even said i was the most annoying assault he has played, sure thats only for us in Aus but i would kill him 9/10 times if he just tried to kill me without trying to kill me when i was already close to death or focused on something else.
  17. J Triple Dash

    J Triple Dash New Member

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    ditto to that!!
  18. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    It's not about the tank being buffed, it's about the previous favorites for being overpowered (support, sniper) being nerfed. Also, the new map is great for tanks while being poor for snipers which is a sort of indirect buff/nerf.

    "Overpowered" might be a bit too strong of a word. I personally think the game is very well balanced, and any advantage one class might have over the others isn't major enough to be game breaking.
  19. Superchicken

    Superchicken New Member

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    As more people become aware of the previously obscure "technique" to playing tank he is becoming a bit of a problem. It is still rare but even in games without LB turrets I occasionally see essentially perma-juiced tanks, which are muuuuuuuuch more problematic than juiced assasins. And before the Hudson-Rueben "tank sandwich" :lol: converges and say its manageable and people need to l2p etc. yes, it is somewhat manageable, but the effort required to stop a decent tank with the proper know how is the highest thus my vote for most op.
  20. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    If it makes you feel any better I do think that it is overpowered now. Before the DLC there was a large risk of being killed before you get juice. Now, it's easy as hell with a minimal risk. It is, however, managable, and people do need to learn to play (or just stop putting Lazor Blazors in the middle of nowhere).

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