Galactic Gates: A Universal Solution To Major Problems

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by sstagg1, September 18, 2012.


What do you think?

  1. Good Idea!

    13 vote(s)
  2. Needs Some Work...

    38 vote(s)
  3. This Is Terrible!

    19 vote(s)
  4. (Other)

    3 vote(s)
  1. sstagg1

    sstagg1 Member

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    Of course.

    I think it's also been mentioned that any incoming units would be incredibly obvious. Flashing red shadows of where they're going to appear, or something along those lines. A travel delay would also allow some time for preparation.
  2. SwiftBlizz

    SwiftBlizz Member

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    Exactly, but I thought more that there should be an individual charge-up time for each unit entering the teleport capable gate. That way, it would be more of a streaming of units through than suddenly a blob appearing all at the same time.
    The delay would be long enough that any local guard force in a base would reach there in time, this would prevent the most unwanted 'only teleport base invasions' since it would almost be plain suicide for the units teleported in.
    Although the enemy shouldn't be able to tell which kind of units are going to appear where.. only the rough size should be able to be guessed from the size of the alerting visual teleport effect.
  3. mecharius

    mecharius New Member

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    I think that has been pretty much accepted as basic for the gates if they get unconnected teleportation. Which is something I don't think will be added if gates are adopted but you never know.

    I think having the units be vulnerable on arrival in a kind of protoss warp-in style would also help balance out the unconnected teleport. Basically unconnected teleports should almost not be worth it but to certain extreme situations. That or unconnected could only be to certain spots on a planet, just like if orbital drops or space platforms could only be at certain locations on a planet when launching from another planet.
  4. achmedino

    achmedino New Member

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    I think this would really overcomplicate it.
  5. falcrack

    falcrack Member

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    I think a gate should be able to transport a single unit (such as a commander) to any spot barring teleport disprution, except it requires a huge amount of energy and has a long time between each unit to teleport, but travel between two gates should be nearly free, so if you get a gate up on a planet you can send a steady stream of units through the gate easily.
  6. captainshootalot

    captainshootalot Member

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    *Space-time anomaly detected*

    Followed by bright light

    Followed by a full invasion burying the planet in enemy units

    Time for proper opinion:
    What I think is that it should'nt be possible to to use an interstellar teleporter to move entire armies to planets, but more to avoid a planetary defense system and clearing a landing zone for a further invasion. I would love to have interstellar teleporting as a part of the game, but not having to fear for my life every moment and building PD's all over my planet because I would die in an instant if I didnt
  7. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    I don't think planetary defenses will be in the game other then rockets, and even then you won't have radar coverage over the entire planet (If the enemy has no jammers) so I still feel like it should be a simple matter of simply hiding and setting up a new base.

    Moving troops? You could have interplanetary teleporter pads like star trek and move in small army's for a large energy cost, that way preventing massive waves of troops appearing at a time.

    And going from system to system? FTL bound transport rockets for your commander and a squad of engineers, give it 10 mins and you will have a new army before the enemy even knows your their.

    From TA the point of the commander was to build a new army on the fly, if you could just transport your entire army in one go, why would you even need a commander?

    Or even an army? Just build a flt krogath and purge the galaxy.
  8. doctorzuber

    doctorzuber New Member

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    This, exactly.

    If you include the idea of teleporting from planet to planet, than you're basically killing the entire game concept. Why do you need the commander indeed. Why do you need anything at that point? Just shove an army of the biggest units you can build through a gate and repeat until bored.

    The game sounds a lot more AWESOME to me without gates. With gates, it would boil down to who can produce the most units to shove through the gate at the other guy. All the strategy would be gone.
  9. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Yeah, and as so my compromise suggestion with the transport pads, with a high enough energy cost they could be a measure to allow people to indeed move their army's, but not easily.

    Mobile factory units or drone controllers (Land based carriers) could be an extremely good unit for asteroid and moon conflicts where you need to deploy units fast and don't have the power to bring in reinforcements.
  10. doctorzuber

    doctorzuber New Member

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    'Eh, I still don't like it.

    Yes, you could balance gates with a high energy cost making them a late game unit. But even in the hypothetical scenario that this is included and balanced appropriately, it still feels less AWESOME to me than rockets or KEWS or whatever other crazy stuff Uber has in store for us to facilitate interplanetary warfare in a fun and interesting way.

    Seriously, ask yourself. Would you rather your units step through a "Magic Door" to get to the enemy?

    Or would you rather them be catapulted through space, launched in rockets, flown in transports, or some other crazy thing?

    I don't know about you, but I'm voting for the crazy here. Screw gates. That other stuff sounds more fun.
  11. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    This is also what I would prefer, this was more of a measure of compromise on my part to the people who could not see the game in any other way.

    Personally I want MIRV Transport rockets to deposit my army onto new battlefields.

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