Galactic War

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by EaglePryde, September 18, 2012.

  1. EaglePryde

    EaglePryde New Member

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    Hi there. I'm new to this site.

    I find this game very interessting but i've got a question regarding Galactic War.

    Will it be possible to play Galactic War together with some friends through direct connection without the use of a massive online or offline server?

    Because i have read that Galactic War is a metagame it should be possible for someone to act as host and the others to join. I also get why it is a metagame. Having it full realtime would be a dream but would kill everything except a very powerfull server.

    We are mostly interessted in fights against the AI. We aren't really after ranked matches or global games with dozens of other players because we like to play at our own pace and have fun talking through Teamspeak. We also have our regular gaming days where we gather just for such a purpose. Like a LAN party without the need to sit at the same place :)

    Galactic War would be a dream come true for us if it's like what i described.


    As a suggestion i would add the feature to attack a sector of space with higher risk/ reward instead of just 1 solar system. The maximum of what could be added into a fight could be decided by the host. Would make for some interessting fights.

    There gould be some kind of gate mechanic to not make it to easy to get from one solar system to another.
  2. SwiftBlizz

    SwiftBlizz Member

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    I would really like to know if the Galactic war map is gonna be turnbased or realtime like the galactic conquest map in Starwars: Empire at War??
  3. Spooky

    Spooky Member

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    -> ... sts/303555
  4. EaglePryde

    EaglePryde New Member

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    That's not what i meant. Local play is normaly on your own computer or over LAN but not online coop.

    I asked if it would be possible to play Galactic War online coop without the need of a hosted/payed server. Just plain simple over direct connection.
  5. svip

    svip Member

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    Look at the point right below the highlighted one. But it would be very strange if co-op would be restricted to LAN, especially if you can set up your own server (which Uber has indicated you can on several occasion; especially seeing as LAN is possible).
  6. Spooky

    Spooky Member

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    There is not much of a technical difference between "local play" and "direct connection over the internet". The server won't care from where the connection comes from, at least that is what I assume ;).
  7. ultramarine777

    ultramarine777 Member

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    I am also curious for this. Is it going to be like Galactic conquest in battlefront 2 where its only 2 armies(where turnbase can work) and you take territory after territory and get planetary/galactic bonuses or if its going to be more like Dawn of war Dark Crusade campaign, where you invade a territory then fight and then wait for the other 5 factions to make their move after you finish yours. How would turnbased work with several different armies at the same time? Would it not be unfair to not be able to defend several territories?
  8. sokolek

    sokolek Member

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    Galactic war is just a simple themed UI that lets you start or join games. For example in "campaign" mode you click spot in the galaxy and a star system shows up on which you can play the game. Later you can have map or conquered parts of galaxy. Something like 4th stage Spore. In multiplayer, games to join can be randomly displayed as arrows pointing different points of galaxy to show you where you can join the game. This may be form of replacement of a lobby.
  9. SwiftBlizz

    SwiftBlizz Member

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    Well if you wish to play Galactic war coop with friends or something it could work as the lobby.
    Remember Uber said it is the dynamic replacement for a singleplayer campaign and would be a metagame.
  10. sacrificiallamb

    sacrificiallamb Member

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    WTF where do you get your info from almost non of that has said. you do know the game has not been made yet. I imagine it more like Dawn of war Dark Crusade campaign and i think a comparison to Spore has been made but they did not know they where going to make Galactic war till about a week ago it has not been finalized how it well work, publicly and probably not in house.
  11. sstagg1

    sstagg1 Member

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    Hah, yep. sokolek, you seriously need to review your own info before posting. Been a few times it's been inaccurate to say the least ;)
  12. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Internet + Hamachi = LAN.

    You can play anything over the internet with anyone as it was a LAN connected game, with Hamachi.
  13. EaglePryde

    EaglePryde New Member

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    Yeah I know but some games don't fully work with Hamachi. I don't use Hamachi anymore since it got overloaded. There are alternatives that work pretty much like it.
  14. EaglePryde

    EaglePryde New Member

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    In theory ....but from a programming pov it is a bit different. ;)
  15. gleming

    gleming New Member

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    Nobody really knows how Galactic wars will work as the game development just started. We will know more as time passes and once Alpha or Beta comes around. I personally think it will be a completely real-time galaxy of battles.
  16. doctorzuber

    doctorzuber New Member

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    The term "Galactic War" is a bit confuzzling. Allow me to explain why.

    In TA "Galactic War" referred to a meta-game hosted on an inhouse service called Boneyards. This replaced your typical multiplayer matchmaker system with a team based galactic conflict. Each real earth day, you would be battling over 3 or so planets (maps). The team that won the most in these battles, would push the conflict forward to a different map for the next day. When a team pushed the battle all the way to the end of the branching progression, that team would win the war. The war would then reset, and start all over again. This typically took 3 to 6 months.

    To my knowledge, In PA, "Galactic War" has been officially used in three different contexts, making it unclear exactly what is going on. So I shall attempt to explain each of these as I understand them. I apologize if I hash that up a bit.

    Galactic War (The Meta Game)
    This is your multiplayer match up system. You don't just fight battles. You participate in some sort of galactic war likely very similar to the system used in TA on boneyards.

    Galactic War (The Campaign)
    This is a galaxy, or a mini galaxy, this is a resettable, procedurally generated campaign mode. You can replay the campaign as many times as you like, and it will be different every time. You fight a series of battles. How you perform in these battles is likely to affect future battles. You will even be able to play campaigns with your friends in a form of coop mode. Since this has been announced, there is some confusion that this may be replacing or expanding the meta game version of the Galactic War. I'm not sure what is up with that.

    Galactic War (Epic battles)
    This is a single battle, stretched over multiple solar systems. We're talking 40+ hour battles. We're talking extremely epic scale for gamers that like super long epic battles. If you like epic battles, this is for you. More normal length battles will of course be available as well.

    So as you can see, the term Galactic War, is understandably a bit confusing. So I don't blame you at all for being a bit mixed up about this one. I'm not so sure I'm not mixed up at this point myself.
  17. Spooky

    Spooky Member

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    #1 and #2 are essentially the same, just in a different context. #3 has never been called "Galactic War". It has merely been stated, that they aim for one match to support up to 40 players within a system.
    Last edited: September 20, 2012
  18. thygrrr

    thygrrr Member

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    #2 is misunderstood, there will not be an offline GW, most likely. It is a strictly online multi player thing. Maybe it's even impossible to host your own GW because it's the metagame that happens exclusively on (uberent's) servers.

    Saying GW is the campaign is like saying meat is my vegetables. Not an appropriate substitute, but a quite delicious alternative.
  19. Spooky

    Spooky Member

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    Thygrrr, have you even read the Kickstarter update regarding the Galactic War?
    which strongly suggests, that you can create a Galactic War by yourself, local and offline. It's probably going to be a feature of the game's server application/part and since you can run servers by yourself, there is no limit for you how to use it. Plus the last item in the feature list is the "campaign" that doctorzuber (and others) meant.
    Last edited: September 20, 2012
  20. Yourtime

    Yourtime Member

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    oh well spooky ... you were faster..

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