DLC Sniper Why should he be played

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by BArmySandrock, December 3, 2010.

  1. BArmySandrock

    BArmySandrock New Member

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    I am a decent sniper preDLC. I had a decent time before the DLC came out. I understand the reasons that the sniper was nerfed. I find that the sniper no longer has a reason to be in the game. His advantages preDLC was the Headshot and his damage to the money ball. The scariest thing was a juiced sniper hitting the moneyball, Now the sniper rifle zoomed at the moneyball does the same damage as the smg. If their was to much complain about a juiced sniper moneyball rush, then decrease the bonus damage for just the sniper. As for the headshot the game is designed to not get headshots. Their are to many tricks to get out of it. Spinning in place for example. I find no reason to play the sniper.

    I would love for someone to tell me why anyone should still main a sniper consistently.
  2. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    because when you spin in place, your head stays in the same spot.
  3. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    a GOOD sniper is a very annoying class, he will destroy bots pushing the lanes easily and bother pro's in the bot lanes, he can hit people from out of there range and just laugh when they try and shoot back.

    that is why a sniper can be played as a main still....
  4. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    i dont get what they did to make it so you cant get headshots post-patch...
  5. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    What? You're SERIOUS?

    Flak is amazing. Ice traps are annoying as hell and at level 3 drain skills which can be devastating. You're still fast enough to land a level 2 grapple and send enemy pros off the map. Level 3 really hurts. Your exploding shots wipe waves of bots.

    Headshots are not a big deal. If they're in the ice trap spinning, shoot their body and toss a flak. They'll die. Not a headshot? Big friggin deal.

    I'm about tired of hearing snipers whine about their class getting balanced. You have two skills which are downright obnoxious to use on enemies and utterly frustrating to get caught in. If you're playing a non-jetpack class the grapple is a constant fear. Your class is still powerful, they just brought your juice gain in line and made your ice trap only trap pros in the initial blast. Those are the ONLY nerfs. Seriously, its not that damn bad.
  6. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    The Initial Icetrap nerf was needed, why should 1 class be able to win in a 1 on 2 Situation with ease? Thats why they did that nerf, understandable.

    And the Juiced Moneyball damage? You get your Sniper + Flak to damage Moneyball, thats still great damage put out on it.

    You might say this game is not designed for Headshots, but then again.. you can headshot someone through their armor in the back of the head :)

    Aswell as Passive Level 3 killing players without once touching them.

    I played a Sniper last night, the nerfs were almost non-noticable except the Juice Gain Rate, the others, very little nerf.
  7. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    I'm terrible at sniper and I still understand how useful a GOOD sniper is. If you can't manage to be useful to your team as a sniper with a weapon that can kill many many classes with a single shot the majority of the time(rifle), a weapon that traps targets in place for a few seconds to provide GUARANTEED headshots(ice traps), a grenade that deals a high amount of damage over a few seconds(flak), and TWO grapples(red skill and SMG altfire)...Well, then you just suck. Pick another class and quit whining or quit playing the game.

    EDIT: As well, you also get money just for making a headshot at all even if it isn't fatal.
  8. Kyver

    Kyver New Member

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    Please be a troll.
  9. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    This is actually the first Sniper I've heard whining about the class balance. The first, and therefore, ONLY Sniper.

    Besides, nerf to moneyball damage is a net positive for the class. It means we'll spend less time destroying the moneyball, and more time destroying pros and making a collective nuisance of our class. :mrgreen:
  10. Organous

    Organous Member

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    This is a disturbingly weak argument. The Sniper is still effective at hitting the moneyball because it's a nuisance to get him. He's still able to hit it as effectively as he ever was, just with less damage.
    The stuff everyone else has been saying here is still valid. One Sniper should not be able to hold off an entire team like he could before. I remember actually having a very intense match in Steel Peel as their moneyball was down and I was picking off most of their players directly going for me. If I'm ever playing against Sigmar, I just give it up for lost and see how I can wreck the rest of the game.

    I'm in agreement with Wandrian, though. Whenever a character gets changed, you always have two options. You can either love the character enough to work with the changes anyway, or try to find another character altogether. You know my Street Fighter skills. I only play Zangief because I can do so effectively, but if they nerf him too much, I'm quite willing to find somebody else.
  11. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    I wouldn't say it's a weak argument at all. In fact, it's a very good argument.

    If Assassin's ability to destroy turrets and bots gets nerfed, I can almost guarantee you they'll spend more time making Gremlins in between clearing out waves of bots for money to buy said Gremlins. In the same fashion, if my moneyball damage isn't as threatening anymore, I'll find more advantageous ways to spend my time and help out my team if I'm not shooting the moneyball occasionally to keep it downed. Before, Snipers did a large amount of damage to the moneyball. In that case, the time taken away from killing bots and pros was worth the moneyball damage I got in return. Since rifle damage has dropped, it isn't in my best interest to waste time dealing minor damage when I could be building turrets or assisting my team more effectively. Before the damage nerf, taking out the moneyball WAS assisting my team. Post-DLC, it's arguable. As a Street Fighter player, you should know that when the effort far exceeds the reward, you find another way to fight. When Viper's air Burning Kicks were nerfed in the form of added recovery frames, it became less to her advantage to rely on ambiguous crossups (less frame advantage on block) and more advantageous to rely on her newly-buffed c.MP poking capacity to get more mileage out of her MP Thunder Knuckle via 2-hit combo.
  12. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    1. Best long range class in the game.
    2. Can lock down entire maps single-handedly.
    3. One of the fastest juice gains.
    4. Ability to 1-shot kill.
    5. Smallest character model.
  13. Shiny

    Shiny New Member

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    Snipers can lock down pretty much any half of the map on their own. I hav'nt really noticed a difference other than juice and moneyball damage. He still does take off quite a large amount off the moneyball when juiced though.

    Headshots are easy to get on pretty much everyone when they are frozen, if an assasin starts doing that kick thing just shoot the body are grapple them.
  14. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    Don't whine about a nerf that makes things more balanced. Snipers by definition in terms of how they always are in gaming should only be effective against players. Snipers have absolutely no business doing every damn thing in the game by themselves. Everything should have practical, exploitable weaknesses that keep them from becoming OP. Compare the other classes.

    Assault: Performs good in multiple categories, but the only thing another class can't do better is forcing ring outs. Has crap for a range game, so he is easily dominated by any class specializing in long range...such as a GOOD sniper.

    Tank: Has a crapload of health and is very effective against bots, but is a big target and moves slow so he's vulnerable...to things like snipers. Rail gun is fairly inefficient at taking down players, so he isn't even a soft counter to a GOOD sniper.

    Support: Has zero range game outside of having a hacked firebase setup, defenseless against a player that stays outside his Heal/Hurt Gun's range and is clever enough to not walk into the firebase or air strike trap...But he can still deal massive damage at short range. So he can be dominated easily but something like...a GOOD sniper.

    Gunner: Upgraded minigun is monstrous at short range with the right endorsements, the split mortar does a good amount of damage if you can hit your target with all the projectiles, but he can still be OHKO'd by Assassins or...wait for it...a GOOD sniper. Unless he decides to deploy to gain headshot immunity, in which case he's just going to die from bodyshots anyways since even a BAD sniper can get bodyshots against a stationary target.

    Assassin: Cloak is useless beyond getting past bots without them attacking you(or getting past...GOOD snipers without being seen), smokebomb's jump is fairly useful when you've just got to get away, but without the element of surprise the Assassin's low health and relative reliance on grapple kills leaves her vulnerable to other pros.

    Sniper: Well let's see...He has THE ONLY range game weapon, traps that can immobilize a target for an even easier headshot, grenades that deal area of effect damage sufficient enough to clear any bots other than Jackbots from a lane, two grapples that each cut a Jackbot's health down by exactly 50% in Crossfire(50%+50%=???), and a short range automatic weapon that isn't much weaker than the Assault's rifle. Yes, I can see why the Sniper needs a buff now.

    tl;dr: If you honestly believe the Sniper needs even a slight buff you're an idiot and a living strawman. Congratulations, now go back to Hot Topic, the Trekkie forums, or wherever the hell you people came from. You're despciable sociopaths and you deserve to be unhappy.
  15. BArmySandrock

    BArmySandrock New Member

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    For those you said that I was whining about the nerf of the sniper, I would like to say that I was not. I was merely trying to gain more insight from other players. For the strategy that I was employing was degraded by the patches. SO I am not whining about the nerf. Like I stated in the original post I understand why the developers had to nerf the class in the way they did.
  16. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    Don't whine about a nerf then say that "I'm saying I'm not whining so I'm not whining." When it comes down to it, you're still whining about a nerf. Again, you've got three options on the table:

    1: Deal with it and get better at sniper.
    2: Pick a different class.

    3: Find something else to do beyond play MNC and whine about how justified nerfs have made the game unplayable for you.

    Remember, buffs and nerfs affect everyone; not just you.
  17. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    because i just got done getting 28-3 on spunky cola on my third match after not playing for about 3 weeks. and he is pretty good for humiliation protags (x18)
  18. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    im going to go off topic, but what would you choose if zangief was nerfed (lets say 3x more frames to start up any command grab, including ultras, because everyone hates and complains on command grabs :roll: )
  19. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    2 snipers on steel peel still shuts down ANY chance you really have, traps everywhere, dead tanks and gunners on your team everywhere its a pain in the ***......i love using a lvl 3 bomb as an assault though
  20. JaffoPrime

    JaffoPrime New Member

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    I dunno what to tell you that will convince you: Snipers are still badass. Pre-DLC, I was content to camp as far back as possible, and lock down bot lanes, pop Pros, and just generally eff with as many people as possible. Post-DLC? I'm popping Pros first, still locking down bot lanes as much as possible, and dropping Flak and bodyshots as fast as my fingers (and skills) will allow for.

    And as for the whole thing about headshots no longer being viable?

    ...? Whaaaaaa? No. Just, no. Headshots are, as they always have been, a possibility. Whether it be from luck, lag, lack of situational awareness, Traps, etc. If you're not knocking out some headshots then either you just need more practice, or you're having a bad string of matches.

    Post-DLC has forced me to re-evaluate the way that I play Sniper (for the better). I don't always pull it off; sometimes I rage, sometimes I swap to Support and pray for the best. And on rare occasions when I feel like I'm either too tired or too distracted, I just drop out of the game entirely, turn off the Xbox, and walk away for a bit.

    Sniper is just as viable post-DLC as pre-DLC. (And it's also the only class I've ever played that's gotten me compliments, like: "Your Flak saved my life at least 5 times".)

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