Post Spunky Cola bug list?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by MojoTeq, December 3, 2010.

  1. MojoTeq

    MojoTeq New Member

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    I see an exploit list, but no bug list, so here is another one I came across yesterday.

    I had just ringed out a pro on Laze Raze, and could not taunt. I tried for about a minute to taunt, and was unable to until I died and respawned. All that would happen while trying is that I would jump. I COULD however get into the skill selection screen, AND I could upgrade turrets.
  2. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    I suppose this is as good a place as any to post this.

    Got a bug twice today, both times playing as Tank, and both times playing on Spunky Cola. Not sure if that's just coincidence, but I'll post it anyway.

    Went into the enemy base to Juice rush and kill turrents, and mid-Juice, my Tank stops moving and is locked into place. I know I didn't deploy, and I was still able to aim and fire at the nearby pros, but since I couldn't move, the moneyball was up, and the only turrent that was in range was gone, I was dead before I knew it.
  3. Roy Campbell

    Roy Campbell New Member

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    Kept happening to me too! Both juiced (the very few times I obtain it) and unjuiced. Would happen most when I'm grappled + thrown. I'd just be stuck in place after I've landed for several seconds.
  4. MojoTeq

    MojoTeq New Member

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    The tank not moving bug has happened to me on Spunky, Laze Raze and SSDB both juiced and not juiced. Also, it is no longer possible to shoot through the open windows while standing anywhere slightly close to them on Laze Raze with the railgun... Below, or along the same plane.
  5. Silentblade4289

    Silentblade4289 New Member

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    I've been airstriked in my spawn room multiple times in one match on Spunky. I'm fairly certain thats a glitch.
  6. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    Okay, good to know it's not just me going crazy with the Tank being immobilized. And I'd just like to note that on both occasions, I was neither grappled or stunned beforehand. Just in the middle of running, Jet-gunning turrents, and Deathblossoming pros, I stopped. Nothing fancy or anything.

    It's not a glitch, but an exploit, and I'm pretty sure it's present on all maps. I won't say how to do it, as I found out the hard way, but it's really cheap. I've died on three separate occasions because of it.

    Not sure if the Devs have taken note of it yet, though...
  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I've noticed this became very common over night. I guess with everyone coming back to the game it's getting around fast.

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