Thoughts on the DLC

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by An Artic Fox, December 2, 2010.

  1. An Artic Fox

    An Artic Fox New Member

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    First let me say the only thing i truly lke about this DLC is the Survitol arena..and the extra glass pannels on other arenas. Other that not really having fun anymore. Spunky Cola arena.... I...really...really...REALLY dont like this map. It gets an auto veto from me and its not because Assassins. This time..its my own kind...Supports! Spunky cola fromw hat I've seen is "who can spam firebases in middle" Assassins dont really bother me here and that more than likely due to all the bots meet in same spot and is a hot spot of ownage. I feel to cramped and I feel like I can't move freely thoughout themap. without somone popping out from a tunnel or a firbase chipping away at my health. Moving on the random bouncer spawn...what is this...a joke? I've never been klled by so many bouncers! its ok when one or two come but six or seven!? Also the ability to walk strigh to the enemies spawn ring do I put this..encourageing spawn camping! really today three supports put fire bases everwhere simply cause they can just walk over there! Now i DO like the new feel. and overtime if it ever reaches over time is....choatic and fun. Class buffs/nerfs I like. the exception is the assassin juice gain. The enw protags....confuse me...some just make me say "why?" but it is nice to BUY MORE TAGS! In general I'll give the DLC a 6 out of 10
  2. mute

    mute New Member

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    I like Spunky,. the camping situation always resolves itself quickly because of the tight quarters. As more people play the map, FB spam will be less useful because they are easy to dispose of. You should try playing again, don't base your experience on a few lousy teams..
  3. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    If it makes you feel better, I spawned 15 bouncers in a row last night.
  4. NataVonDoom

    NataVonDoom New Member

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    New map is aggravating, but I think its just because I've played it so little. I imagine I'll like it more as I get more familiarized.. but I agree with the whole support thing being a pain.
    I am so glad they put up all those extra glass panels in the other arenas. ;A; !
    Oh, and the new animations are amusing. Chest bumping pit girls ftw.
  5. QuestionMarx

    QuestionMarx New Member

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    I agree with everything. That's why I ONLY play Tank/Gunner on Spunky. Its basically a rape zone for them. It's very easy for me to camp in your base(or my own) and destroy your bots as they spawn, plus the new cool down on juice machines nets me the ability to spawn 10-20 bouncers a match or make everything Lvl 3 Rock-it turrents. The placement of turents make getting juice from deploying extremely easy, especially with the LazorBlazor debuff.
  6. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    I like everything they did with the DLC
  7. MojoTeq

    MojoTeq New Member

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    HAHA, I LOVE bot spam, from either team. It makes me chuckle.
  8. Sianoux

    Sianoux New Member

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    I really like the new map, the whole set-up behind it gives a fresh twist on what we've typically seen. I especially like how all the ejectors are set up, and as an assassin I can reach each one of them extremely quickly and set them off whenever. Great map for my assassin overall.
  9. ShreddieMercury

    ShreddieMercury New Member

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    Yeah, new map is awesome. Sorry you no like.
  10. Metallic Rage

    Metallic Rage New Member

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    I like everything except for the split screen play, my place is the hangout spot for all my buds and we often play MNC with 2 people on the tv. The stopping firing midway through a clip is irritating but i've learned to deal with it. But the lag when the other player spawns is terrible. Can't tell you how many times it's caused me to die or miss a jump or something else crazy. It makes me not want to play this game unless it's just 1 person per tv. I tried telling the guest not to die, but good luck with that. Of course i die often enough and especially following a death by my split screen buddy. DLC is great besides that.
  11. jukebox360x

    jukebox360x New Member

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    I agree, but also I noticed something else... Is it just me or does the Gunner seem more overpowered than he did before the update? I don't know if you guys think so, but all of my friends who play MNC do, except for one friend who always plays Gunner...
  12. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    I don't see how that's possible considering the Gunner got a pretty big nerf to the range on their miniguns.
  13. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    I'm not sure it was a pretty big nerf, as I recall the Dev's saying that most people probably would not notice much of a difference anyways. Or that might have been about the undisclosed damage glitch that was not identified...I don't remember. Either way, the nerf did not feel that big to me, but there are others on this forum who disagree.

    IMO, I feel that Gunner is the strongest class...but I felt this before the DLC also.
  14. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    I notice no damage reduction at long range compared to pre-patch with the Gunner. The devs did say most people wouldn't notice it and I believe someone pointed out it was a glitch with some sort of turbo function which caused it to deal more at long range, or something.

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