1. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    If the assassin isn't so OP then why are so many people playing that class now? I realize it was probably the most popular class overall.... but it didn't need to become ridiculous.
  2. Manouso

    Manouso New Member

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    Probably just all the people that stopped playing assassin after they killed the lunge are playing sin again.

    Become ridiculous how? It's almost unchanged since the beginning.

    If it's so OP then all the low levels that pick it cause it looks cool (and end up making it the most popular) must do great right?
    More like 1 and 20 consistently.

    Compare that to a nubby support/sniper/gunner and it's outlandish to call the sin op.
  3. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    Assassin is in no way overpowered. She is a HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH risk, high reward class. She can't crowd control, she can't take down people super fast, she's not much tougher when juiced, her shurikens are hard to lead and are only effective point blank, he dagger is trash, her only kill move has a still large cooldown compared to say, charge3 with the tank, his main kill move.

    and, to top it all off, this is coming from me, a fairly competent assassin main. From now on i'll make sure to stand next to you and do nothing so you feel better, untill i melee you that is.

    OH and her cloak is very visible, and tells everyone where you are.

    But, i LOVE her
  4. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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  5. represent601

    represent601 New Member

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    oh boy, I logged on and went to active topics and everything I read is talking about the assassins. I am about to go crazy on some people.
    here is a common list of things about the assassin everbody knows but seem to forget about when posting so somebody else has to come along a remind you!
    no armor
    no range
    tanks are not our friend... any decent tank should be able to kill an assassin with ease
    supports hack can be equivalent to a tank if used correctly
    there are many more

    uber kindly made up for these weaknesses by making them fast and get juice quicker

    now I dont know why people go crazy over her getting juiced
    any hacked turrent or fire base can take her out with ease it just requires a little distraction... tank cough cough....
    and dont say that a team never has any of these classes to do this. if anything teams never have assassins that I see.
    and supports dont want to put their fire base in their base because they wont get kills? BS!!!!!! they will take out anybody who rushes!!!

    it just takes a little thinking to take an assassin down.
    and It is very hard for an assassin to sneak up on somebody first of all you can hear our cloaks from a mile away and any contact from anything makes us light up like a light bulb. just watch your back and you will be on top of everything!

    have any questions then ask and I will probably give you another way to take down an assassin.

    or you can do your homework yourself and play as the assassin and see how any half decent player kills you and just take them out like that. step into our shoes and you will see that its not as easy as it looks to go 23-15. that is surprisingly good for most assassins. I have my good days and my bad days where that is either really good or really bad but I just play the assassin for fun and I dont care whether I do good or bad, if somebody kills me then I just return the favor next chance I get, laugh about it and make jokes in the lobby afterwords with them. its just a game, have fun with it. ;)

    oh and next time an assassin decides to juice use this handy guide that everybody keeps referring to, its like 99% accurate, and the other 1% is still doable just a little hard to pull off. :D http://www.mondaynightcombat.com/forums ... 78c8329403

    alright, I am done ranting.... for now... I hope.... period...
  6. Jenglish85

    Jenglish85 New Member

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    Since the update assassins are officially the gayest class ever...you nerf all the other classes and then you turn around and make the assassin stronger....yea I can kill them 2 but when I am fighting a tank and an assault and then these assassins come and lung/grapple even from the front and take more than half my health I now die.
  7. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    So, you are mad because you lost in a 3v1 situation? Seems like a derp arguement to me...
  8. Jenglish85

    Jenglish85 New Member

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    not mad at all actually but it is sickening that an assassin can take the majority of my health from the front now...and if he does the lunge/grapple thing I die from the front..I won't say overpowered but you nerf everything and make the gayest class stronger? :lol:

    that's just how I look at it
  9. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    On the first title update they overnerfed the assassin, they fixed it with this one, like i said to the op, if i see you, i'll stand there and let you kill me, just so you'll stop crying
  10. Jenglish85

    Jenglish85 New Member

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    haha get over yourself, the assassin is homo and you know it :lol:
  11. bobhartley

    bobhartley New Member

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    lol +1, so true
  12. DUDE98678

    DUDE98678 New Member

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    :shock: WHAT?!! I have never in all my days seen of or experienced this in either class situation. Are you sure this isn't lag related?
  13. Gate88

    Gate88 New Member

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    This had never happened to me until after the DLC.

    It's happened 3 times to me post-DLC.

    The assassin still gets hit (damage and burning), but she doesn't get knocked back or down. Which is obnoxious because then she runs away.
  14. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    since you can now "sound whore" assassins i LOVE playing against them, i can stand still and pretty much pin point where an assassin is if its close enough, if not im more then likely playing an assault and am to busy running around for them to get me...not saying i don't get caught, but the good assassins are EXTREMELY deadly, the ones in the middle get you once or twice the others are just feeding you money
  15. MojoTeq

    MojoTeq New Member

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    First, I am so sick of dumbass kids that can only talk negatively about something by calling it gay. What the hell is wrong with you people?

    Second, Assassins have grappled me from behind 2 times now while I was moving forward with a tank charge and stopped it dead in its tracks. Just an observation, not a complaint.
  16. J Triple Dash

    J Triple Dash New Member

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  17. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    ITT: noobie players that don't understand assassin or general game mechanics

    Id like to kindly direct you all to the strats and guides section of the forum
    Do some reading, I know your ashamed the bad assassin touched you in the bad place, but things will get better I promise.
  18. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    Don't make promises...

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