Private Backer forums. (Discussion)

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by D3adm0nk3y, September 14, 2012.


Should Uber Give the Private Backer forum to 20$ Pledgers?

  1. Yes, We helped fund it, we should see updates on this project

    6 vote(s)
  2. No, You are being Greedy and Self entitled

    52 vote(s)
  3. Undecided

    3 vote(s)
  4. Yes, but give access to everyone who funds, Even 1$ Pledges

    6 vote(s)
  1. D3adm0nk3y

    D3adm0nk3y Member

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    I feel like that the 40$ for Private backer for the Exclusive Private Discussion(with Info and updates as PA goes forward in progress) Seems off, I mean, I paid 20$, I helped fund the game, shouldn't I be able to see info and updates on the project I helped fund?

    Also, shouldn't all funders receive updates on the project they helped fund?

    Sorry If i sound entitled, but it seems like you would want to know exactly how your money helped fund this game.

    Created a Poll too, thoughts?
  2. xephar

    xephar New Member

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    Since access to the forum is for $40 and up (beta access), I'm pretty sure it will also function as beta testing forums. There's no need to have non-participants commenting on bugs/balance etc during testing.
  3. nickgoodenough

    nickgoodenough Member

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    I think the private forum will be for conversations specific to beta testing. Updates in general will be totally public. Or at least that's what I imagined.
  4. Zoughtbaj

    Zoughtbaj Member

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    Your poll is a little weird.

    You were told up front by the kickstarter that only $40 backers and above would have access to these forums. That's really all there is to it. Yes, you did help pay for the game, which is why you're getting access to said game.

    I don't think you're greedy for wanting access to the forums, it was just quite straight forward who would get access or not.

    EDIT: ^^ agreed with above posters.
  5. D3adm0nk3y

    D3adm0nk3y Member

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    It seems like everyone who helped fund should have access to updates about the project, No? it didnt specify a 'beta forum' either, so you don't know..
  6. giantsnark

    giantsnark Member

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    As others have said, it seems like it's not at all a coincidence that the "backer forum" and "beta access" happen at the same tier.

    That said, can the public see the backer forum, and just not post?

    Also, I would not be surprised if there is an alpha-only forum. Jon Mavor has already said he wouldn't want video of the game going out during the alpha stage, and that tends to imply a general "closed-ness" for the alpha.
  7. D3adm0nk3y

    D3adm0nk3y Member

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    I understand The NDA part and a 'beta forum' I just want to see regular updates and progress on this game :p
  8. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Recipe for disaster.

    Everyone will want to chime in with their two-cents, and share their uninformed opinions. If they can't do it in the alpha/beta forums, then they'll do it in Off-Topic or where ever they so feel. You'll have duplicate threads everywhere, and duplicate posts everywhere, and it'll be messy, and everyone will be upset.
  9. zordon

    zordon Member

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    I'm also fairly certain there will be regular updates from the devs outside of the private forum.
  10. ToastAndEggs

    ToastAndEggs Member

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    "No, You are being Greedy and Self entitled"

    And i wont want any updates other than some tech stuff and such until the alpha, closer to finished is best.
  11. ooshr32

    ooshr32 Active Member

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    I'm sure there will still be public updates on progress.

    Yet another case of bad polls options based on assumptions.
  12. Yourtime

    Yourtime Member

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    yop we should let 40k people into a private forum, to have the perfect question /answer balance.. like here..
  13. torrasque

    torrasque Active Member

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    Hey, I didn't pledge 1000$, but I want a commander too!!!!
    Without a commander, how will I win any games ?
    Every people that pledged whould have their custom commander!

    [x] Yes, uber have to make me a custom commander
    [x] No, you're greedy and you should lose
    [x] I don't know

  14. chronoblip

    chronoblip Member

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    Didn't like the reasons, but I answered "no" anyway.

    So here's the thing: if a single "tier" wants to change the terms that were presented for their contributions, then I'd say they at least need to be the majority contributor. There would be a valid reason because they carried the weight.

    Looking at the numbers at this instant:

    $15 tier - collected $75,000
    $20 tier - collected $361,020
    $40 tier - collected $211,560
    $50 tier - collected $314,950
    $90 tier - collected $135,090
    $95 tier - collected $95,000
    $100 tier - collected $381,800
    $140 tier - collected $15,540
    $150 tier - collected $142,650
    $250 tier - collected $93,500
    $500 tier - collected $54,500
    $1,000 tier - collected $85,000
    $5,000 tier - collected $30,000
    $10,000 tier - collected $50,000

    If plotted out, this would look like a bell curve for contributions, even though it would be a fairly steady decline in overall population. What this means is that while the contributions have been appreciated, they don't represent some overarching majority, so they aren't any more entitled to new access or changing of terms than any other tier.

    Uber set the bar for entry in being able to provide direct feedback through the use of the private forum. Even with a limited pool there can be a significant amount of information to sift through. As such, it's much easier to restrict entry than to hire more lifeguards for the pool.

    The folks who are not able to take part in that forum are not irrelevant, we wouldn't have gotten to where we are without them. Their ideas will be no less valid, but I imagine that it will be more difficult to be heard, especially because they will not have access to the very content they'd be trying to provide feedback on.

    While difficult, I'd say they'll just be in the same position that many are in with Torchlight II, where we can talk about stuff and talk about the closed beta, but the only ones with insight are the ones putting the game together, and the only information shared is the information they elect to share.
  15. craftomega

    craftomega New Member

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    I donated more then enough to get into the private forums, so i voted no, mainly because of what has been already said, aka alpha/beta testers only.

    I loled really hard when i saw the poll results.

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