No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size box"?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Neumeusis, September 13, 2012.

  1. sndwv

    sndwv New Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    Ah, the USB-stick it is then (update was just posted). I've pledged the extra $20 for it and am happy with this solution but, if given the choice, would still pick a DVD for my $20 bucks.
  2. slavetoinsurance

    slavetoinsurance Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    I'm okay with getting a digital copy, but I might throw in another $20 anyway because getting a little commander USB would be sweet. I mean, what's another $20 onto $150 anyway?
  3. japporo

    japporo Active Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    You're thinking of write wear. Charge leakage is a separate phenomenon; Google for 'flash memory retention'.
  4. stanhebben

    stanhebben New Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    I hope they make the game playable straight from the stick. It may be slow to load, but it would be great to have a stick with you so you can play PA anytime, anywhere.

    It shouldn't be that hard to do since there is no DRM.
  5. bathtub

    bathtub Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    Well the point with a physical copy is that it will be out of date almost as soon as it's written, as mentioned earlier, so it would probably still try to update.
  6. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    If people are interested how our installer/patcher works it's the same on we use for SMNC. Obviously it will continue to get better over time.

    You will be able to install the game anywhere including a USB stick if you so choose. Stuff will still end up in your /mydocuments/ or equivalent depending on what OS you run. This is forced on us by the OS.
  7. giantsnark

    giantsnark Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    By "stuff" you mean configs and saves, right? And anything else that requires lots of dynamic read/write access? I don't tend to keep a large OS partition, and this is fine as long as the bulk of the data is elsewhere.
  8. stanhebben

    stanhebben New Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    That would destroy the concept of being able to take the game everywhere. I can't see how the OS forces you to write everything in the AppData folder. It certainly makes sense to store application specific userdata there for an application that's installed on a pc, but for an application installed on usb stick, this makes no sense.

    There are quite a few apps that write their data is different directories. There are even quite a few apps that work on an usb stick (I liked to install PortableApps on an usb stick before I had my laptop)

    It's not essential to the game, but it would be a nice extra if it could run straight from an usb stick - along with all the user's data. The game will end up being played in more occasions and on more places.
  9. ooshr32

    ooshr32 Active Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    As I understand it the game would have to run at an elevated permissions level to write elsewhere.
    From a security standpoint an application shouldn't operated any higher than it is absolutely necessary for it to do so.

    Plenty of apps ignore that of course, and force you to grant them greater rights, but that's usually due to laziness on the developers' part.
  10. shinseitom

    shinseitom Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    I know there are quite a few programs that allow you to choose where to save configs and other stuff that normally goes in My Documents. Usually call it "portable mode" or similar while installing.

    And I'm pretty sure that you only need elevated rights to change things in specific folders (Program Files, Windows) and everywhere else is fair game.

    Though, that's on Windows, I don't know how or even if portable stuff works in Mac or Linux.
  11. svip

    svip Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    I don't know; considering the scale of the game, it doesn't really sound like the kind of program you'd be running off a USB-stick, compared to say, Firefox. A) It'd be way too slow to be playable. B) A playthrough is likely to take at least an hour or two; why not just install the damn game? C) What sort of computers do you meet in your day-to-day life that you need to play PA on all of the sudden? Can't wait till you get home?

    If the suggestion is to install it for a friend, I'm pretty sure the methods we've used so far works pretty well for that.

    Running something off a USB-stick makes it extra complicated for developers, and it seems unlikely many are going to use it. Besides, I am sure someone will find a way to do it afterwards anyway.
  12. sporkwitch

    sporkwitch New Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    It's just as easy on mac and linux. As with anything else, it's simply a matter of telling the thing what path to store things in. The ONLY reason it would "have to" go somewhere is if it were hardcoded to only go in that path (and we're talking at the application level, not the OS level.) Standard convention may be to store things in %appdata% on windows, or ~/.* in linux, but there's absolutely nothing forcing or requiring it. You can program the app however you want, to store things wherever you want.
  13. stanhebben

    stanhebben New Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    Oh, it's not like being unable to wait (that would be childish) but I imagine it could be fun to just say "hey, I got these two PA sticks, want to play this game against each other?". As long as the local PC has sufficient ram memory, the only slowdown is while starting the game. The game itself should run fine.

    Imagine the following scenario: I stay at a friend and have my laptop with me. He has his computer but doesn't have PA. I just give him my PA USB Stick with a second copy of the game and he can play right away. When we're done, I take my usb stick back with me.

    I believe it would add to the "our new classic" element in the game, where you can just bring a stick and play it. I believe it would make for some great moments :)

    I don't expect it to be that complex, if the game is properly programmed from the beginning. It would be much easier than having to work it out afterwards.

    Essentially all that I believe needs to happen for it to work is:
    - Storing the user data in a different folder (on the stick rather than in C:\Users\MyUser)
    - Storing all configuration in configuration files rather than the registry. Which should already happen since the game is created for multiple platforms.

    So, why not?
  14. VortiK

    VortiK New Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    Thanks Uber & neutrino for the USB Stick add on ! Upped my pledge ! :)
  15. Neumeusis

    Neumeusis Active Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    Wow, thinigs have gone fast.
    Thanks Uber for proposing this solution !
  16. btuebduncan

    btuebduncan New Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    I am also disappointed in this.

    I mean I can understand why game developers want to go media free (cuts costs, and has better piracy protection)

    However even in today's age not everyone is linked to the internet. Steam is great and all, but you have to be connected to a network and download your games. Total Game library on steam is somewhere around 300gb. I cannot download all my games in given month, as i will go over my 250gb data, then the charges really pile on.

    I like to install from cd/usb/dvd when ever possible. Downside of using steam is most games actually require you to be connected to Steam in order to launch the game.

    I guess I am old school. I have a massive collection of games on disk. I have my original Ta disks, warcraft, warcraft 2, you name it. 20 years from now I will still have them, and the rights to them. That cannot be said for Steam, which who knows if they will be around....
  17. pizwitch

    pizwitch Active Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    Just pledge $20 more and you'll be set for a game-installer commander USB key! :)
  18. Sylenall

    Sylenall Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    How much do we need to pledge? Are we safe if we've already pledged the $95-100 + shipping? Or is it 15 for shipping and an additional 20 for a USB?

    It's kinda sad to get a box with no game in it.
  19. Causeless

    Causeless Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    With the $95 reward, you add $20 for the USB and $15 for the intercontinental shipping, bringing the total up to $130.

    Also, make sure you pick the 95 reward level; if you decided to make the jump to $140, for example, and chose that pledge reward, then the addons would no longer apply.
  20. Sylenall

    Sylenall Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    So correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't we also just download and move the latest Installers to our own (non-awesomely molded) USB keys? Thus accomplishing basically the same thing? Or does it actually play straight from the USB, with no install? What makes the USB special?

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