No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size box"?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Neumeusis, September 13, 2012.

  1. pizwitch

    pizwitch Active Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    Plase, if you do, print on the USB-stick some recognizable PA artwork or title! :D
    And the community could also do a little app to keep the USB-stick updated by syncing the gamefolder content from the computer drive or something like that...
  2. neophyt3

    neophyt3 Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    Well, I think only 78% of the U.S. population has Internet of ANY kind, so yeah....
  3. kelleroid

    kelleroid New Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    What kind of hellhole is that? I have unlimited 10 Mb/s for $10/month here in Eastern Europe.
  4. Enkido

    Enkido New Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    you realize that you won't get an alpha or beta version on a physical medium. Since the game is mainly procedural it won't be that big.
    I have crappy 1mbit dsl connection and downloading a 20gb game with steam isn't really a big deal. I have a small download server in the basement that handles all my downloads. Of course it takes some time but most downloader can resume and patch incremental,so this isn't really a biggie.
  5. neophyt3

    neophyt3 Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    I think you can get unlimited dialup for $9.99 here in the U.S. :lol:
  6. Causeless

    Causeless Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    I'd absolutely love a USB stick, moreso than a disc. It's easier to carry a USB stick around, they can include an in-built installer, you could in theory play of the stick without an install being needed, and they can be decorated just as well.

    Yes please! I hope the $165 covers this, but it is understandable if it cannot.
  7. RealTimeShepherd

    RealTimeShepherd Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    In the UK, we have BT infinity. 40Mb down, unlimited data for £25 a month.

    I've not had a DVD drive in my machine for 18 months and I'm never buying a DVD again!

    Welcome to the 21st Century :mrgreen:
  8. giantsnark

    giantsnark Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    US broadband plans are so terrible. Seriously awful. Look at Comcast's Xfinity internet packages: If I only want to pay $40/mo? "Get download speeds up to 3 Mbps and uploads up to 768 Kbps." 30Mbps down bundled with some TV? $80/mo. 50/10 costs $100/mo.

    Bizarrely, if you also get one of Comcast's TV packages you can get often get a better deal than internet alone. They REALLY don't want their cable packages to die.

    We have a duopoly verging on local monopolies in US broadband market.

  9. japporo

    japporo Active Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    If you plug in a USB stick with PA on it 10 to 15 years from now, you might be in for a nasty surprise. Flash memory cells are subject to charge leakage over time, losing any data stored in it.

    Pressed DVDs are the closest thing to an archival storage medium that's commonly available. If we're getting any physical media at all, I would say that's the sensible choice.
  10. giantsnark

    giantsnark Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    But original data on the USB stick is nearly worthless for reinstalls "10 years from now", because it will be badly obsolete. Like Mavor said in this thread, the data on there will be outdated before it even gets to you. At least with a USB stick you can keep an up-to-date version of the game on it.

    The real issue is having the game (the version you actually want to play) easily available in the distant future. I don't think a DVD serves that purpose very well, because it can't be updated. Where are you going to keep all the up-to-date patch files, if you don't trust internet access to provide them on demand? A USB stick? Well, then why not have the whole thing on there?
  11. Causeless

    Causeless Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    Usually the only thing that causes USB sticks to die after a long time is how often they are wrote to, but this shouldn't be happening a lot anyways, if it's intended just to hold the game (and possibly a few small save files).


    Even so, USB sticks can often outlive DVDs. DVDs are much more fragile and to get longer life expectancy than a USB stick you need to be storing them in much more optimal conditions, which is ok in many areas but not great for anywhere exceedingly hot or damp.
  12. slev01

    slev01 New Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    A good plan may be a USB stick so we can download our installers/patch -files to it, shipped with files on it to pribnt out CD/DVD box inlays, lightscribe optical covers and stickered optical covers. We can then each make our own archives in whatever way we want.

    There are actually a lot of companies out there who do custom USB sticks, with lots and lots of different options.

    In fact, I'd happily throw in an extra $10 for a custom PA stick!
  13. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    So the plan is an add-on for a commander molded USB stick. This is really for those that just really want this badly.
  14. Causeless

    Causeless Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    Any idea of the cost? Will we be able to replace something like the miniatures for it, if wanted?
  15. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    No, it will just be a straight add-on. Probably $20 but not finalized.
  16. RCIX

    RCIX Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    I would prefer the DVD because nostalgia, but a USB stick would work too. Just so that I don't have to burn a copy and scribble "Planetary Annihilation" on it with a Sharpie.

    Welp, looks like I'll be skipping it then. Oh well, these things don't pay for themselves, makes sense.
  17. pizwitch

    pizwitch Active Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    I already have my pledge upped with $20 for 4 days! That's pretty! :D
    I'll write a little app to update the stick automatically for those who want to.

    Will be the game 'portable'? I mean with no installation needed (registry changes etc.) ?
  18. sndwv

    sndwv New Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    Personally, I'd still prefer just a simple a DVD-ROM. I really appreciate the effort that is being put into this based on our feedback, but I really think you guys are overthinking this. I understand that optical media doesn't fit the planned update strategy for this game, but the same goes for 90% of other games recently released.
  19. oneofnine

    oneofnine New Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    Wouldn't it be possible to add the option for a USB drive and the option for a DVD?
    Here in Europe pressing a DVD, printing the label, putting it in a jewel case and printing the artwork for the jewel case, costs about EUR 1,-- per DVD. If you were to ask an aditional $20 there would be plenty left for development.
  20. felipec

    felipec Active Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    DVD medias are for those who don't have faster connections to download the game whenever he wants. But I must agree that an physical object (doesn't matter if it is an DVD or pendriver) is good for feeling that you really have the game.. I also may improve my pledge if the USB design is as nice as the alpha commander :p

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