PA + orchestral music = honey + herring = crap

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by sokolek, September 13, 2012.

  1. sokolek

    sokolek Member

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    converse is also true. I would rather make a second faction or hire excellent DJ instead of hiring Orchestra. If I made RTS game about Bonaparte's wars then I would put classical music in it.

    And when it comes to Star Wars -Star Wars is a goofy movie with a lot of FX. Latest 3 parts (Intro) of Star Wars don't have any good plot at all. Politics in the movie is boring and shallow. PA is not going to have any plot at all and you are comming up with classical music like it was going to be Bethoven.

    I think you are all funny, and techno beat makes you want to go to the action immediatelly. Electronic music just creates a proper mood for PA that classical music is never going to provide. By the way, I think C&C 1 had the best music ever. It was the perfect match between game settings and soundtrack. I think that people who do not agree with me just do not pay attention to audio fx and soundtrack at all, and therefore PA (like Supcom and FA) doesn't have decent music at all.
  2. sokolek

    sokolek Member

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    Taylor is not from UberEnt, and I played only one game with really good music in it that fits settings: C&C 1. The music was just 50% of the experience of the game and in PA it is going to be like 15% at most.
  3. zuegma

    zuegma New Member

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    So basically you are saying that you are right and everyone else is wrong
  4. Causeless

    Causeless Member

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    How about this? The game actually contains good music, then earsores like this can be put in a "custom music" folder?
  5. RaTcHeT302

    RaTcHeT302 Guest

  6. JWest

    JWest Active Member

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    Let's not be assholes, guys.

    The funny thing about Kraftwerk is that it fallows a classical style of harmony, it just infuses it with new techniques and ideas. Listen to most kraftwerk pieces and you'll find similarities in harmony and composition with classical work. Would it work for a game like this? Well, yes really. The compositional style lends itself well to this sort of environment, and the futuristic nature of the genre has that robotic quality.

    Most of us associate epic battles with classical scores, however, and that works just as well for this environment. As Neutrino said, classical is classic.
  7. jurgenvonjurgensen

    jurgenvonjurgensen Active Member

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  8. sokolek

    sokolek Member

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    I think that hard trance goa pieces are more suitable for big wars (other pieces are good for slow maps and base build ups). You are killing and loosing 50 units/s and you see 100 explosions/s ina big war in a game. You kill armies within seconds. Classical music will never catch up with that. When I build huge army I think wait for a right moment and swarm and do huge blitzkrieg. Classical music will never wake you up, it would rather put you to sleep. How come can it match up huge warfare on screen.
  9. RaTcHeT302

    RaTcHeT302 Guest

  10. sokolek

    sokolek Member

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    Exactly!!! Classical is classic!!! And electronic is electronic!! what "classic" has to do with hi-tech and sci-fi? Pretty much nothing. That's my point.
  11. asgo

    asgo Member

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    for me, soundtrack implies music not just sounds, most of the examples of the first post wouldn't classify as music, at least to my ears. ;)

    anyway, most scifi themed movies/tv series/games tend to use a orchestral soundtrack - creating a kind of associative link and expectancy for that style.
    besides who doesn't like epic soundtracks, they are awesome. :)
  12. KarottenRambo

    KarottenRambo Member

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    But d-d-d-d-dubstep pls? :(

    However, some electro stuff influence would definetly not harm an orchestral soundtrack.

    Good Example
  13. zachb

    zachb Member

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    People will remember the Ford model T more than they remember whatever Ferrari put out last year. Doesn't make the model T better though.

    C&C and Warcraft are famous for getting there first. Now necessarily quality.

    Also beep boop your techno is awful.
  14. JWest

    JWest Active Member

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    I'm confused as to what point you're trying to make, I was trying to back you up a bit here. Also, in regards to what "classical" has to do with kraftwek, I was talking about compositional style. Kraftwerk follows classical style harmonies and compositional trends.
  15. zuegma

    zuegma New Member

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    If having that kind of music is so important to you then just play it in the background or mod it in your self as there will be mod support for this game. Music is an accessory to a game at the end of the day some people like electronic and it suits some games (C&C as you so rightly stated) but when it comes down to the game play comes first, then the music is made for the game and is tweaked how ever it needs to be. Yes C&C had good music, but have you seen the latest examples, the jukebox days are over it seems and with EA's latest offering of a game/service whatever they are calling it, the music will be different again.

    And another personal point for me is that I can remember the music from TA just aswell as C&C as they both had an impact on my gaming life and not just because of the music

    Edit: Having listened to the music again of C&C its a mix of classical, rock and electronic stuff thrown in, NOT just electronic
    Last edited: September 13, 2012
  16. RaTcHeT302

    RaTcHeT302 Guest

    There will be a +Dubstep cheat code apparently. Along with +Scathis and +Sing.
  17. wolfox007

    wolfox007 New Member

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    Do you like music in Call of Duty: MW? Crysis? World of Warcraft? Mass effect? Bam! its all orchestral. The best music ever done in computer gaming history is orchestral. Deal with it. If you dont like it, you can always turn it off in setting and play your "disco-mainstream-popular" crap on you mp3 player.
  18. RaTcHeT302

    RaTcHeT302 Guest

    Hans Zimmer :D
  19. sokolek

    sokolek Member

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    One more point against those who are against me. Try to beat Jean Michel Jarre. He does pritty much electronic music and look how epic his concerts are (50th NASA anniversary). No one makes shows with such pump as he does. Show me bigger classical blast than this one and I will surrender. Concert is later on: Sorry but I couldn't find better quality, but you can buy better quality online.
  20. sokolek

    sokolek Member

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    C&C was not first. Dune was before. That's why you think C&C came first because it came with high quality never seen before.

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