Destroying Suns!

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by hazzard165, September 12, 2012.

  1. hazzard165

    hazzard165 New Member

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    If this is a topic that has already been covered I do apologise.

    In GW, will it be possible to destroy entire solar systems by causing the star to go nova?

    I worked on a game called StarRuler which does this to hilarious effect. I could see a tactic like this in solar system scale battles being a little overpowered and well... suicidal but it might be a good scorched Earth tactic when you are talking about hundreds of star systems in GW. Or instead of struggling to crack a particular hard nut, maybe just burn the entire house down around it :D.
  2. aleran

    aleran New Member

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    Stars are background, you can't manipulate them at all. Mavor Said this in an interview, but he's done six and I can't find which one he mentioned it in.
  3. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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  4. Causeless

    Causeless Member

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    I was hoping at least the sun was a physical object, otherwise planetary travel really makes no sense.
  5. guzwaatensen

    guzwaatensen Active Member

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    hmm, in the same interview it was said that you could move everything as long as you have enough thrust (which hints at a physical simulation of planet movement) but if you can move stuff you can also move it so that it dives into the sun. So i can't see how the sun can be just background, unless he meant that such an event wont influence the sun in any way because it's just visual (and a gravity well) and not an object that physics are applied to. (Which is good by the way, can you imagine all the online game trolls that will just go for the quickest way to mutual destruction through solar system death)

    Edit: Actually a planet falling into the sun not having any influence would also kinda be the realistic approach...
    Last edited: September 12, 2012
  6. menchfrest

    menchfrest Active Member

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    The only planet the has significant influence on the sun (i.e. the center of mass is not inside the sun) is Jupiter, and since we can't move gas giants doing much anything to smaller planets probably wont bother the Suns to much even if they were fully simulating them.

    So unless they add some mechanism for us to directly punch the nose of the sun, it don't care.
  7. hazzard165

    hazzard165 New Member

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    Found it. That's a shame, I was hoping that suns would be physical objects. I'm struggling to imagine how GW would work without suns being tangible objects. Oh well, I guess time will tell.
  8. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    I think there is some confusion based on the question/response.

    There is the star at the center of your solar system, that's part of the game.
  9. xephar

    xephar New Member

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    GW is a meta-game, kind of part of a campaign map. I don't think we'll be jumping between solar systems having various battles simultaneously; it'll be like you win a skirmish/match, you/your faction gain control of a solar system. Next skirmish/match occurs in a different sector, or an opponent/opponents challenges your control of a sector under your control.
  10. aleran

    aleran New Member

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    So if the star is actually present, will it be a valid target for KEW? if for no other purpose than to deny other players access to asteriods as KEW? (as in, land engi on asteriod, make generators and a few engines, propel at sun)
  11. hazzard165

    hazzard165 New Member

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    Thanks for clearing that up Neutrino. Good to know. Would be interesting to know if it is destructible.

    Xephar that makes sense actually. I guess my imagination was running away with itself a bit. Would be nice if you could have one huge seamless galactic war ala StarRuler but understandably with the scale this game is dealing with that is probably not practical. Oh well, the System level battles are going to rock so anything that expands on that experience in any way can only going to be a good thing!
  12. neophyt3

    neophyt3 Member

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    I don't see how even an entire planet would be able to affect the sun, let alone a player with his measly building sized robots. Plus, why would you want to do that? Aren't you in the same solar system? Isn't that suicide? I thought the goal was to win! That doesn't seem fun to me....
  13. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    I think multiple battles simultaneously will be allowed, for example, there are 3 players in a clan attacking 3 enemy planets at the same time, and the enemy responds with 3 of their own players.

    But yeah, GW is just a glorified campaign/multiplayer conquest map.
  14. ooshr32

    ooshr32 Active Member

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    That earlier comment was just a reference to the fact Jupiter is massive enough to make the Sun wobble.
    But it's almost certain the orbital mechanics of the game won't simulate that.
  15. hazzard165

    hazzard165 New Member

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    It depends on how GW works. If you know you are going to lose a system, it might be more effective just to wipe it out in order to make sure that your opponent can't take advantage of it. The tactic is called "Scorched Earth". If you can't have it, you certainly don't want your opponent to.

    A good way to balance it is to make sure that the unit used to destroy stars is very expensive and vulnerable without protection.
  16. kingwolf1

    kingwolf1 New Member

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    wish they made suns so that we could sink asteroids and planets in em ._. i was hoping for that D:
  17. rabbit9000

    rabbit9000 Member

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    Landing an advance force on a planet with 3 others players fighting.

    Keep to myself, fairly turtle like base.

    Gradually expand, but don't go offensive.

    Build rockets engines, and fire planet into sun.

    Laugh heartily.

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