Nostalgic Total Annihilation

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Yourtime, September 12, 2012.

  1. Yourtime

    Yourtime Member

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    Hey Planetkillers,

    I just remembered how much I TA loved, I was quite young and played it often and as I wasnt so good in school (I guess primary school or gymnasium) I used lego to play the game and made some kind of 'inspired game of TA'. you got every round one or two blocks and could build a defensive tower or an unit, which could fight like that fast shooting ground unit. My favorite unit were the ground unit, which shoot so fast, like that helicopter. he wasnt so strong, but many of them looked quite strong lol and of course big bertha. One time I played the 7 metal islands and well I can remember how pissed I was about the unit cap or rather that the big bertha were counted as units too, beause I build on my island i think around 20 big berthas and loved how they defensed it against the AI.

    Here how it looked (, yeah I found the lego builder lol)

    Actually the left one, was that fast shooting unit (forgot the name) and the right should have been a light laster tower, which actually had more a cross on the downside and upside, but well the builder doesnt allow you that. The blue pieces defined your color and yeah you had to pick these kind of stones to be able to build it, you had your commander which was little bigger who built it, oh well.

    Yes I never played online, but well to that time, internet was quite rare in our home. my first multiplayer game, was nox, but thats offtopic.

    God I was quite into that game. I would like to hear your stories, how much did you like it, how did it start and what were the best moments?

    Yours Yourtime.
    Last edited: September 12, 2012
  2. rorschachphoenix

    rorschachphoenix Active Member

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    I played TA about 6 years. In recent months, I have often thought of that time. Together with my best friend we've spent nights fighting against the AI. Those were the best days of my youth. Not kidding.
  3. Yourtime

    Yourtime Member

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    AH YES! exactly. :D When I rewatch the intro of TA, I kinda feel the nostalgic, but also how cute the peewee tries to show his move lol. In the past it was meant to brag, but now it looks kinda adorable.

    Oh well. I dont know how long i played it, but well I can totally understand what you mean. I played with a cousin the game against AI and he wasnt really into RTS, but this game was an exception.
  4. Kogies

    Kogies New Member

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    My first love was C&C, and I played that a lot. In 1997, there was a lot of hype surrounding the release of Dark Reign, and I nearly bought it. But my brother, God bless him! had told me that this game called Total Annihilation would be better. I saw a video and was hooked. I bought the game (with the t-shirt!) and never looked back. I still play it a bit to this very day. As a 14 yr old I would play massive games against AI, slowly adding more and more opposing AI, then placing them on the same team for more competition. It was brilliant. When asked to make a video for school, my friend and I built some of the units (I remember doing the Bulldog) out of balsa wood and filmed a story, with fire and explosions!

    Then came the CC expansion. Oh, if ever I thought playing the original that "it would be great if..." I saw it realised in CC. I loved the Bertha cannons, or Intimidator because I played Core. Now there was the Buzzsaw, Bloody Hellfire! By this time I was playing LAN with some friends, 6 player death match on a big map, me oh my! Stopping a Krogoth was satisfying, stealth bombing there bunched fusion reactors was exhilarating. The community (though I didn't play online) was great, I would wait hours as a 1.5mb map file downloaded on my 28.8kbps connection... those were indeed *the* days!

    One time using a Mobile Radar Jammer, an Adv. Construction Unit and two transports I located myself on a mountain just a little off from my friends base (he had 6+ Buzzsaws for defence, why did I let him live at 6mins?!). I constructed my own Vulcan atop this mountain under the cover of radar darkness. It was nearly done when the empty transport moved out of the radar jam (bloody hotkeys!), and his auto-targeting facility decided to attack it and hit the nano-lathing Vulcan. I was distraught; but it was epic.

    I did always like the more sneaky, intellectual approaches to strategy and tactics. My all-time favourite was the self-titled "Morty Run". Remember the Morty? The mortar K-bot from the CC expansion? I would get an army of them together, and do long range bombardment over hilltops, or over my army sent entirely for misdirection. I sure hope there is an equivalent in PA. The tactical capabilities of ballistic weapons in TA remain unsurpassed, IMHO, in any other RTS. The naval battles were the best ever, apart from the specific tactics mentioned, I enjoyed naval battles the most.

    TA was ahead of its time as far as the game engine was concerned. I sure hope Neutrino and others know how much we enjoyed the game that I am sure they enjoyed making.

    Let's do that again!

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