Spunky Cola FREE DLC Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Ekanaut, November 30, 2010.

  1. cutecakes

    cutecakes Member

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    I love everything about the new DLC, from the loading screens to the new arenas. Excellent work guys ;)
  2. ababypenguin

    ababypenguin New Member

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    I've played a few games with the new DLC and I have to say, I am loving it :)

    I played on Spunky Cola twice, but unfortunately both times were buggy :/ The first, my 'sin wouldn't lunge at random times in the game. If I respawned, it would fix, but then eventually go back to no lunge again. I remember that this bug existed before the first patch. This is the first time I have seen it since then. The second time I played, I was just about to pounce on an unsuspecting sniper when my game locked up. This isn't the first time I've heard about the game freezing on spunky cola so hopefully this issue will be resolved soon.

    Other than that, I fell in love with MNC all over again. I had some great games. Some even went into overtime, which I haven't seen in a LONG time. Also, I like the churros haha! I can pick up around 3 or 4 per game and they are useful. I love the ready-up option in the lobby, the new timers inside the spawn room, the new prices on Rock-Its, and especially the lack of entire teams juicing up and rushing the base. I cannot stress enough how grateful I am to be able to play a solid ten minute game, in which both teams have a fighting chance to win. Thank you Uber, Thank you. :D

    >>EDIT By the way...am I crazy or is the sniper's flak more powerful?? That thing would drain me in just a couple seconds!..... oop yep. I just read on the changelog that it has "better performance." :p I guess I'm gonna have to be more careful then.
  3. eido740

    eido740 New Member

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    Got to play a few rounds today. I like the changes to lazerazor and steel peel. I like the new flak animation. I like the rock-it turret price change. I didn't get to play a full round on spunky but I like what I've seen so far.

    Dropped into a game with scathis, l3illy, et. al... 10 minutes bfore I had to leave for work. I wish I could've played with you guys a bit longer. Looking forward to playing some more when I get home.
  4. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    Sweet. I'm memorable. Take THAT Dead Stretch.
  5. ManaCorporation

    ManaCorporation New Member

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    Where are the juice machines in Spunky?? I had $1500 and couldn't find the machines.. :(
  6. InsolubleFluff

    InsolubleFluff New Member

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    Spunky Cola has a ledge around the base right near the money ball that people can jump on to and shoot at the turrets in the enemies base with almost complete cover. It's especially distasteful when a Gunner uses rockets off it.

    Churros drop LOADS, despite the post in the first page saying 'rare 2-4 times'

    I noticed that Spunky Cola is either on ALL the time or not at all. To be honest, I don't want to play it all of the time, it's cool, but only if your team is good. Otherwise you just get lathered in death. Like any other map, but more so.

    Left exit of your base where there's a little bridge leading to a glass hallway, found assaults like to spawn camp there by just kicking everyone off the edge of the map if they come down there, it's not really fair at all on others.

    Other than that, the map is pretty good. I like that there's a lot of open space and a lot of closed space. The open space has a few walls and that to hide behind and the bots can do some actual damage in the current set up.

    Also, I feel the Assassin has been slightly underpowered now. I'd usually get about 20 kills 3 deaths but now I get about 12 kills 7 deaths. I think it's due to the lunge taking ages after you lunge before you can do anything else. I can still hear my hum, so it sort of makes it hard for an assassin to hear another assassin...

    Support's heal gun doesn't seem any better, it actually seems a bit worse...
    Tanks seem to be a lot more popular in the new balance, and it's awfully hard to kill them. Not so much a balance issue as of yet, but if they have been made stronger, I can see them getting abused hard. They were already strong enough as is, I got my only uber streak as a tank.

    Private match stuff is cool, overall great job!
    I hope to see a few of these imperfections ironed out BEFORE another DLC. Otherwise the game will just become too distasteful.
  7. CLD

    CLD New Member

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    I am so disappointed in the devs ability to balance and update games. So disappointed, in fact, that this is the first time I have ever felt compelled to get online and voice my anger and resentement towards a development company. Uber Ent. has no clue to what they are doing. They had a GREAT concept but executed so poorly I can no longer play MNC. there are still glitches in the game that I have heard people (including myself) complaining about for months. For example the Gunner still has issues with moving as slow as he does with either the Minigun is being fired or reved up even after switching to the mortar, the Support still has his hacks "eaten", and the maps has gotten even laggier even to the point to where now they completely freeze my Xbox up completely in the middle of a crossfire match. They left the ability to be hit by a charge from a tank AND assault even after they die in. but not the gunner ability to slam after death. If the reasoning was because the Tank was so big, momentum would let the body sitll hit you, then why doesn't the gunner have that on his slam, LET alone that the assaut and tank and rip the charges off the moment you hit the button, but the gunner takes like 2 or 3 seconds to pull his off? Also the gunner slam has issues with hitting people that is jsut a little off his level, meaning that if a player is just a little above or a little below you on a ramp, they dont get hit by it?

    They do not address the real balacing issues or do they even know what a class should be? For example the sniper is supposed to be a long range, pin point accurate type of player, and yet they left the explosive shot as powerful as ever and left the AoE on it ridiculously wide. This means that a sniper doesnt even have to hit you he just has to be close. The sniper rifle isn't even a rilfe anymore, its a freaken rocket launcher. They still havent added any benefit for healing with the support class other than juice, which they reduced that significantly now, AND they reduced the cool down time on Air strikes, therefore making the skill pretty much useless now. They could of added the assist for the support if he is healing someone who gets a kill (after all the class is called SUPPORT, why not make it the best class to get a ton of ASSISTS with?)

    I could go on and on, but why bother. Its obvious to me that they do not listen to thier players completely. they only "listen" to what they want to hear, and do not address the concerns fully. Instead they spend thier time on needless thing like new loading screens and such, which would be fine if the game didnt have all the glitches or balacing issues it has.

    I would give suggestions on how to make the game better, but I would be ignored so I wont waste my time with it.

    its pathetic when a developer makes a game worse with a patch, makes it so bad that a longtime player quits playing thier game..I wont be getting any DLC in the future especially since we're going to have to play for it from now on. (thank Microshaft for that)
  8. MojoTeq

    MojoTeq New Member

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    Yeah Hudson will love the less intelligent placements of laser blazers. For some reason people put it at the nub right outside the tunnel near the ball, so I kept deploying and juicing off it and wrecking all of their other turrets.

    Jaffo, you may want to try putting the traps further away from you. The best bet is to place them right where someone lands when using a jump pad near you. God I hate hate hate HATE landing in sniper traps.

    CLD, I am sorry, but you are just wrong on many of your complaints. Sniper is still OP in my opinion, but you learn to live with that. However, no incentive to heal? Ummm, how about helping your team win?

    You also mention, CLD, that you have been complaining about these problems for months. Where? In game chat? This is your first post here, and I will tell you, the devs have don very well listening to the players on the board. The REAL MNC players love the new screens, and the new lines. They have worked to find the nuances of the gameplay here, and enjoy all bits of polish that get added. And don't think that I love all of the changes, and that everything I wanted got changed. I loved my Airstrike spam, but it is far from a useless skill now. FAR from it. Shotguns are still a bit redonkulous in my opinion, but I just try not to close in on supports.

    In short, I am sorry you are unhappy dude, but you are in the minority... and for a good reason.
  9. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    If this isn't a joke then I don't know what to tell you except go play something else. I think we've done one hell of a job listening to our fans here on the forums and Twitter and supporting the game.
  10. MojoTeq

    MojoTeq New Member

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    You have, dude. Some people just LOVE to be the victim.
  11. Vuther

    Vuther New Member

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    Thank you Uber Entertainment. I love you so. HUGS!

    Better get buying some MS points for the DLC that costs something...
  12. Spectre

    Spectre New Member

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    Just played a match on the new crossfire arena... very fun. It's obvious you guys put a lot of thought into it. Much appreciated.
  13. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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    F'N LOL'D

    Why complain now? I'm every bit as happy as you are unhappy, so you have accomplished nothing!
  14. CLD

    CLD New Member

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    as to my complaining...yes in game chat, and I believe you are wrong about being in the minority
  15. MojoTeq

    MojoTeq New Member

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    Complaining in game chat is like bitching to the dog that your wife doesn't put out. He may look sympathetic with his big puppy dog eyes, but there is no way he's going to be able to sit down and have a chat with her over kibble.

    Bitching for Bitching's sake is just... duh duh duhhhhn... Bitching.

    It is so silly to bitch after the fact instead of trying to do something constructive to change things. But that is just our way here in the good ole US of A. (well, in many places, but I am here, and this is what I see)

    The devs have asked many times for bug reports, and opinions. They have a vision of what this game is, and they do their ******* damndest to make it as enjoyable as possible. I am not happy with everything, but I love the game, and I know for a fact that every single one of them tries and CARES. It takes work, it takes some trial and error, and just because you have an idea that sounds great to you, it doesn't mean it is in fact a good idea, or that it will even work. You want some credibility, become part of the community, and learn how to communicate more and bitch less.
  16. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    Even though we are active with the community, we haven't figured out how to read minds yet. So if you really have a complaint, how about posting it in the forums?
  17. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    I think the Churro drop rate needs to be toned down a bit, at least for Blitz modes. I've picked up 121 Churros so far today compared to 7 Bacon pickups. Granted I've been mostly playing Super Sudden Death Blitz today, but I think that ratio is a bit skewed.

    On a semi-related note, SSDB seems to have quite the difficulty ramp up around the 110 wave point. 3 or 4 Jackbots? Not much of a problem. 7 or 8 Jackbots with a number of Gapshots, Buzzers, Bouncers, Gremlins, Scramblers, BlackJacks and Slims all at once? A nice challenge, but it's like throwing a ping pong ball at a bowling ball, which do you think will win?

    Speaking of Gremlins, is the Hurt Heal Gun supposed to be able to lock on to them while they're still cloaked? This didn't happen prior to the DLC.

    Maybe you guys just need more bacon in your diet.
  18. NataVonDoom

    NataVonDoom New Member

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    I haven't gotten a chance to really play it yet, but I have to say the trailer is brilliant. Nicely put together guys! ( And thanks for the free content. )
  19. DUDE98678

    DUDE98678 New Member

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    All of which are lag related. A game can only do so much about a personal lag problem.
    The tank and assault charge after death is intentional. As for the gunner, I believe that what your questioning actually may be in affect. In all seriousness, just an hour ago I was playing assassin, lunged at a gunner and the kill feed said I slashed him, followed by him slamming me to my death. Maybe it was a laggy situation for me, but this is what happened, and its what your asking for. I do feel that when the gunner starts falling, the slam is inevitable. I would need confirmation here. As for the time to slam, the gunner has to jump in order to slam. The jump is where the time comes in. Neither of the other classes need a preparation to their charges, the jet packs simply turn on and their a go.
    Maybe at slam level 1! The hitbox on the slam is ridiculous! I've been at the apex at my jump and still hit by a gunner slam. As for being underneath it, that I am not aware of.
    I do agree that the area of affect of a sniper explosion is insane. However it is nothing like a rocket launcher, if it was they would be able to shoot underneath pros and cause and explosion. This is not the case, as they must hit a target to cause the explosion.
    The juice gain may be reduced, but it is not that significant! Getting juiced as a support by juicing off overheals while picking up juice drops is still relatively easy for a support in my opinion. Airstrike times may have been reduced, but they are no where near useless! There a one hit kill to any pro for crying out loud! And the reason they nerfed him was partly because of a majority fan poll that said the support was the most overpowered! The firebase still destroys everything, and even is capable of killing juiced pros with the juice nerf. As for assists, they would be too easy to get. Yes you did assist in the kill, but you are rewarded by the fact that the other pro is dead! And it not as if the support needs more money, you can get roughly $15 off the heal itself, why get it again for an assist?
    If those suggestions were rational, required real attention, or fix game breaking issues they ARE attended to! This update was BASED on player feedback on how to make the game better and made it more balanced! The list of updates and fixes was HUGE! Your list of complaints, pretty slim. They did a great job on the update. I am by no means saying that you are one of the situation Im about to describe, but many of the suggestions are a bit rediculous due to their central idea. In general, a lot of suggestions can be boiled down to, "buff my class and nerf everyone else." Once again I am not saying this is your particular situation, but for those people out there, and you know who you are, just TRY to play the class that 'is so gamebreaking and needs a nerf' (not quoting anyone, slight sarcasm intended)
    The REAL problems that were persistent in this game have been fixed, when their source was found. Uber has to be the best community I have found when it comes to noticing and implementing player feedback. A few problems do exist due to general client lag. While a player may see themself doing something, it may not be so, as the host may see them doing whatever it was X milliseconds ago. You must determine for yourself when it is that situation. Even so I definitely appears that lag problems and online in general problems were improved upon. Seriously, host migration in 3 SECONDS FLAT!?!? That is improvement indeed, my friends.

    I realize now that this may be completely pointless, and that this is completely unlike something I would do. Trolls will keep on trollin' no matter what you do. I guess i posted this thinking I can try to turn over a new leaf and hope to expose the good of Uber to a non-believer :D
    As for the comment about Microsoft, I am 100% with you on their money hungry ways. I say we all make a new company, "Macrohard," create an incredible gaming system, buy out microsoft with our profits, along with Bill Gates himself! Then we force him to eat churros every second of every day to the point where he despises them, make him post on twitter that he honestly hates churros, and watch the entire world turn against him. :twisted: :ugeek:

    TG GHOSTMERC New Member

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    so whats up with the gunner after the dlc update?
    before when playing gunner i could keep shooting an assasin when they melee me.
    now when an assasin melee's me it stops my mini gun and i have to pull the trigger again?

    this was not listed in your changes why is it happening now?

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