Is split-screen broken?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by kanonkula, December 1, 2010.

  1. kanonkula

    kanonkula New Member

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    I had a quick try of the new DLC with my wife before heading to work today. And split-screen was terrible, nearly unplayable due to frame rate dropping every time one of us had to respawn.
    Has anyone else experienced this?
  2. FB Zombie Chaos

    FB Zombie Chaos New Member

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    IDK, I will get a chance to try when I get off of work.

    I hope there is nothing wrong with it. That's all I will be playing the rest of the week.
  3. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    I've split screened once, and I will never again. If you do play it, don't play gunner, your minigun will stop shooting during fights.
  4. FB Zombie Chaos

    FB Zombie Chaos New Member

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    happened to me as well, only I was support. Pretty annoying, but it wont stop me from playing.
  5. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    Respawns in splitscreen cause 20+ frames to be skipped, causing both players to be completely blind for about a whole second. It's awful now :|

    The Gunner/Support thing where they stop firing was in there before the patch, but actually applies to most classes and weapons: it's just more noticeable on theirs. If you get an indirect kill(via assist or bots), for some reason your weapon just cease firing. It takes about the same amount of time to fire again as it does for the Support to switch between hurting and healing.
  6. IcyZyon

    IcyZyon New Member

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    Hopefully. No offense to good split-screeners(Do they even exist?) but every split screener I have seen very rarely gets more than 1 kill. Also very rarely they very rarely get less than 10 deaths so.

    If it kills off the split-screener population its good..
  7. FB Zombie Chaos

    FB Zombie Chaos New Member

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    90% of the time I only use split-screen on Blitz.

    I love the fact this game has split-screen. Plz don't kill it!
  8. IcyZyon

    IcyZyon New Member

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    Blitz I don't care about its the fact that split screeners can effectively ruin a cross fire game. They usually pick the same class as each other and usually don't get a single kill.

    Split-screening should not be allowed in cross fire in my opinion.
  9. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    Its never good to lose players of the game. More players = more money for Uber = a sequel for us = AWESOME.
  10. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    Yes, yep, yeah, yah, ja, and so on. Why is it always getting rid of other players that becomes the first solution so many people think of? Why don't these people ever realize they're exactly the same as the people they're wanting to be rid of in their phenomenal achievements in ignorance?

  11. ZobarStyl

    ZobarStyl New Member

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    I'd like to chime in and say this has severely hampered the playability of this game. You can't be jumping, shooting, running, upgrading or buying turrets during this constant lag, which just about covers everything you could do in MNC. It's difficult to see how this could have made it through playtesting; it's constant and always reproducible. It seems like you either a) don't care about splitscreen or b) didn't playtest. Either way if this isn't fixed I can't see myself buying the upcoming map packs, which heretofore I had planned to buy day 1. At this rate you might as well just disable splitscreen entirely.
  12. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    im sure they will fix it. sounds like an easy fix anyway.

    however, which would you rather have? no split screen available, or a glitchy split screen?

    answer is a glitchy split screen. you can just not use it unless you absolutely must. when they didnt make split screen for MW2, so many crybabys. so many...
  13. Z Bear

    Z Bear New Member

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    Wow, that's just... ignorant. My wife and I play splitscreen pretty much 100% of the time. Both of us generally have posite K/D ratios, and win a lot of games. You're talking about people who come in with the same gamertag, and even in those cases I've seen some pairs that aren't too bad. But splitscreen can also be done with separate gamertags, and with a decent sized TV, it isn't so bad.

    This new issue with losing so many frames when spawning splitscreen, though... it's a tough one. The wife and I love the new spunky cola arena, but we were about 50/50 between going, WOW! This arena is GREAT! and, wow... this spawn lag really SUCKS!

    Please devs, please please please look into this and see if you can get a fix for us.

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