1. QuestionMarx

    QuestionMarx New Member

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    I REALLY enjoy this game, but there is one thing that allows me to put down my controller and play something else...Assassins. They are the first thing a game has done that has caused me to break a controller in 8 years. IMO they are OP and I'm so confused why no one else seems to believe this. I'll list the reason I believe this to be true:

    1) They have the ability to easily 1 shot all classes multiple ways.
    No armor the can 1 shot front grapple:

    Back Grapple:
    All but Tank

    Lvl 1 armor:

    Lvl 2+

    Lunge+Back Grapple
    All but Lvl 1+ armor Tank

    Lunge+Front Grapple
    All armor levels-Support
    All armor levels-Assassins
    All armor levels-Snipers
    Assault No armor.
    Gunner No armor

    2) This wouldn't be a problem if their lunge didn't have an auto aim feature that virtually always allows it to link into the grapple. The speed and distance on the lunge is also to great, as well as the damage. This allows Assassins to take on most classes head on.

    3)The grapple wills always get you in any lag situation no matter where you are, in the air, another platform, or even charging at them. IT WILL GET YOU. It doesn't make any since that an Assassin can grapple me out of my 3rd lvl Tank charge when I'M host.

    4) They are barely punished anymore for missing a grapple so, missing isn't really a problem.

    5)The S-launcher. I'm fine with it, it's just the Lvl 3 cloak shouldn't make everything she does 100% Crit. I've taken down Gunners by re-cloaking between reloads and the ability to bounce of walls is really unnecessary.

    6) They are the only class anymore that really gets anything outta pushing bots. They get immense amounts of juice from doing it. Which leads me too....

    7) The amount of damage they can do while juiced is too much compared to how fast they get it. I'll use the Tank for example(ignore the LazorBlazor Deploy trick) they get juice very SSSSLLLLLOOOOOOWWWWWWWLLLLLLLLYYYYYYY besides juice box pick ups, but their juice is one of the deadliest in the game. So why is the Assassins just as deadly or deadlier juice so easy to come by?

    8)The speed they achieve while being juiced makes them hard to deal with unless you have ice traps set by your turrets.

    9)Their ability to claw at any turret 3-4 times and have it down in half a second is ridiculous.

    10) They have to many options on getting away quickly. They can run, lung, or fly.

    11) They can lung through ice traps(This is probably unintended though)

    12) Their low HP is made up for by their speed and get aways.

    13) They can take out most turrets without juice.

    I'm trying to bring actually reasons to the table on nerfing Assassins instead of buffing her cause everyone feels sorry for her cause Uber doesn't have the dedicated servers to actually pull off a character like her. I'd love to see this game balanced in every aspect, but maybe it is and I just hate characters that can one shot you without requiring skill. :p

    What I'd like her to be is a character that can't face grapple everything and kill them. I like her back grapples how they are, but the amount of damage a front grapple can do or at least the lunge can do needs to be reduced, same with her juice gain. If this happens I believe the game will become more team oriented and actually be a Tower Defense. Lately it has been a Tower OFFENSE due to the assassins juicing abilities discouraging turret building.

    Please don't turn this into a discussion on how to stop juiced Assassins. I have seen all of them and their juicing isn't the only problem. I'm able to stop juiced Assassins 50% of the time or at least use my body as a shield for 2 seconds, but lately the Assassins have ignored my attempts completely and only go for turrets. So this thread has nothing to do about how to stop them from juicing.

    If you believe I'm false on this can you explain why you think so?

    I have retracted this post. I'm leaving it here for funzies and so people can read through liefglinde and others post about why the Assassins is balanced, among other things.
    Last edited: December 3, 2010
  2. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    I have no problem with Assassins. I wear no armor on my Support and I can still kill them more than half the time. Just another class you have to learn to play against.
  3. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    I am so tempted to completely and utterly destroy this argument in 3 different languages at the same time. In the interest of not getting banned from these forums, I'll refrain.

    The Assassin has paper mache armor.
    None of her 3 skills can do direct damage, unlike every other pro.
    She actually has to be on the front lines to do anything, unlike every other pro.
    Your bit about the grapple always connecting? I would LOVE to see this. My grapples still miss from point blank.
    Critical shuriken barely do any extra damage, I've tested it.
    So what if they get juice from pushing lanes? No other class has to be right next to the bots to do it.
    The Assassin's juice is NOWHERE near as deadly as the Tank's. When juiced Assassins rush toward me, I basically laugh and distract/kill them. When juiced Tanks rush me I run away.
    They're not that fast while juiced.
    They can lunge through an ice trap but they'll still be frozen when the lunge ends.
    They have to be right next to a turret to effectively take it out.

    So much more I want to say...
  4. Enigma5081

    Enigma5081 New Member

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    My only problem is that with the neff to laser blazers assassins can just destroy your turrets making the decrease in cost for rockets useless.
  5. MojoTeq

    MojoTeq New Member

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    Seriously dude, wrong again. There are ways to get more juice. Slam then mortar the stunned bots, product grenade and spin, Even smoke bombing first will net you more juice. At least, this is what I seem to have noticed. Lvl 3 product grenade into a knot of bots is KILLER.


    Got one right. Good job.

    OK, I got bored.

    Dude, you keep saying it takes no skill. Go play assassin and see how good you are compared to the good players and THEN say that.
  6. QuestionMarx

    QuestionMarx New Member

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    I knew I shouldn't of posted anything while being in a sleepless rage. After a nap I'm actually thinking straight, so I'll apologize for posting this. I know about the things you posted, but being killed by Assassins so many times in a row when you know you should have lived gets at ya, ya'know?

    I do play the Assassin from time to time and I have raged at the failed grapples myself and the paper mache armor, the shotties to the face, the back grapples turning into front grapples or not working at all. So ya. I digress.
  7. MojoTeq

    MojoTeq New Member

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    I understand dude. At some points it just drives you nuts. Noo biggie.
  8. Superchicken

    Superchicken New Member

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    Assassins can be really really really annoying depending on your connection... For instance- they gain 100% dmg resistance to me while they are in either the grapple animation or the smoke bomb animation. Even if they have only a tiny sliver of red left as soon as the hand goes up to throw down that smoke bomb I can shoot them a million times and they wont be damaged... :roll:
  9. QuestionMarx

    QuestionMarx New Member

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    Yeah the defense boost characters get while in grapple animations are kinda ridiculous. It take 4 -6 point blank shotgun hits to kill an Azazn instead of 2-3 when they aren't in grapple animation and that is if they have armor if not 2-3 to 1 haha
  10. IcyZyon

    IcyZyon New Member

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    Can't say I've broken a controller but assassins have caused me to throw my against the wall and pretty much rage quit playing xbox for the whole day.

    Most people don't agree with it is because they are probably part of the problem. They probably "main" assassin. Of course its not hard to main an assassin trust me. First time I tried assassin, I went 10-0 with over $5000. Not that hard plus the juice gain rate is crazy.

    They nerfed the snipers juice gain, maybe they should have nerfed the assassins juice gain as well.
  11. QuestionMarx

    QuestionMarx New Member

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    Well the wall throwing caused the controller not to read mics and broke the left tumbler haha

    The Assassin isn't the easiest, but it really depends on how much work you're doing and you're connection.

    Juice needs to be nerfed for everyone and the sniper can still get large juice masses quick. Just gotta be clever with your shots.
  12. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Playing AS a Assassin, and a pretty damn good one, the only thing about Assassins is the Juice gain, thats it, nothing else is wrong/OP.
  13. MojoTeq

    MojoTeq New Member

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    I haven't played assassin more than a dozen times since the patch that took away grapple cloak. However, I am more open to finding solutions that work than I think some people are.

    10 and 0 is not that impressive bud. I've watched many good assassins reliably go 25- 30 kills with very few deaths. Of course, I have seen that with anyone that is good with their class. I just wish I was good at ANY class! I digress.

    I would be interested to see what the Assassin haters actually use as their main class with endorsements and their "goals" in a match. I have a feeling it might set up a pattern.
  14. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    ^^^ The 2nd half of this post is not directed towards IcyZyon

    First time i Mained as a Sniper i went 42-11-2 with 150 Bot kills and 8 times Juice, and yet you still see people say the Sniper is not an Easy class to play and they you need to be 'pro' at it. The Assassin is good if your decent at her, the Assassin is godly if you great at her, yet Juice is the only problem right now, STOP F***ING SAYING ASSASSINS ARE CHEAP... ITS THE F***ING JUICE NOT THE F***ING CLASS!!! damn noobs degrading a class because of the Juice Rate, at least pre-DLC players would actually say the Sniper/Supports Juice rates too high.. instead of just flat out saying their OP because of their JUICE.. not class... JUICE... hold on buddy.. let me spell that out for you, J-U-I-C-E, how does that come out to be Assassin is OP?! Juice Gain Rates are the problem, NOT THE DAMN ASSASSIN!!! SHE IS NOT OP, JUICE GAIN RATES ARE TOO HIGH FOR HER.. SHE HERSELF IS NOT OP!
  15. ShockerGeneral

    ShockerGeneral New Member

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    I generally tend to agree with this - the rant is a bit on the crazed shouting side of things (stop using the Juice man, its f***ing with your head) but its pretty accurate.

    I play sniper and tank the least but can easily pick up the sniper and do well...

    As for the assassin, she used to be my main class - still my 2nd fav but weather it is the juice rate or the class that is OP is semantics...the juice rate is currently PART of the class.

    I think if the juice rate was nerfed and they did something about the front grapples the Assassin would be fine...its supposed to be a stealth class, there isnt much stealty about lunging head on and face grappling classes with large guns. These assasins should die. Every time. The assassin is supposed to clear bots, juice an obscene amount of times (currently) and go for the occasional sneak attack on an unsuspecting pro from behind, not running head on at other classes.

    Somewhat concerned by the boost they gave lunging assassins in the recent patch but time will tell.

    Just my two cents...
  16. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    maybe just a little bit. around where the new support is, or just a little less than the old supports juice-gain-rate. they are easy enough to handle tho, ill give you that. juice makes them take 4 shotgun blasts, big deal. i seriously think the tank with just 1 passive upgrade still has more armor than a juiced assassin
  17. bobhartley

    bobhartley New Member

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    stfu youre always invisible and running around stabbing people in the back like a true coward. assassins are the cancer killing this game.oh and uber had to buff that ultra g.ay class. good way to attract the unskilled noobs to this game tho. fu.cking f.aggots
  18. Reltsirk

    Reltsirk New Member

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    "It doesn't make any sense that an Assassin can grapple me out of my 3rd lvl Tank charge"

    this is probably the only thing I salvaged and agreed with.
  19. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Oh a coward for being an Assassin, how is Sniper being less of a coward, atleast the damn Assassin goes into the middle of the battle instead of being scared and hiding in their base, and a Gunner with a Support always together bcuz their too scared to fight 1 on 1, and a tank with their charge, same as assault, damn why are they so scared they have to use these cheap moves?... your 'rant' was invalid, how can you say their unskilled when 90% of Assassins are negative and the EASIEST to be killed, and if you get killed constantly by Assassins.. then you should leave the game as they really are one of the easiest classes to deal with, oh their invisible! if you use that as your defense its pathetic... buy some glasses, you can actually SEE the Assassin even though their cloaked.. hell you can hear them too.. Every class has their 'coward' abilities.
  20. Manouso

    Manouso New Member

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    Icy, I never call people out, but I have to on this one.
    The last time I ran into you, you were an assasssin and did terrible.
    Then in the post game lobby you called me a glitcher (this was post patch btw) when I did good as an assassin that same game.
    My response: Actually they fixed that glitch
    You: Your a haxxor (paraphrase)
    Me: Just cause you suck with assassin doesn't mean everyone does.
    After that you cussed me out and quit.

    I wouldn't go calling assassin easy to main if I were you.
    Any class can be easy to use if you play lesser skilled people, but play better people and you'll see how good with a class you really are.

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