How exactly does $300,000 dollars = Galactic War?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by bravetriforcer, September 7, 2012.

  1. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    The devs have always been generous workers anyway. Reguardless of what you say about the SMNC Uber Store.

    I don't see how people don't like these guys enough to let go of some money without expecting a hand-made ice-cream sundae from them every 25 cents they give them.
  2. shinseitom

    shinseitom Member

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    Yeah, since lots of people have wanted a single player mode, I think they're shooting for awesome and have high fairly-unspecific goals for the galactic war. Even as it stands now it sounds like an insane MMORTS-lite. So they decided they needed a little bit more of a money buffer to make sure nothing goes wrong.

    Also possible is they have ~300k in paypal donations, and expect to at least hit 1.5M, so they planned it out that way :p

    From the looks of it though, they might hit 1.8M without paypal if the trend of super last-minute pledges happens again.
  3. subject134127

    subject134127 New Member

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    I actually thought this was going to be a post on how 300'000 would ever be enough...

    Galactic scale is incredible. If our solar system was a grain of salt, the milky way would be 24 miles in diameter. I can't imagine that another level of hugenormous scale can be funded with only 50% more than a planet types and building options.
  4. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I liked Star Control's gamemode of Total War.

    That would be cool.

    That is why I liked the idea of this game in the first place.

    I mean, Star Control was a PC/Sega game. It was well implemented with the 2d starship fights and the strategical star system turn based movement and colonizing and destroying enemy colonization.

    I also liked Spore. Same reasons really.

    Galactic War sounds awesome.
  5. zachb

    zachb Member

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    Because it costs $1 to make one solar system

  6. molloy

    molloy Member

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    Seems to be a perfectly reasonable amount of money to me. Running a company with 15 employee's or whatever they have is expensive. Lots of these guys are veteran developers they shouldn't be expected to live on peanuts.

    I'm sure that the Kickstarter sums are somewhat conservative. They're assuming the game sells pretty well when it's released so the people involved can be rewarded properly.

    Money gives people the ability to improvise and innovate. I don't think we've got to worry too much about them getting too much money.
  7. nlspeed911

    nlspeed911 Member

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    Well, actually...
  8. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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  9. rmaynard

    rmaynard New Member

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    This is a good example of the double-edged sword of switching to crowd-funding. You aren't really escaping publishers, you're just diffusing them into tens of thousands of mini-publishers.

    Frankly speaking, even if there were good reason to be incredulous as to how much money certain features *actually* require (there is not), we have zero standing to demand budgetary transparency on these matters, or line-item justifications for these goals.
    The creators quote you a price for the things they will make and the things they can add. You hit it or you don't.

    The end of the road on these sorts of insane demands is asking for a reimbursement sum of funds if the project comes in under budget.
    Last edited: September 11, 2012
  10. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Except we technically have zero power over them once they're funded.

    Real Publishers on the other hand.........Yeah.

  11. rmaynard

    rmaynard New Member

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    Well yeah, obviously that is the upside, from a creative standpoint. ;)
  12. nii236

    nii236 New Member

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    Wow this would be a pretty sweet idea. Galactic War in real time! And then the very first planet you start on would be a 'homeworld' of sorts, where one player sits back and spends the entire game turtling himself in and building heaps of power gens. And when the enemies finally get there you have 20 commanders trying to destroy the 1 player who has dug himself in for hours.
  13. sacrificiallamb

    sacrificiallamb Member

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    Personally I'm more worried about how little the game is being soled for, $20. from what I imagine and hope for I would expect to pay $50+ (may be more i'm trying to convert to US $ in head). I hope that are not selling them self short. That's why I pledged more, not just because I have a game box fetish d-:

    I have no problem with the 300K jump in cost other than that "What if we don't make it" worry ),:
  14. neophyt3

    neophyt3 Member

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    Read this:

    (from viewtopic.php?f=61&t=34959&p=518972&hilit=cheaper#p518972 )
  15. elpotof

    elpotof New Member

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    Does it matter to me where they Guys from Uber get their figures from?

    To me personally, no. They presented an idea in the form of a potentially excellent game. I love what they have presented and have placed trust into a product they say they can produce next year. I was sold on this project from the outset, before Galactic War was considered; I see this as a very big bonus and if Uber can deliver on this, all the better.

    I'm not interested in examining figures/stats - I do enough of that in my day job to be overly concerned. Uber are the experts; let them handle that side of the business and make the greatest game possible for your legion of supporters - even if some of them query some of your actions! :D
  16. Veleiro

    Veleiro Member

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    I know SupCom2 was made for $2 million, and that was a year of work built off of an existing engine, with concentration on the easier stuff (although im not a game dev) to produce such as experimentals. I think their team was a lot bigger on that budget? They had an entire single player campaign as well, so I can only imagine how much better that means PA will be because of the lack of a scripted campaign.

    So what I am imagining is that galactic war is actually cheap at 300k, without going into detail.
  17. LennardF1989

    LennardF1989 Uber Contractor

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    Haven't read all of this topic, but when I read the OP's post I feel he doesn't understand what stretch goals are. They're not "it'll cost us this much to make this feature", they're there to stimulate people to pump in even more cash, simple as that.
  18. Endyo

    Endyo Active Member

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    That seemed unnecessarily rude for someone asking a question. Granted the phrasing wasn't the best, but it's a question about the nature of an investment someone is making in your business, would you respond the same way to an investor?

    edit: I guess you noticed that later on, I just didn't read that far. I'm sure it's just stressful dealing with the onslaught of questions, but I'd suggest keeping your PR face on and beating up a punching bag instead.
    Last edited: September 11, 2012
  19. RaTcHeT302

    RaTcHeT302 Guest

    Come on Neutrino, I understand that you guys have much more experience than us obliviously but there's no need to answer like that if somebody is curious. :(
  20. thefirstfish

    thefirstfish New Member

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    It may have been a tiny bit snappy, but on the other hand, would you expect him to post full details of Uber's business finances on a public forum?

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