No Point in building turrets.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by An Artic Fox, December 1, 2010.

  1. An Artic Fox

    An Artic Fox New Member

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    I dont see a point in wasting my money. When Assassins seem to juice into my base with in the first 30 seconds. I am not kidding! Ever crossfire match I played in sense the DLC came out an Assassin juices in my base in the firt 30-40 second destroys the turrets leaves meelees bots and is back in 30-40 seconds later to kill pros. after that she leaves gain juice extremely quick and is back to sestroy all the turrets in one or two hits. The game is broken.
  2. Fenolio

    Fenolio New Member

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    Or... you know... Grapple? The counter to juicers? Juice meter still goes down while being grappled, even if you die you bought precious seconds for your team to nuke the assassin.
  3. An Artic Fox

    An Artic Fox New Member

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    nope. dosnt work anymore. after the grapple you die and they one shot the turret with thier the sword
  4. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, Support has the worst grapple in the game, not very good for stopping juiced players, just wasting 2-3 seconds of their juice, then you die, unless it was right at the end of their juice. Usually after you grapple you die or you die having tried to grapple.

    Unfortunately all you can do is pray your other team mates can help you out, or throw an airstrike, grapple and hope you both will be killed.
  5. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Shave-Ice's people! Shave-Ice's!!

    A hacked shave-ice paired with either a hacked Lazer Blazer and/or Rock-it will slow down Assassins enough so they only destroy 2 turrets instead of 5.

    Plus grappling still works. As a Support what would you rather let happen? You don't try to grapple and the Assassin takes out everything or You do grapple, even though you die, you stop her and waste some of her Juice? I don't get what this big fear of dieing is. So what you get a bad k/d, if you haven't noticed MNC is about making money.

    I was just in a game where the other team had a really nice base. My team was pushing but couldn't make it "in" the their base due to defenses. Even though we pushed right to their door, it was a battle till OT.

    I said it once, this is like the Re-Launching of Monday Night Combat. The vets know a thing or two about the game but we are all starting back at zero when it comes to certain strategies on certain maps.
  6. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    I wouldn't mind grappling with the Support, except for the fact that half the time it just gets you killed, without having grappled them, since they have their back to you when slashing up the turrets.
  7. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I see the problem now, people are expecting no negative conseqences when facing a juiced player. People don't try to cc because they die anyway, never mind that every second you cc a juiced player they waste 10% of thier juice. People want to be able to kill juiced players 1v1 without using juice themselves on a fairly consistent basis.
  8. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    You do have a point. I shouldn't expect to kill a juiced player on my own. But Support got the short end of the stick when it came to handing out grapples. Everyone else has better/more grapples.
  9. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    You do, however, have an airstrike which can be used to one-hit juiced pros and can also be more easily used to area-deny them.

    Shotty works wonders on the sniper and assassin if you don't mind dying if you don't succeed. Also, the support is probably one of the best counter-juicers, since he can 1-2 shot most juiced pros.
    Last edited: December 1, 2010
  10. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    My level 3 Rockit Turret lasted half the game without hack or overheal. Why? Because I defended the damn thing. And no, I wasn't sitting next to it the entire game, and yes, the other team had two juicing assassins (and a non juiced gunner). Just ask Dead Stretch, he got killed by it twice. ;)
  11. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    Yes, but the juiced Assassin moves/destroys quickly. Hard to tag them and difficult to use them pre-emptively with her. I have no gripes against any other juiced players. The juiced Assassin is in my book the hardest for the Support to stop/slow without a firebase to back him up. Thank goodness the insta-heal juice glitch has been fixed.
  12. Manouso

    Manouso New Member

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    But not on killing a juiced player.
    Even a support grapple can delay a player.
    The shotty is amazing at killing a juiced up pro.
    On top of that the firebase eats through juice.
  13. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Learn to stay near your firebase instead of letting it clear lanes with no effort from you... i've said it time and time again, other than O.K.. Firebases do the MOST damage to a Juice Assassin than ANYTHING else. Stay near your firebase, grapple and you'll waste some of her juice aswell as getting her les than ~50% health (if she was at 100% to begin with)
  14. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Twice? I thought it was more? Oh well.
  15. Cornstalk

    Cornstalk New Member

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    Turrets being easily downed usually has two major factors:

    - Your team doesn't have a decent support player watching the base

    Some games it feels like a requirement. If they have a good Offense and your team doesn't, a good Defense is all you can fall back on. I've had games where 1 -good- support on the other team was doing an amazing Job while the 3 on my team couldn't even keep the turrets alive, let alone stop 1 decent assassin from murdering them repeatedly.

    - Your team isn't pushing the lanes

    Juicers causing problems? Assassins especially rake in the juice from clearing your bots out. If your team is pushing the lanes right back, that assassin has to run away a lot more, which slows down the juice push to your base or even shuts it down entirely.

    In both cases... it's about the team. I play with my wife most of the time. She goes support and watches the base, I lane push as a Tank. You would think running together would make more sense, but strangely that's usually a sure fire formula for a frustrating loss.

    With that support player telling me which side is getting hit or which player is giving them grief, I can usually harass and slow them down enough to keep the base safe as I trudge back towards the opposite side of the map merrily blowing up bots.

    And if those crazy juiced assassins are actually going after your money ball, kudos for them for remembering what the goal of the game is. Seems like most assassins just run amok trying for a kill count, only setting foot in the opposite base when they're desperate for prey.

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