Pledge $25

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by jo2root, September 8, 2012.

  1. jo2root

    jo2root New Member

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    Maybe there should be a $25 or $30 pledge, offering further nonessential extras like the Progenitor commander, just more insignificant, e.g. some enviromental objects like lakes, plants, animals, northern lights, solar winds, meteor showers, useless alian or human artefacts, ancient crop circles in the ground, random skeletons and scrap heaps - maybe the KKND Series 9, etc.
    That might be enough incentive for Early Bird campers to pledge $5 more instead of less, since it won't be much and this "version" of the game would never have been reduced.
    Without question the game seems absolutly worth $20, but it's just too hard to let go, if you missed the discount and single Early Bird tickets are continuously reopening (should'n be possible). Furthermore the next step costs double and beta testing might not appeal to everyone.
    Of course there's still the PayPal option for afterwards, but in the spirit of galactic dimensions, every possible backer and pledge should appear on the kickstarter counter - letting the project look even more of a must-have as well as awesome, desirable and secure. Besides, PayPal pledges generally don't appear in the stretch goal chart.
    PS: while writing, listened to
  2. neophyt3

    neophyt3 Member

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    I don't really like this. The commander is one thing, but to have a bunch of donation only features will make other people feel like they are missing out on a large part of the games visuals.
  3. RCIX

    RCIX Member

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    I like the idea but i'd rather not go for something so random. What about (in the theme of the 40/10 dollar pledges) the regular commander but with a backer insignia on it? Cost = 1 extra set of textures and an additional menu option they were already creating a menu for anyway.
  4. thedeserttiger

    thedeserttiger New Member

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    that would be the best for this much it would also probably get the 11,000 odd people that have done $20 to up to $25 thats would help out with getting to GW
  5. neophyt3

    neophyt3 Member

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    It could also possibly get me to drop to $40 from $50, as I'm only at $50 so I can show off that I supported the game. Please don't make me have a reason to drop my pledge. I like being where I am.
  6. thedeserttiger

    thedeserttiger New Member

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    i might need to find a way to get you to up that pledge i am going up to 100 from my 50 just because of GW and i look the looks of the black PA backer t-shirt .
  7. neophyt3

    neophyt3 Member

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    Well, the only reason I don't up that pledge is because I hate electronic money so much. The only reason I was able to donate $50 was because someone gave me a $50 gift card, and I spent the whole thing on this. So I doubt I'll be increasing my pledge, unless they take cash for kickstarter.
  8. triblade

    triblade New Member

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    Seriously?? That's the most retarded thing anyone has done that I saw... throw money like a republican just to show off and say you are better and have more money then others..? Dude...

    If you got a super cool special commander or just feel like you want to support Uber / this game, that's cool. But to show off ánd threaten to drop the pledge? Sick mofo.

    Pfew, that's of my chest...
  9. Zoughtbaj

    Zoughtbaj Member

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    First off, please keep gaming and politics separated. Please. Please. It will only lead to bad things if we don't.

    Second, the reason I bumped up to 50 from 40 is so that I could show of my super cool commander. I don't see what's wrong with that. It's supporting the game.

    Third, some of us don't have much money. 50 is a lot for me. It's a lot for a lot of people. He's not threatening anyone. He's saying that if there is a lower pledge that lets him have some cool in game stuff, then he'd lower to that to save some change.

    Please. Be constructive. This just. Ugh.

    Edit: to follow my own words, while I don't know about a 25 or 30 dollar pledge, although I'm sure you could find something to be an incentive (different style for the in game menu, another wallpaper, some unit decal, something or other). I think that any little thing they do for different pledges could help alot.

    What would make me happy would be if they made a 60 dollar pledge with something special. As great as 90 looks, I simply can't go that high, but some incentive to bump up 10 or even 20 dollars, would be a maybe.

    The more incentives they provide if you bump up just a little (as long as it doesn't cost them much), the more people they'll get bumping up a little, methinks.
  10. jo2root

    jo2root New Member

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    Well, the idea of the $25 pledge was personal extra content, which isn't visible for others. Otherwise that tier wouldn't make much sence in galactic multiplayer battles, because only one with that extra would unlock it for everyone else. Unless it's not important to you, that you can show off to people even in real live, maybe while they are watching you and $20-lowlifes playing, this shouldn't be a problem. Why buy it. Because it offers some eye candy and maybe some jokes after unit or building contact, as short text message in the bottom bar or in a sidebar pop-up. E.g. some total annihilation reverences or "Old-fashioned atomic bomb detonated under units foot. Its annihilator senses are tingling", "factory built on human research laboratory. .... Downgrade averted.", etc. - whatever.
    But it's propably more of a single player thing. On second thought maybe a bad idea after all and too expensive to implement. And now it's too late anyway, but at least of my chest.
  11. stanhebben

    stanhebben New Member

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    Hating electronic money? That must be annoying. Open your mind my friend. Love don't hate. There is a world of electronic stuff waiting for you to be explored...
  12. neophyt3

    neophyt3 Member

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    Thank you for being understanding. Also, in all honesty, there was something else I wanted to buy with that $10 that I used to get up to the $50 point, and as I said, in money that I could use online, those $50 are all I have. I'm just seeing that extra boost as being worth it. Plus, who doesn't want to show that they where part of developing a game? It might not be getting into the credits, but it is a step towards it.

    Yeah, it does get annoying sometimes, but I have my reasons for it. Personal reasons I don't intend to share.
  13. jo2root

    jo2root New Member

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    Another idea would be a discount for the first add on or download content. The fifth stage hasn't been announced yet, but there shurly will be more things, which easily could be part of the game. That way it wouldn't affect the $50 pledge. And seen as investment it 's justified, because with galactic wars the game might sell better.

    [edit] It occurred to me, that the pledges below $40 make only 56.5% of all backers. Then it might not pay off - but only Uber knows more. I guess a separated $5 tier for everyone, isn't a good idea either. Still, a $25 tier would help, if it offers acceptable extras for all backers, neither too little nor too much. Maybe it comes to someones mind later. [/edit]
  14. jo2root

    jo2root New Member

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    The only real thing I could come up with, is a few extra soundtracks, probably for $30.
    A retro TA-look for the controls or access to the private discussion community only, doesn't seem practicable.

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