General Guide to fighting against players as an Assasin?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Vuther, November 25, 2010.

  1. Vuther

    Vuther New Member

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    I was wondering this since, at everyone's sensible advice here, I do attack bots and turrets to help win the game. But even when I do, I find I never to especially well on the scoreboard, and rarely will my Kill/Death ratio be over 1 (though assists and kills may overtake deaths). Is this just how the class is played, and I need to forget my pride? Or does anyone have additional advice for this?
  2. xknight2099

    xknight2099 Member

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    I am a pretty bad assasin I just can't grapple it seems but here's what I have read and learned.

    I think hit and run is they way to go.

    Other pros on their own or pre-occupied should be your targets if you're not bot killing or turrent killing.

    Don't engage tanks alone unless they are red.

    What endorsements do you use?
    I have gold armor silver rof and bronze clip ( I use the star shooter a lot)

    However I hear health recovery is good at bronze.

    I don't get a lot of kills but when you avoid fights you don't die so much.

    Also gremlins can get you kills usually.
  3. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    The rule is simple: If a pro knows that you are there, do not engage.
  4. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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    Agreed. Don't be afraid to run at even the SLIGHTEST hint of danger.

    After all, what good is pride if you're dead?
  5. represent601

    represent601 New Member

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    the advice above is good, buuut I am not saying that you should always do this, but if you want to go out on the deep end and get some kills just for fun try this setup, gold armor, silver crit shot, bronze skill recovery. this setup will let you live long, and get a grapple kill every time you try. but really stick to taking out turrets, bot etc. and go for the kill whenever you see one, and always back out of a fight the second you feel in danger, like obsydianyte said what good is pride if your dead? and honestly if your playing as an assassin and you are going positive then that there is and achievement, most assassins I see are like 3 and 21! just remember these tips and you should do good. oh and last little tip, have fun its only a game. :D
  6. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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    True enough. A lot of Assassins I've seen are like that, too.

    Try not to emulate them too closely, haha.
    If I notice I'm in the negative, I'll try to at least break even in kills and deaths.

    Not because I'm concerned with ratio, but, you don't make as much money when you're in the negative. And I'm a gold digger. I need that cash. Bahaha~

    Gold Armor will help you in the long run, yes.

    Try to upgrade to Passive 3 as SOON as possible (even skipping the option to upgrade two skills at the start if you like, and only upping Passive in the beginning) to save yourself from other Assassins early in the game. When they still have their kunai and see you have your katana, they'll know they'll lose a fight with you unless they get you from the back (but most disadvantaged Assassins will be smart enough not to try that anyway).

    At least that way, you'll have one less worry. Early-game, anyway.
  7. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    there is a skill level you can reach to ignore this.

    general rule of vega is, hit them first in the match, and the rest of the match you stay full screen's distance and only attack when they come to you, to counter their attacks when they try to attack you and hit-and-run all match. theoretically, if the enemy sits at the other end of the screen crouch-blocking all match, you should just let it run until you win a time-limit-victory.

    however, if i know i can overwhelm an enemy with a random assortment of pressure attacks from an okay range, i tend to. its my own judgement, which doesnt fail me nearly ever.
  8. represent601

    represent601 New Member

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    all right I replied to something somewhere saying that obsydianyte plays just like me, and something about you helping me figure out that noobs are my greatest weakness..... yeah well If you see that randomly posted on some topic it was supposed to go here.
  9. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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    I wouldn't say that.

    Even with the limit of six classes among dozens of people, everyone plays a little differently.

    My methods depend on the map on which the game takes place, and I have several methods for each map (which depend solely on how competent my teammates are) so for each match for me, my playstyle adapts appropriately, although the key elements of it (the style) stay the same.
  10. JuniorBarnes

    JuniorBarnes New Member

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    Walk when you're cloaked, run when you're not.

    Nothing's more amusing than seeing dust kicked up Roadrunner-style right at me.

    I see you, man.

    I SEE YOU.
  11. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    If you ever try to backstab decent players, do it without cloak. (Headsets/surround sound = lols)
  12. Vuther

    Vuther New Member

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    Thanks for the advice everyone, I must consider it all.

    Nah, that's totally me. I may have a lot of assists to help make up for it and be high on the scoreboard in sheer money from bots and turrets, but equal or positive kills to deaths! NEVER.
  13. represent601

    represent601 New Member

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    well not exactly like you, but we have the same idea/ theory, in a way. the original post I made went more in depth, but since that got lost somewhere I just posted a short and sweet version.
  14. jaysofacton

    jaysofacton Active Member

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    That USED to be me. But it was pointed out to me that I was a liability.
    Sure I was killing all the bots in the world. BUT I was a source of income
    for the enemy team. Billy & Obsydianyte gave the best advice -
    don't be afraid to run away.
    Even if they survive a grapple, don't be tempted to hang around, they will make you pay.
  15. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    Syd, plays toatally different than any assassin i've seen, there are SO many ways to play her it's crazy, that's why i'm waiting to get situated to spunk cola special to make my new guide
  16. ManaCorporation

    ManaCorporation New Member

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    So I recently picked up on playing Assassin again as a back-up class if 2-4 others are already going with Support.

    I am just horrible at it. I cannot seem to grapple anyone, especially other assassins. Even worse, assassins seem to be capable of back-stabbing me FROM THE FRONT. I don't get it, it's so annoying. I see someone and quickly grapple only to miss somehow, even though it was spot-on, and then just die pathetically.

    What the heck is going on the grapple stuff? Do I simply need to keep at it to get the timing/distance right?

    Also, recommendations for endorsements? Bear in mind I prefer to abuse shuriken launcher. Grappling/Melee comes second.
  17. Fenolio

    Fenolio New Member

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    Posted from an old Thread

    Havent played in a while so i dont know how relevant this is, hope it helps :)

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