List of all polls/support uberent

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by rorschachphoenix, September 8, 2012.


Should we list all polls/votes in one thread?

  1. Yes

    21 vote(s)
  2. No

    5 vote(s)
  3. Not sure

    4 vote(s)
  1. rorschachphoenix

    rorschachphoenix Active Member

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    Hi guys,

    Just a few thoughts.

    I have a bit of a feeling that the guys from uberent are so busy to answer all our questions that they didn't have the time to even think about the game themselves.

    They have not even started and we bombard them with questions. And they answering questions all the time. Answering questions they maybe didn't even think about it - so in some way it is good to ask those questions. But even they need the time to think about some stuff.

    Most of us passionately played Total Annihilation or Supreme Commander. This is definitly what most of us wants, right? A game like TA or SC.
    I think the guys know that. Not in detail, but by and large.

    Can we organize ourselves to bring the most interests of the community to the point?

    I think polls are very good for that. The guys from uberent have no time to read 34 pages of a discussion that has no solution at the end of it.
    Polls shows at first glance, what most in the community wants and what they don't want.

    And if it is possible to pack all the polls in one thread (just for that, not for discussion or something else), then we have an exact list of all the wishes of the community. And not only that. It shows exactly how many voted pro, how many voted contra and how many are may still undecided. Or all the other options the voters have.

    Uberent can look into this thread and see the listed polls and the votes (just an example):

    I think this is the best method to support uberent: Looking and listing what the community really wants.

    You may ask: "Who should do it?" Good question! And I really don't know. Maybe uberent itself.
    I'm not familiar with coding and stuff. If it is possible to create a new thread and link every single poll - it's done I think. But I don't know, if this is possible.

    But one thing I know: Some targeted questions are really good to find out if an idea is popular with the community or not.

    Greetings: Rorschach-Phoenix

    P.S.: I prefer re-voting. Sometimes you're rethinking your own opinion and come to a different conclusion. And we need very clear questions and options.

    [Edit: And a never ending poll is also good.]

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    Last edited: September 8, 2012
  2. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    A lot of polls have been spawned because of other threads discussing things. I'd wager that the discussion is more important than the poll itself.

    If you do compile a list of polls, please find any relevant threads and link them too.
  3. rorschachphoenix

    rorschachphoenix Active Member

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    Hello BulletMagnet,

    Good point! What is relevant? Difficult question.
    Maybe uberent should reveal a catalog of questions based on the core elements of the game. Then it would exist an official thread for vote about a core element and not 10 or 20 wild discussions without a conclusion.

    Maybe I'm exaggerating. But I find it absolutely confusing at the moment. For users and for developers.
  4. TheLambaster

    TheLambaster Active Member

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    Why not just make a list of thrads?
  5. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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  6. TheLambaster

    TheLambaster Active Member

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    yeah, but neither organzied nor sorted out.
  7. lophiaspis

    lophiaspis Member

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    +1 to this. The OP could have a picture of all polls with a link to their threads.
  8. maverick89

    maverick89 New Member

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    I think this is an excellent idea! The more we organize our idea's, the less they get lost in a pile of useless comments, and the more efficient uberent can find and think about them!

    The best way to do this imo is;

    - Make a list with all existing polls(with links)
    - Create a small screenshot of the poll
    - Give every poll a fictive time limit which only counts in this topic
    - x amount days per poll, after that the winning choice is decided
  9. exterminans

    exterminans Post Master General

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    Go for wiki. ONE article per topic and a list of all polls and discussions within the article.

    Making a list of polls in the forum suffers the same problem as the actual discussions or the existing list, to many information stuffed into one giant wall of text (or wall or pics) without a propper navigation or overview. That takes a lot of patience to work through once and you won't do that twice, thats for sure.
  10. rorschachphoenix

    rorschachphoenix Active Member

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    Hello BulletMagnet,

    I thought about this point. The idea was to bring the most interests of the community to the point. And that does not work well with discussions.
    I don't want to cut off discussions. Discussions are good to make statements. But you can not analyze every single statement. Polls are better suited for it.

    Greetings: Rorschach-Phoenix
  11. rorschachphoenix

    rorschachphoenix Active Member

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    Hello maverick89,

    Thank you for your support! I think there are a few problems that I did not have on the radar.
    Your points...
    1. A list of all existing polls is definitly possible, but of course every day there will be a few more.
    2. Taking screenshots is okay, but it reflects only the temporary state of the votes.
    3. A fictive time limit... this would help to solve the problem of point 2. But how could I do that? It's way to soon for saying a poll is at its end, right? I like a poll that never stops. A poll that goes with time. Because the game is in development. There will be a lot of changes. And the voters may rethink their votes.
    4. Yes, I like the idea. It's a clear statement. But also very restrictive. I do not want to nominate someone as the winner. Maybe there are 49% pro and 51% contra. I really don't want to be involved in choosing. This is the task of the developers.
    I only want to give the developers the statements of the community. Not more nor less.
    Hm... lets say: "A poll is relevant if the amount of voters is high enough."
    This will help to find out, which poll is really important and which is not.

    Sorry that I put everything in question. That's my nature.

    Maybe I've been facing problems that I can not solve by myself. My english is bad. I have no clue of coding, wiki, etc.
    If someone can tell me, how I can link a poll directly into another thread I will do that work.

    In my idea there is a single thread. And in this thread every post is a poll. No comments. Just a large list of polls for a bunch of things. Like in my example. But as a link that let the poll go on to it's end (if it is given). I will think about that problem. :roll:

    Greetings: Rorschach-Phoenix
  12. maverick89

    maverick89 New Member

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    I've added some comments to the quote above :)

  13. rorschachphoenix

    rorschachphoenix Active Member

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    Hello exterminans,

    You're right. I see the problem. Time to think about that.
  14. rorschachphoenix

    rorschachphoenix Active Member

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    It's an option now.
  15. rorschachphoenix

    rorschachphoenix Active Member

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    Hello maverick89,

    Well, it might be difficult to quote you now. :)

    Yeah, your right. And after the kickstarter funding? It goes on, or not?

    Yes. You are right there. But I dreamed of a perfect world. ;)

    It is definitly not to bad at all. If my idea is not possible...

    Well, I don't think so. 49% to 51%. There is no "real" winner for me. Except they're both winners... hm...
    But I still don't want that the other votes being unheard.

    :eek: Intelligent and nice people. The last time I wrote in a forum it was the Diablo3 forum. And there was a bunch of a*******.

    Read my signature. :D I wrote more than an hour for the first post to get it right. And the google translater is more a guideline than a real translater. :lol: But it works. My english is getting better and better.

    Oh, sad to hear that.

    Okay... it would be possible in PHP but not in phpBB forums? I wish I had some programming skills.
    If you would programming a backbone for the list, I would add all the polls into it. But I do not have internetspace. And the list wouldn't be in the forum anymore. I don't know if this will be causes trouble - because of the legal side.

    Rorschach-Phoenix is going to sleep now. ;-)
  16. zordon

    zordon Member

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    This forum is a list of threads.
  17. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    Discussion > Polls, since many polls are badly worded and introduce Bias, or do not cover all possibilities. The community as a whole also does not necessarily know what is best for the game; things can sound great in theory but in practice either do not work or require substantial changes to design to accomodate them.

    Take the shields poll - why were there two "yes" options? How is a yes/no to shields useful without taking into account the wider game design? Does everyone understand how shields in FA require massive power ramp between tech levels to avoid them becoming imbalanced (and therefore the effect shields would have on the tech levels and unit balance)? How does yes/no affect issues of shield layering, stacking etc? Does this refer to bubble shields, personal shields, some new kind, or all of the above?

    Polls aren't entirely useless, but they are only useful when at least the following conditions are met:
    * Every possibility can be expressed with only a few options
    * The options are stated succinctly and without obvious bias
    * The question being posed is independant of any other factors or context
    * The response rate is representative of the entire community
  18. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Discussions allow people to justify points of view. Straight up polls are just mob rule and knee-jerk reaction.
  19. rorschachphoenix

    rorschachphoenix Active Member

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    Hello raevn, (it has to be raven, right?)

    I do agree with all of your points. That is absolut clear to me. But let's imagine you have not the time to read every single post in the forum. How can you find out, what the community wants? The masses will show it like in the Diablo 3 forum, where 50 threads are the same? This is not a good way to do it.
    I still thinking the best way to transport the most interests of the community is with polls.
    But you are so right with your points. Maybe I should rethink that idea in terms of the implementation. Maybe I should rethink the whole thing.

    But I don't want to give up the idea that easily. Instead of that I maybe start a bunch of polls with very clear core-questions by myself.

    Greetings: Rorschach-Phoenix

    P.S.: @maverick89: Hi, programming my idea is not the right way to do it I guess now. I will rethink the implementation and come back with a solution.
  20. rorschachphoenix

    rorschachphoenix Active Member

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    Hello BulletMagnet,

    I don't agree. This is easy thinking. Some people know exactly what they want. They need no discussion about it. But I keep your comment in my mind.
    In terms of the implementation I agree. To ask clear and not detailed questions is the requirements for a good poll.

    Greetings: Rorschach-Phoenix

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