I glitch? What?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Organous, November 27, 2010.

  1. Organous

    Organous Member

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    So I was playing on Steel Peel against one of my friends today. He claimed that I had glitched my Firebase to shoot through walls and had recorded a video to prove it. The Firebase was placed under the center ring in front of their base, between the pillars. It was at 3.3 and never died. Is there some glitch about this position of which I am unaware? Not that it's even unbalanced, either. Any class can deal with it just fine. As he was a Tank, he could've just disabled it and burned it away.
    He filed a report for cheating and I have since removed him from my friends list.
  2. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    lol! i love this spot! +1!

    i put mine behind the pillar, where it can see the openings and both bot lanes as they come out, but its harder to kill because it hugs the pillar. hell no its not a glitch, it doesnt shoot thru walls, it shoots between the pillars. lmfao!

    kudos on the spot tho. many an assassin has fallen into the center hole of steel peel trying to kill me or my firebase from here. its a huge hamper on the enemy team, as bots and dumber pros die right outside their front doors. no bots leaving their base=no bots in our base. pros having to spend time taking it out=pros that arent pushing bots or defending turrets.

    kudos to anyone who places a firebase that makes an arse of itself to the enemy team. thus is what a firebase's intent and use ingame.
  3. eido740

    eido740 New Member

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    Oh man I just tried that spot for the first time. Went 18-2, no enemy bot got 10 feet out of their base.

    There are 3 aspects that make a good firebase spot:

    1) Hard to destroy. This means under something to avoid airstrikes and tucked in a corner with no spot to snipe it from.

    2) Hard to see. So that enemy pros walk into it and don't know they're dying until they're dead.

    3) Control bot lanes. A good spot should control at LEAST one bot lane. Controlling both is possible on some maps.
  4. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    If this is where I think it is this won't be possible as of tomorrow. ;)
  5. Z Bear

    Z Bear New Member

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    That will make my wife sad.

    But at least we'll have churros!
  6. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    does the pillar touch the hole now? is there no spot there anymore to put a firebase? because i think i already have a solution to that. how about putting it between the pillars on the left or right (doesnt matter which), and it should kill both bot lanes and people above and below the side ejector button. it just wont kill pros right out of thier base anymore, but still will kill both lanes of bots and pros from an akward angle.

    either way, i didnt think it was a glitch. im fine with it going, admitting that the spot is about as strong as sagat on SF4 (he gets complaints constantly that he reaches too far, has too wide a hit area, and shoots projectiles much too fast at all heights, but hes only really good against shotos, not vega or rose or zangief or another biggish hand-to-hand character with an anti-projectile maneuver)

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