Welcome to Planetary Annihilation!

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by scathis, August 15, 2012.

  1. bodin

    bodin New Member

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    Just thrown some money at ya! This game will be amazing! ;)
    GTA V & Planetary Annihilation is now my top 1 of upcoming games! :)
  2. nlspeed911

    nlspeed911 Member

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    Fi-na-lly! Finally!

    A proper RTS! Not a single unit micromanagement game, no, a huge map - multiple planet spanning huge - huge armies, asteroids, moons... Holy hell, this is awesome!

    Finally, finally, finally a proper, good game! Not the crap that Command & Conquer has turned into, but instead, a massive game, larger than Supreme Commander and all (or so I hope).

    Yeah - how large will this actually be? Can a single planet be as large as... Hmm, Etched Desert from Supreme Commander 2 (PC version - I heard there's a 4 player smaller version for the Xbox 360)? And have multiple planets with such a size - or larger of course? And then there are moons and asteroids to fight over, which, I assume, will be smaller 'maps'...

    There could be dozens of AI players in a galaxy, with many dying before I had a chance to meet them! You could sign alliances with each other, both as in 'we don't attack each other' and 'we'll focus attacking on this guy'... Hell, yeah, why not include a little diplomacy? If you keep attacking someone you declared a non-aggression pact with, next to nobody would sign an alliance with you. ... But you could bribe them with mass or whatever I guess?

    Can PC's handle that...? I dearly hope so, because I'd love to spend weeks on one match. Not weeks as in a few hours a day, but literally weeks worth of playtime.

    And someone needs to make a gigantic map of the Earth. Gigantic, as in, you could fit a few dozen players comfortably on it; Europe itself should be absolutely huge by modern day standards - and that's only Europe.

    Ok, that's probably kind of impossible, but hey, I'm excited. :p

    Bets of luck to you guys, the very best of luck!
  3. donut7577

    donut7577 Active Member

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    The rules have changed?
  4. teju__

    teju__ Active Member

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    Yes, now they are shooting for awesome :|
  5. nii236

    nii236 New Member

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    Was there a +makeposter for Supreme Commander?

    It would be neat if you were zoomed out all the way in strategic view, and typing +makeposter will let it create a ginormous screenshot (multiple megapixels) which allow you to zoom in your image editing software of choice all the way into the battle!
  6. RaTcHeT302

    RaTcHeT302 Guest

    I would expect just one image like that to have some GBs already. :lol:
  7. shinseitom

    shinseitom Member

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    Nah, but tens of MBs probably, possibly 100+ on the largest maps. Not something you'd want to do all the time :D

    Anyway, excited for this kickstarter. First one to back, mainly because it's awesome!
  8. ghostcommander

    ghostcommander New Member

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    Planetary Annihilation will be such welcome in video game world :)

    After i played original TA in 1997 RST became my favorite kind of games, and never another RTS provided so many freedom and flexibility in the choice of strategy!

    I played thousands hours on Balanced Annihilation mod from ta spring but after years it becomes sad and frustrating to not get real improvments on gameplay :cry:

    And just today during random browsing i found that planetary annihilation trailer...

    A game based on the features that made TA so awesome with real new and interresting possibilitys, this was so unexpeted and is so motivating for all the TA players like me!

    Uber entertainement team, i congratulate you all for meeting the challenge to renew such a mythic game, and you have all my support allready ;)

    And also i'll post some suggestions soon, i'd be glad if one of you take few mins to read it :mrgreen:
  9. mortiferusrosa

    mortiferusrosa Member

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    Im an old SupCom and FA fan (you guys would have seen me lurking around the GPG forums as The Baron). Sad to say I never had the pleasure of playing Total Annihilation so FA is my favorite game of all time; and has the most hours logged into it.

    Ive contributed 100 bucks to the game. Still making a pro's and con's list for jumping to the 1000 tier block. I am sorely tempted but am still in college. Hope I can make a more profound impact for this game. (Crowning "achievement" for FA was heading a community letter to THQ). No more lurking in dark recesses of the forums for me!

    Looking forward to seeing you all around.
  10. Abimilech

    Abimilech New Member

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    I was 38 when TA came out - do the math.

    TA is still my favorite game of all time. I love that map making and modding will be allowed in PA. I'll have to redo the maps I made for TA, or maybe make some new ones.

    With a much more experienced development team, and customer participation in the beta, I expect the initial release of PA to not have the bugs and balance issues that TA did at release. Also, customer participation in the design choices will streamline the implementation. TA had some weird features (like custom unit restriction sets, chosen by the host; hmmm, host imposed balance issues).

    I can't wait to throw down my first asteroid!
  11. bravetriforcer

    bravetriforcer New Member

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    Never got into RTS before, but I can give credit where credit is due as far as pledging goes.
  12. Malkara

    Malkara New Member

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    Nearing the primary goal now.. Good times up ahead, thrown $50 at yas!
  13. reggiecuftbert

    reggiecuftbert New Member

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    I was about six when my dad bought Total Annihilation. We had two computers in the house, so we put it on both (and found a no CD path online) and played it. And played it. And played it.

    I spent a huge amount of my time as a youth playing that game, and eventually tried its successors. I never could get into other styles of RTS (Starcraft just doesn't do it for me), and it was a shame to see Cavedog go down.

    Now that the Kickstarter has hit the primary goal though? I absolutely cannot wait for this game to be finished. Here's hoping you guys can turn out an amazing RTS.

    ...and just in case you do, here's a preemptive goodbye to all of my free time. Goodbye, free time!
  14. lanceoflonginus

    lanceoflonginus New Member

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    Hello Scathis, it's been a while.

    Great job getting John Patrick Lowrie, the TA narrator really made TA's "nonexistant story" way more interesting than the B-movie stuff SupCom had.

    I didn't think I'd see someone trying to make a macro style RTS this fast after SupCom2.
    Don't let me down and see you in the beta.
  15. turiel86

    turiel86 New Member

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    Hello Uber!

    You have no idea how psyched I am because of this game. I loved TA and "I played it when I was twelve and I blew all kinds of robots" (yup, I'm one of those guys too) and I play it to this day from time to time. For years I waited for a game that would live up to the legend and spirit of Total Annihilation (cause in my opinion SupCom, although a good game, was only halfway there) - and now it seems like this is it!
    The vision video blew me away. It Totally invokes the spirit of TA (and not only because of the Narrator :) ). With all the new strategic options available while keeping oldschool TA base and unit building and careless mayhem and flux of expendable robot units it looks to me like the secondcomming of the RTS messiah.

    Well, I may have gone too far a bit there. I hope you do realize you have a nostalgic experience to live up to. But here's to the projects success and a sweet, awesome, badass game that will be the outcome!
  16. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Keep in mind that we feel the same level of nostalgia. TA was one of the first games I ever worked on and it was a ton of fun.
  17. al3xtec

    al3xtec Member

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    Hello uber!

    I can only speak for myself but I have been playing TA for almost 14 years. Since I'm 22 that is the majority of my life and my entire childhood. Now there is going to be a true sequel that can take full advantage of my custom rig with multiple planets...I have waited a long time for this. This truly is fan service to developer and gamer alike and the fact that our voices are being heard will make the first opening sequence, commander death and skirmish, that much more glorious because we help create it. I cant thank you fellow fans and uber enough..now to keep it together till alpha. haha
  18. fionic

    fionic New Member

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    Just upped my pledge to 250 in hopes of metal planets. let's do this.
  19. Zimeon

    Zimeon New Member

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    Made my pledge as well, hoping this will be what Supcom2 never was. There has been a serious hole regarding good strategy games lately, well SC2 was good but other than that, i still love SupCom1 and this seems great! :)
  20. Frostiken

    Frostiken Member

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    TA still amazes me to this day. It came out a year BEFORE Starcraft and it was the most technologically groundbreaking game of its time. It was to RTS games what Half-Life was to FPS games. I really think it's one of the most underrated games of all time.

    3D units? Hundreds of them? 3D TERRAIN? Realistic projectiles? When I first played it, I had to get a new chain, because that **** was off it.

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