Update #6 Discuss!

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by al3xtec, September 1, 2012.

  1. sstagg1

    sstagg1 Member

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    That's a good point, though I'm sure there's an appropriate reason.

    Naval was obvious, as was gas (expanded orbital gameplay), but lava could just be land with areas of impassible lava.

    The impression I got though was that lava planets represent the dynamic nature of planets, and that a KEW could convert a planet to lava. This is probably going to require some extensive work to get right.

    Also, metal planets may represent an alternative to KEW. Compared to SupCom: KEW are like nukes, whereas metal planets are artillery. KEW offers massive destruction, but is used up. Metal Planets are an interplanetary weapons platform that may not be able to cause as much damage, but persists for multiple attacks.
  2. linecircle

    linecircle Member

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    What about not quite destroyed planets? For example, if someone wanted to defend their base from the other side of the planet by nuking the landmass to form a ring pattern of lava.

    If the rock/lava relationship ends up being in the game, I think it would be natural for water planets to have their ice planet counterpart too. Just a wishful thought :)
  3. kryovow

    kryovow Well-Known Member

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    nuking doesnt really form lava^^
  4. sinilaid

    sinilaid New Member

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    So what you are saying is that planets(and moons) have a "HP" bar on top of them, and when "HP" reaches 0, the planet goes Poof and just disappeares?
  5. acey195

    acey195 Member

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    Actually it does (if you by nuking mean an asteroid strike, rather than actual thermonuclear warfare)


    this link has been posted before, thx for that, I can't remember who.
    Its pretty scary and beautiful at the same time.
  6. thedbp

    thedbp Member

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    I have it the other way around, this is the first stretch-goal I'm super excited about.
  7. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    I'm only interested in it for modding a metagame use for it. Just saves me finding a modeller to make a just metal planet, and saves me from coding for it. ;D
  8. kryovow

    kryovow Well-Known Member

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    why would I call an asteroid strike nuking? :D Nuke is from nuclear weapon which means a weapon that gets energy from nuclear processes.
  9. linecircle

    linecircle Member

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    Not with our puny airburst nukes they don't hehe

    acey195 makes a valid point about asteroid strikes. But I really did mean nukes, because I figured finding enough itty bitty asteroids to draw a ring is probably impractical. So, use nukes -- not to permamelt the ground per se, but to crack the crust and let lava pour out.

    Supposing you were on a solidified planet and you still wanted lava, though. Putting enough energy into the rock will do the trick. Either by asteroid impact, series of nukes, or a space-based superlaser that melts planet surfaces. Without continuous heating the lava will eventually solidify again. Thus, your defensive advantage is only temporary. I know this is getting too complex and I don't expect it to actually happen :p
  10. exterminans

    exterminans Post Master General

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    On the contrary, i don't expect planet to actually blow up but just getting transformed.

    If you hit any planet with a liquid core with an meteor large enough, then the surface of the planet will scatter, leaving nothing but a giant lava field which lasts until the end of the match. If the meteor was huge enough, the shockwave will scatter even more of the planets surface, up to turning the whole planet i a giant fireball again.
    If you try the same on a planet with a solid core (very old planet), then the meteor will just create an crater instead, but still causing the shockwave to terraform the whole planet if the size was sufficient.
    On a medium age planet (like earth or a bit older) a hybrid modell would be used, at the primary impact location the surface would be broken, rendering it into a lava field. If the meteor wasn't to huge then the rest of the surface will just be scatterd, destroying all buildings and ground units as well as performing some deformation on the terrain.

    The younger the planet (a planet with high volcanic activity is very young!), the smaller the meteor needs to be to break the surface of the planet. The thickness of the outer shell determines the size of the lava field created.

    Those metal planets require some efford as they mean a completly new game mechanic. They don't only act as a source of metal you can harvest, but at the same time also as a large building which is serverly damaged and can be repaired (instead of harvesting!, partial or as whole) to make use of the acient structures like death beams, ultra efficient assembly lines or experimental grade energy reactors. It's your choice as a player if you exploit the space station (= the structures on it) for its metal or if you choose to reactivate the structures instead.
  11. Souleater

    Souleater Member

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    I really like the concept art. intrigued by the 'secret commander'. Chicky Cantor, perhaps? Giant space stations = WIN.

    With the additions to the 'sweet spot' pledge level it might be an idea for Uber to place a summary section on the front page of the KS to entice even more willing victims in. Something like Sedition Wars'Recommended Loadout'
  12. 6animalmother9

    6animalmother9 Member

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    What have you got planned next, John Williams performing a backflip on release?
  13. Spooky

    Spooky Member

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    The new update made me increase my pledge from $50 to $115 :). Good work, Uber :D. I do want those figurines.

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