Things TA did well that SupCom didn't

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by molloy, August 29, 2012.

  1. Spooky

    Spooky Member

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    Yes, that's true, I was only talking about Windows 7 there. Server variants of Windows support up to 2TiB for instance.

    No, with memory it is GiB, not GB. It's always GiB by the way, except for storage. Traditionally, storage is always designated in GB (no matter which type of storage).

    You were able to do that in Supreme Commander too by the way, in case you didn't know ;). Also the devs already mentioned, that they want to do that again. See John Mavor's Interview from PC Gamer for instance:
  2. comham

    comham Active Member

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    The unit scaling in PA seems to be closer to TA than SupCom. Supcom was going for "units are scaled similar to the real world in terms of both tank vs battleship and battleship vs ocean" while PA is going for "let's be able to watch them fight close up, while still having a useful camera angle".
  3. nerdsf1st

    nerdsf1st New Member

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    First thing I can think of that TA did better than SupCom is the way air units behave.
    In TA they have a very direct response to commands. You could even fly fighters backwards if microed enough. And I loved linebombing. :D
    In SupCom they they perform all kind of weird aerobatics and fly in big circles when all you want is them to move to a certain position. :roll:

    Also I liked the d-gun in TA. A shame they took it out of the SupCom beta after noobs compained their stuff got killed by a rushing commander. In TA everything but a Krogoth died by a d-gun blast. The d-gun in SupCom is a peashooter by comparison.

    And as a proud member of the NERDsClan I must say the TA Commander bomb was actually da bomb. Nothing is more satisfying in a losing battle than putting your commander in a transport and by clever maneouvering dropping it on the enemy commander and see them both blow up. :mrgreen:
    Again the noobs got this fantastic feature nerfed in SupCom.
  4. chrishaldor

    chrishaldor Member

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    Well in supcom they're more physics-based as opposed to back in TA when that kind of calculation was 1. too expensive and 2. just not very fesiable with the small viewport. Not to say it wasn't more fun, but the more balanced approach to bombs actually needing to reload instead of just dropping a whole line of bombs over an enemy base might be a bit more balanced don't ya think? =P

    The overcharge, at least in the version of FA that I last played, does 12,000 damage: more than enough to kill any unit below an experimental, and it's actually quite handy at doing damage to those provided your com has a shield! However, it still needs a power storage to have enough to fire, which is to prevent the game deteriorating into who has the best commander micro control at the start of the game ;)

    Well, now you can drop a small planet you had in reserve on them instead! Slightly more balanced? Maybe? =P
  5. nemoricus

    nemoricus Member

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    While I agree that Commanders show go up in a satisfactorily large explosion, I'd rather not see that ability being used to force draws in matches where you can't win, as it cheats the other player of what otherwise might have been a win.

    Total Annihilation had a potentially good solution for this, since the Commander's death blast was insufficiently powerful to outright kill another Commander. If you wanted to destroy the other commander, you had to be able to bring at least a few other units to bear before a suicide strike could destroy the opposing commander.

    This would also prevent people from going in early game and using the Commander death blast to force a draw before the battle really got moving.

    Also, from a lore standpoint, using your Commander as a suicide unit should be undesirable, since that's you in that unit. If it dies, you die, and the game mechanics should reflect that in some way, at least in assassination mode.
  6. chrishaldor

    chrishaldor Member

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    Yeah, I've always thought that the first one to die should be the loser, not have a draw if they die within a few seconds ><

    The SC2 commanderSplosion was nerfed against other commanders, it only does about 1/3 of their HP in damage, which did balance this silly problem. I believe the TA one just outright killed everything in its radius, which was cool but a bit daft if it included the other com
  7. neophyt3

    neophyt3 Member

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    Actually, if a player just walked straight at the enemy, you could usually get some defenses up in time. Or if you went air first, you could just build a transport ship, pick up the enemy commander, take it where you want it, and self-destruct it. If you didn't build up some defenses, and just walked straight at the enemy, it was fairly easy to counter. The exception was on water heavy maps. That's a bit more complicated. You had far more time to get ready for the enemy (because commanders moved so slow under water), but they could easily d-gun, then hide back under the water, and repeat. Subs where really the only counter for that (commanders where defenseless underwater :D), or playing gigantic water maps where moving your commander like that would take far too long.
  8. chrishaldor

    chrishaldor Member

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    All true, but still, you have to admit that a 1 shot kill from commander to commander (given enough energy) is a bit silly =P
  9. neophyt3

    neophyt3 Member

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    Well, personally I loved it, but I do know there are problems with it. ESPECIALLY when playing vs an ai. That gets far too frustrating. They always seem to bring their commander to far out, sometimes right to your base.
  10. chrishaldor

    chrishaldor Member

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    Oh god yes, just reminded me about that ><
    It was kinda depressing, like oh there's the commander, send in the kbots well that's another easy win... ¬¬
  11. EdWood

    EdWood Active Member

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    What TA also did better than in Supcom was that you could pick up the enemy ACU via Transporter and fly into their the transporter will get shut down and die by friendly fire. ^^

    It is a bit crazy but why not? I mean in some TA games players did not pay attention to their ACU wandering around, all why not being able to give him a lift back to his base? :)
  12. neophyt3

    neophyt3 Member

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    For that matter, why can transport planes only pick up your own units in SupCom? I mean, they worked magnetically anyway (I think, memory of SupCom is a bit worse than of TA). I loved flying into the enemy base, stealing their construction units, and then using my commander to capture them. ESPECIALLY, if they where CORE when I was ARM or vice versa. Suddenly I could build units from both sides :D
  13. EdWood

    EdWood Active Member

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    Of course, totally forgot about those engies, but I loved to pick up a careless acu, game
  14. btuebduncan

    btuebduncan New Member

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    you can actually mirco out of a com pick up with a transport in TA. That little laser is used to kill it.

    I loved to do this.

    Anyways about the Transport thing it was pretty depressing that you could no longer pick up enemy units and cart them back to your base. (engineers were stolen and granted access to their units)

    One of the big elements i liked about TA is being able to share resources with your prospective allies, or out right give them units. Supcom was more polished in just about every regard, however you could not share resources, the d-gun was replaced with overcharge. The d-gun instantly killed anything, even krogoth. Nothing could take the blast of the d-gun and could be fired how ever you liked, its range was small though.

    TA had a more robust resource system. Maps varied in what resource was better. Different gravity's also had an effect. Mainly the robust resource system made it great. Some maps offered good tidal energy, some maps wind energy, others solar energy. So the build orders were vastly dependent on the map, as well as what you were trying to do. This added a cool element to the game. It wasn't the same build order for every map.

    Supcom just lacked the overall amount of units and the complex culture that came with that many units. Was still a great game none the less. Supreme Commander 2 well is like the dumb version, but i won't get into that. Supreme Commander 2 did introduce some nice things, such as unit features/ upgrades and well a unit flow characteristics and awesome detail of factories, mass extractors etc...
  15. chrishaldor

    chrishaldor Member

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    Actually you can share res with your allies, it does it automaticially if you're at max, or you can give them whatever you have in storage =P

    Also, the overcharge does just as much as the D-gun, it can kill the heaviest non-experimental bots
  16. thapear

    thapear Member

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    Overcharge just didn't feel as epic as the D-gun. It was probably the epic sound that was paired with the D-gun.
  17. btuebduncan

    btuebduncan New Member

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    Overcharge does not.... do as much damage as the d-gun. The D-gun insta kited anything in its path, even krogoth (only experimental bot in TA)

    Overcharge in supreme commander was nerfed big time, and has a slow refresh rate, requires energy etc... In TA No energy was required, and you could do d-gun as fast as you could humanly click where and press d.

    Not to sure on the resource sharing in supreme commander 1/ FA i haven't played those games in ages at least in a team game. I know its not possible in Supreme Commander 2.
  18. jurgenvonjurgensen

    jurgenvonjurgensen Active Member

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    The D-gun used 400 energy per shot.
  19. nerdsf1st

    nerdsf1st New Member

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    Not true. A d-gun or an commander explosion is enough to take out an enemy commander. So if you d-gun an enemy commander or die in its vicinity you both die.

    Also cool is the d-gun can shoot trough terrain and come out the other side. You can also blast subs out of the water if you stand on the shoreline. :lol:

    Another thing I liked more was the 3D terrain and different climb rates for units. Vehicles went up slopes slower than kbots. And some hills could only be climbed by certain units.
  20. dinosw

    dinosw New Member

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    Clearly you are the idiot, seeing as you do not even possess the ability to address other people with respect, you should be banned for speaking in such a manner.

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