Fan Fiction and Roleplaying subforum?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by vollatze, August 30, 2012.

  1. vollatze

    vollatze New Member

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    What you think about it?
    It worked really well with Supreme Commander and FA,I enjoyed the stories and since there won't be most likely(Maybe in a later strechgoal) a real story WE or only You could create some and share it :)

    Vollatze aka. Prince
  2. mortiferusrosa

    mortiferusrosa Member

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    If anyone is creating a story for the game, its gonna be dotswarlock... just sayin...
  3. chronoblip

    chronoblip Member

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    I'd be up for this. With the toolboxes being used by different commanders, there are going to be some fun stories that could be told as to how those commanders came about, as they certainly display a lot more uniqueness and individuality than the units they command.

    As for an "official" story...if anyone did good RP in WoW or other MMO's, it was actually best to use the existing lore as a framework and context for the story, but the best characters were ones that then had unique back stories that made "sense".

    For instance, I had a troll who was part of a different tribe than the Darkspear, but still escaped the jungles with Sen'Jin. I had run from my people due to having killed a witch doctor during a coming-of-age ritual, as many in trollkind aren't even named until they've made some great accomplishment. My character then had a very distanced relationship with the trolls, spending time as a mercenary and treasure hunter, though over time as he come to find out about their history through archaeological digs and stories around camp fire, he at least gained a respect for what his ancestors had accomplished.

    His "story" was effectively parallel with the official story, in that as a single troll rogue there is no way he's going to be known like a Thrall or Wrynn...but that doesn't mean that the "big" stories are the only ones going on. In the same regard, in a war of machines, there could be a lot of detail and parallels to the over-arching story that are interesting and unique.

    My hope, then, would be that the lore would only attempt to set up the context and some of the broad strokes, to allow folks who care about the stuff to help fill in the finer details themselves. :D
  4. E1701

    E1701 New Member

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    I rather like games with a barebones story - it leaves that much more room for imagination, which tends to result is a shift to the good side of Sturgeon's Law among people writing fiction, because people can't just turn existing characters into Mary Sues or Possession Sues.

    That sort of ties into my suggestion for a Galactic War metagame - actual gameplay and player actions could determine the broad strokes of the story and framework of the universe without requiring a single player campaign or requiring Uber to spend valuable time and resources on something that won't contribute to the gameplay.
  5. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    We kinda had a chat about mod subforums prior to this and the word we got back is that there are plans, but right now Uber wants all the focus on the Kickstarter(Agreeable) and will work on subforums at a later date.


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