[Request] Commander Traits (in lieu of factions)

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by mrog, August 29, 2012.

  1. mrog

    mrog New Member

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    Ok so no factions... kinda awsome actually.

    But how about implementing a custom faction system via proxy of custom commander modifications?

    Let the user 'own' and 'become' their commander, let them tweak various small effects and abilities of their commander as part of their user profile, prior to joining the game lobby.

    The modifications can be simple, hopefully cheap to implement, mainly effecting the statistics of the commander and his troops. give the user a quota of points to modify their commander from a list of traits...

    Each selected trait cost a set number of points, and come with a benefit and/or negative ability for your commander.

    For added bonus, some cheap to implement visual indicators of the applied modifications, for example, using a different material type, or restricting unit colour choice when certain modifications are in play. some examples:

    "Heavy Metal Mod - 4 points: adds +4 armour to units, reduces unit speed by 10%" (units gain a matte finish)
    "Junk Yard Junky - 6 points: reclaimer units range + 50%, reclaiming speed + 100%" (reclaimer particle effect is blue)
    "Water Homeworld - 3 points: Water units gain +5% speed, -5% speed on land" (unit colour restricted to light green <-> blue range)

    These simple modifications could give visual cues to your enemy about your style of play, while stylizing your faction to call your own.

    By forcing the user to create their commander outside of the game lobby, will hopefully make creating your commander part of the game, while trying to prevent players from customizing their commanders for the current battle each and every battle.

    What doya thunk?
  2. yogurt312

    yogurt312 New Member

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    I think this was covered in another thread about MMO stuff, one (or half) of the options was commander only effects.
  3. zidonuke

    zidonuke Member

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    No No.

    I'm already decided to fund the project on the basis that the custom commander we will get is going to be specially unique and standing out among the masses.
  4. mrog

    mrog New Member

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    This idea doesn't suggest that... but could allow you to add traits to your already existing custom commander, perhaps my use of the term custom commander was out of place - this has nothing to do with the custom commander models/abilities that you get through the kick starter.
  5. yogurt312

    yogurt312 New Member

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    I think the personal commanders deserve to be something special.
  6. zennshinagas

    zennshinagas New Member

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    Well, this system is great as long as it doesn't work like a MMO, in fact. There should be no xp system and all builds should be available to everyone no matter the time they spent or their ranking. Basically, a noob could have the same build as a pro if he wanted.

    This would make sure commander personalization would be a real strategic choice instead of being a stupid grind to get that new ability / buff.

    Imo you should have a base number of points, with each ability / stat change costing or giving (if the stat change is a nerf) some points. This way, you could for example decide to decrease the speed of your units in order to have more points and further increase your units' hit points. A little bit like Dominion's 3 pretender system in fact.

    This might be hard to balance properly and make take some time and money though... (especially if you can also customize your commander's appearance)

    Maybe as a stretch goal?

    It will only be a visual change obviously, not a stat change. I don't care much about whether non pledgers can change or not their commander's apperance. Maybe also give this option to the 1% top of the ladder only.
  7. mrog

    mrog New Member

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    I'm not talking about abilities that are unlocked, and gained such as in a MMO - I would hate that.

    But perhaps still similar yet simpler to how you create your character in a RPG (if you want to relate it to something).

    Every player has the same number of point, which they can freely use to apply a small set of traits to their commander. the number of points doesn't change, can't be gained, and the traits are all available from the start to everyone.

    A player could go back to the Commander customization screen whenever they feel like it.

    The traits should be considered small effects that effect your team in a fair minor faction to give yourself the edge in some areas while maybe reducing your ability in others.
  8. mrog

    mrog New Member

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    Have you ever played Pax Imperia or Masters of Orion, where you define certain traits about your race prior to starting a game? - just a less simpler version of that...
  9. yogurt312

    yogurt312 New Member

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    well the difference is really quite minor between mmo and your idea, the only difference is that in yours you start with them all unlocked.
  10. mrog

    mrog New Member

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  11. mrog

    mrog New Member

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    Really quite different, this is only minor effects for which you can select a couple at most, no XP, no gaining in anyway, just to lean your commander in one game play style or the other...

    Effects should be fairly minor...
  12. pipilek

    pipilek New Member

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  13. yogurt312

    yogurt312 New Member

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    well, i've not argued for or against it here, just presented relevent data.
  14. mrog

    mrog New Member

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    Frankly i dont know where anyone got the whole MMO/xp unlocking idea from - i didnt mention anything of the sorts!
  15. yogurt312

    yogurt312 New Member

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    Because the end effects are virtualy identicle.
  16. pantsburgh

    pantsburgh Active Member

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    I was actually going to miss the factions a little bit too, and wanted something to replace them to a degree. I was thinking more of a tech tree (not like SupCom 2's tech tree, something more subtle). Commander upgrades would work for this too.

    I wouldn't mind MMO style commander upgrades if they were confined to one game mode like the hero gear upgrades in the Dawn of War 2 horde mode - I forget the name of that. For competitive play and playing with friends I'd much prefer some sort of simple upgrade tree confined to a per-match basis, and the same for everyone. Preferably something with too many upgrades to get in one match, and/or mutually exclusive upgrades.
  17. mrog

    mrog New Member

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    Yes i like this, kinda brings the traits idea I was trying to push forwards a step further and actually brings in a tech tree with it.

    However I wanted to keep it simpler than this, keep the implementation costs down (adding +10% speed is easy and changing the object material is relatively easy), while providing something of the user to tinker and tailor while filling the faction void.

    Racial/Faction/Character effects and bonuses have predated MMO's and exist in most game genres in some form or another - I see it more akin to the 4X race design screens rather than MMO character progression, but whatever takes your fancy so long as it is understood that I am talking about picking a couple of minor adjustments are all available - not unlocked or gained through experience.

    it doesn't have to be point based... could be anything, perhaps make the user to select a Primary and Secondary ability for instance.... anything like that...
  18. chronoblip

    chronoblip Member

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    Talents, traits, things that are set up outside the game complicate it in a manner which I would say is not worth the money at this stage. What features would we be willing to give up in order to have them spend time developing and balancing this type of thing?

    If the traits are visual only, like say the way you customize your spaceship in Super Stardust HD, then I think that would be pretty cool. Not that they'd need an Armored Core or Front Mission level of customization, but some small direction may help the folks looking to make their faction more unique.

    So I guess on topic, I'd be voting against a system which impacted gameplay.
  19. yinwaru

    yinwaru New Member

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    I disagree. Giving people an advantage because they can pay $1000 and you can't is not fair. Custom commanders should be skins only.

    Yup. Any hats or other custom appearances should be just that, custom appearances. There should be no effect on gameplay. They are not doing a F2P game for a reason.
  20. Endyo

    Endyo Active Member

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    I think that the Civilization games supplied the best sort of idea as to what to do when you have a pool of identical units. This "Commander Traits" idea is a solid part of it. As most of you know, with Civlization you pick a leader and with that leader and corresponding civilization, you received specific bonuses and/or limitations as well one or two specific units that only come in to play during certain points. It relies on tech trees and research to differentiate what you're going to come up against and the focus on specific bonuses.

    I think even if there's not any sort of faction delineation, having your commander give certain bonuses and have some weaknesses will allow you the game to depart from a potentially bland mirror-image fight, especially as tactics homogenize. Whether it adopts the Civ idea of having special units that replace others is another story, but having diversity in strategy and tactics is what will keep the game interesting for a longer period of time.

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