unit limit + making planets

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by pipilek, August 28, 2012.

  1. pipilek

    pipilek New Member

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    What will be limit of units? 1k, maybe 5k? or maybe even no limit?

    and the second question, are the planets going to be crafteable/makeable? for example. You shoot in the space some kind of a core and it raises minute by minute, or something? (it's just an example)

    I'm waiting for opinions
  2. yogurt312

    yogurt312 New Member

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    As far as i am aware with unit limits they have said that their plan is to impose no inherant maximum on unit limits but to allow you to play whatever your computer is capable of. This means ten years from now the unit limits wont needed to be modded up.
  3. pipilek

    pipilek New Member

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    ok, I understand, and what about making planets? are they going to be crafteable? or they won't? Or maybe, will they be crafteable by a random? without our influence?
  4. yogurt312

    yogurt312 New Member

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    there will be the ability to modify the proceduraly generated maps (as well as options as the the specifics of the map created) with an editor. but so far the only stuff about making planets in game has been sparce concepts by forum users.
  5. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    They are aiming for a very scalable engine, so essentially that means you should be able to use as many units as your system can handle.

    Planet formation takes ever so slightly more than a few minutes........It's not something you will be able to do in-game.

    AS far as making maps before a game they will be procedurally generated, think like Tiberium Sun back in the day, along with the possibility of a map editor to further modiffy the procedurally Generated planets.

  6. yogurt312

    yogurt312 New Member

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    The Dev's tend to reference minecraft when talking about an editor, as it generates a random world which you then alter by hand. I've always found the civilisation editor in part a better parallel for generation as planet size, age and type are all set and it then generates a tile based map which can be edited tile by tile. not that editing will be done tile by tile (or will it?) but regardless i think thats all they've said about that other than the ability to save and load and probably share the custom maps you make.
  7. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Tile based is something we considered and rejected. I suppose it's possible we could end up there after the research phase is complete but I doubt it.
  8. yogurt312

    yogurt312 New Member

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    I didn't imagine it would end up tile based, but all the editors that are easiest to reference use a tile system. Although i've also heard some parallels to editors for sins of a solar empire.

    at the end of the day its a moot point as long as the basic concepts are expressed. not to mention the other obvious reason.

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