Confirmed features and suggestions

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by xedi, August 17, 2012.

  1. pipilek

    pipilek New Member

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    Man if you want to create MMO from PA you have to be damaged...
    If you want to see long term goal go play Lineage II or any other cool MMO... but don't destroy our good TA. We want true RTS, with TA history/system TIER BY TIER and MODDING. ;)
  2. niblette

    niblette New Member

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    Hey guys

    I don't know if those ideas have been already posed here, but have to tell them:

    -temperature system, the colder it is, the more energy you'll have to spend on heating buildings and other stuff (temperature would of course depend on where you are in the solar system)
    -a technologie (really expansive of course) that you be able to destroy the sun (with different possible effects 1)simply extinguish it 2)big explosion 3) my favorite turning sun into a black hole, slowly absorbing all the solar system)

    If you can choose your position in the system, imagine a black-hole based strategy: choosing a planet far from the sun (soo harder to construct cause need more energy), build strong defences, and destroy the sun, forcing your enemy to attack you (prematurely maybe) or to move his base before it get absobed by the black-hole.


    PS: i didn't think about the miss of light (maybe would mean an even bigger need of energy for building and lighting) and would make all solar station useless

    god this game hve soo much potential
  3. jinxbob

    jinxbob New Member

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    First time poster, long time lurker. :p

    I was thinking about some of the old space sim games like freespace 2 and what not and got struck with an interesting idea to implent a strategic gameplay element.

    The system is similar to the power managment feature in freespace 2 and involves the idea that your robot commander has a limited amount of computing power. The computing power is assigned to three areas: attack, defense and economy. The amount of power assigned increases or decreases the efficiency of that area. At the start of the game an equal amount of power is assigned to each area (i.e [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]). The player can then dynamically change the distribution of the power to suit there strategic goals through out the game. For example Increasing the amount of computing power assigned to economy (i.e [0.8, 0.8, 1.4]) would provide a global resource rate buff but debuff weapon damage and armour.

    This system would allow the player to customise the gameplay to their strengths while creating weaknesses that others can exploit if they choose. If you wanto, you could even add expensive buildings (Computing cores) that provide a buff to computing power. They would become valuable pieces of infrastrucutre and critical targets for an enemy looking for an advantage.

    My 2c.
    So very keen for this game!!!
  4. 0ritfx

    0ritfx Member

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    Let the patchfinding AI include teleports in the algorithm. If that is unapplicable, then I would like to have some kind of bridges.
  5. GoogleFrog

    GoogleFrog Active Member

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    I don't like the computing power sliders. It sounds like you would be fiddling with them all the time to maximise econ when not fighting. How does the mechanic do something that the game lacks?
  6. coldboot

    coldboot Active Member

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  7. qwerty3w

    qwerty3w Active Member

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    Axis based camera, this idea is from another post from me, and only useful if the planets are spherical:

    I think the camera angle in the game should be always parallel to a local axis, for example, if the camera is on a planet, then the upper edge of the view should persistently face the planet's north pole, and the bottom should persistently face its south pole, but if the camera got across one of the poles, then its binding to the poles should be inverted, the top should face the south pole, and the bottom should face the north pole instead.
    The solar system as a whole should have its own axis too, and all the axes should be parallel to each other.
    There should be a certain key or button that could turn the camera upside down at any time, the player could use that as a adjustment.
    Just like in SupCom, holding the middle mouse button or something else should be able to drag the camera. This would be very handy for a axis based camera.

    I believe this is better than a free camera with a adjustment key. Cause the angle of it would only changes in limited situations, and the way it changes is monotonous, so it would be less confusing than a free camera and the players wouldn't need to adjust the camera frequently to find something.

    Camera is very important for a game, so hope you can add this to the main post, although maybe in the debatable list if you think it is debatable.
    Last edited: August 29, 2012
  8. TheRealBnut

    TheRealBnut New Member

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    • Toggle on/off practically everything
    • Highly mod-able AI
    • Generals Zero Hour style powers

    One thing SupCom 2 did well was allowing you to toggle on/off practically everything, It'd be awesome and probably satisfy a lot of people's do/don't style requests if they had toggles for things like: experimental tech, air, land, sea, amphibious, artillery, slow/fast economy, etc.

    One other thing, I really want to mod the hell out of the AI, please let me (I know modding is supported, but this doesn't always mean AI is properly)!

    Oh, one more thing, perhaps Generals ZH style "generals powers"? Like airdropping units, infrequent but powerful airstrikes, asteroid crashes, black hole, earthquake, ...? :)
  9. matgopack

    matgopack New Member

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    I don't know if this has been posted yet (please don't kill me if it has...)
    Making those engines able to be scaled up, not only to a moon, but to a whole planet (of course, after you finish conquering it). Driving an entire planet around would be really cool.

    As well as making some sort of balancing mechanic to prevent the KEW asteroid from always destroying a planet (maybe a shield around the entire planet that blocks KEWs, but not landings, and need 5-10 shield generating towers spread out throughout the entire planet? So you'd need total control over the planet)
  10. r0ck1t

    r0ck1t Active Member

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    It might be a far fetched idea but I always wanted to be able to create my own units/upgrades in game. The idea I have in my head goes beyond a few upgrade selections based on technology you acquire from certain actions/buildings, like in Star Craft for ex.. but kind of like building your own units from generic list of parts (i'll use Legos as an example), so that the other side is unlikely to have the same type of units, either aesthetically or functionally. There could be levels/tiers of these many types of parts/upgrades depending on the type of technology/buildings you construct, but have each part have their own strengths and weaknesses. Or maybe be able to combine different types of armament (ex laser rifle w/ rockets) and retrofit your units with better parts to adapt to the battle.
  11. Spooky

    Spooky Member

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    You mean like in Warzone 2100.
  12. r0ck1t

    r0ck1t Active Member

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    I never played Warzone 2100 but yeah similar to that. A fully customize-able army.
  13. jinxbob

    jinxbob New Member

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    Yeah, i didn't go too deep into detail and balancing, since it's the devs choice. I would envisaged a lag time of 2-10 minutes (customisable??) between setting the sliders and receiving the full benefit. That way if a player spams economy, they are really vulnerable to being easily crushed in a small attack. This is because they would have very bad defence and attack debuffs that they can't change easily.

    The idea is to provide a adjustable risk/reward system for making long term strategic decisions while avoiding some of the problems that tech-trees have doing the same thing. It would also allow a complete change in strategy without tech lock in.
  14. 0ritfx

    0ritfx Member

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    Since we go for galaxy-scale ideas, then how about solar powered energy cannon on low orbits of stars?
  15. r0ck1t

    r0ck1t Active Member

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    I noticed unit veterancy isnt that popular (although, I liked the idea of a unit getting promoted in battle) but how about a reward system for the player? Medals?
  16. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Stats and accomplishments are always welcome. Achievements (ala. those in Steam, and on XBL) have the potential problem of promoting players to specifically for those achievements (example: build a bajillion tanks in one ranked match, get a shiny medal). Not playing properly/competitively/to win usually annoys other players who were looking for an honourable fight.
  17. bitzeit

    bitzeit New Member

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    idea for a stretch goal or just general suggestion Volcanic planet's with an unstable landscape with eruptions that might rain down rocks or cause floods of lava/magma and whatnot on bases but the planet itself is metal/mass rich
    but you would have to build shield generators (to which i've read are unlikely) and/or geothermal stabilizer's to combat the eruption's to mine safely.
  18. comham

    comham Active Member

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    Just read the shacknews interview and saw screenshots from the video again. reminded how much I love the "green spray nanolathe" effect. Reminded me how much I loved watching construction units unfold their nanolathes, and the beauty of marking construction units with yellow/black stripes. 22 units across arm and core, but you could always tell which ones were construction units because of the tell-tale striping and obvious nanolathe door. I hope the striping makes it in again.
  19. GoogleFrog

    GoogleFrog Active Member

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    I don't like this one because powers do not translate well between games at different scales.
  20. abtesk

    abtesk New Member

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    Don't know if this has been talked about already, but: resources.
    Nice part about different planets and the likes is, they allow vastly different types of resources.

    On planets with atmospheres, you could build wind engines to gather energy. (Some idea: you could lower turbines on a string from an orbit into a gas giant.)
    Solar panels on planets without atmospheres in the way (and maybe even tide locked) would generate the greatest yield there.
    Planets in the habitable zone with enough water allow marine current turbines to produce energy.
    Any planet with geothermal activity can be used as well via steam plants. Maybe you would even first need to transport the water there.
    Planets that harbor life, or once harbored life may have coal, gas and oil.
    Our moon carries Helium-3. One educt necessary for a fusion reaction. So not only gas giants could supply that kind of material.
    Any planet with fissile material allows fission power plants. (Metal would then have to be differentiated in metal for fission and for construction.)

    Just to justify different planet types and the likes, though in hindsight that would result in a lot of micromanaging, the one thing Uber doesn't want.
    Well maybe some of the stuff is applicable in a fun enough way.

    Also different power plants would be sucseptible in different ways. Break a wind turbine, nothing much will happen. Blow up a fusion or fission reactor, and it will BLOW UP.

    A question as well: how is energy handled on a solar system level? Do all bases share the same energy? Kind of like instant wireless energy transmission Tesla-style? Or is each base self-sufficient and detached form every other? What about the metal?

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