Another Class Idea

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by Bezique, November 26, 2010.

  1. Bezique

    Bezique New Member

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    having seen other people post their ideas for potential new classes, it's got me thinking down those lines/ Here's my suggestion:

    The Saboteur
    As the name suggests, this character's primary function is to cause disruption. His health is similar to supports (but without the option for passive skill increased health). He is a reasonably fast character.

    Weapon#1: Dart gun
    Effective at short-medium range (up to somewhere between the support's shotgun and the assault's assault rifle)

    Primary fire: tranquilliser darts. They do a very small amount of damage, but most importantly they daze pros. This is manifest as moving objects blurring on the pro#s vision for a short period. The more darts the more severe the affect - turning on the spot would not be advised for a tranquillised pro.

    Alternate fire: A grapple. the saboteur pulls out a syringe and injects the pro. A small amount of damage is dealt, but again the real affect is that the pro's vision is blurred AND their speed is reduced as is the speed that they can rotate on the spot.

    When used on bots the darts are useless. The syringe is replaced by an electronic chip that slows the speed and rate of fire of the bot - this would only be very useful against jackbots and bouncers.

    Weapon#2: Rifle

    Effective range: longer than assault's assault rifle, but not the whole map.

    Primary fire: Essentially in the middle between the rate of fire and accuracy of the tank's rail gun and the assault's assault rifle.

    Alternate fire: ???? a simple grapple???


    Passive: Biological Warfare
    Level 2: A HEAVY dose of tranquilliser darts will now also drain the colour from the affected pro's screen. They must play on greyscale for a short period (intended to make it hard to tell icemen and hot shots apart).
    Level 3: The syringe now completely paralyses the Pro. During this time they may not press any buttons on their controller (except for the rage quit exit to lobby combo). Bots that have the microchip attached to them temporarily get "hacked" and shoot at the opposition, although jackbots will continue to walk the same way they were going before while they do this.

    Blue: Dead Zone
    When activated a sphere appears around the saboteur. Enemy pros inside this sphere cannot activate skills. assaults drop from the sky, assassins uncloak and stop sprinting and deployed gunners/tanks cannot undeploy. Pre-activated skills can enter the sphere: e.g. a charge into the sphere carries on charging, an air strike thrown into it will still go off. Sniper traps will not activate in it and assault bombs cannot be detonated IF they are inside it when set off. Although the bomb explosion radius may be bigger than the dead zone - that damage would count.
    Bots and turrets inside the sphere cease to move or shoot.

    Level 1: radius about size of assault lvl2 bomb, lasts a couple of seconds
    Level 2: lasts a bit longer
    Level 3: radius is increased

    Yellow: Charged shots

    When activated this affects bullets from the rifle and darts from the tranquilliser. They strike pros with electrical pulses in addition to their normal affects. For a brief period the weapons of Pros hit by these bullets/darts breakdown. They fire only intermittently

    Level 1: only 75% of bullets (sword swings) fire
    Level 2: only 60% fire and the accuracy reticule is increased in size
    Level 3: only 25% of bullets fire

    Red: C4

    The explosive is placed on the floor it cannot be thrown. Doing this leaves the pro vulnerable for a moment. The C4 is a larger than similar planted items (traps and bombs), it is easier to see. Detonating the C4 requires the saboteur to pull out a remote and press a big shiny red button (like you just did). He has to stop what he's doing to do this. When the bomb finally goes off, its radius of affect is huge.

    Level 1: radius size of lvl3 assault bomb
    Level 2: reduced recharge time
    Level 3: considerably bigger radius and further reduced recharge time

    The saboteur is intended to pick up a lot of assists. He has very little that actually kills. Even opponents that have been fully paralysed by the syringe don't die easily. The rifle is not quick to kill people and it takes time to plant C4 (and get out of its blast radius), unless you are clever enough to set it up before hand. He can disable bots, but not kill them quickly.

    The saboteur works well with other pros. He can stop turrets/bots/pros from retaliating while his teammates take the kill.

    -----Opinions welcome. I'm sure I haven't thought everything through carefully.

    - Bez
  2. willofnadal3

    willofnadal3 New Member

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    I liike the idead in general like grey scale and bot control making him invaluable for blitz mode. please note that all classes must be somewhat combat like thats why suppport gets shotgun-hadoken and hurt gun.the ability to stun at lvl 3 seems overpowered. The c4 seems to much like a bomb and charged shot and the rifle dont make to much sense although a class that actually relies on others and when you say saboteur i think his abilities should revolve around base destruction and sabotage to counter turtled support that would be awsome i love your idea HIYOO
  3. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    this isnt a comment on how i like the class or not...

    this is a comment on the primary dart gun and secondary rifle. they should be backwards, the rifle should be the primary weapon and have aim-down-sight as secondary fire, and the dartgun should have the grapple (it would now make sense, since its a secondary weapon and most secondary weapons have grapples)
  4. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    Don't bash me for saying this, but imo, it seems like it would be WAY overpowered. Being able to disable enemy pros and blurring their vision is like combining the Ice traps from Snipers and mixing it with the Product Grenade from Tanks.
  5. Bezique

    Bezique New Member

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    So far as balance is concerned I'd hope there is plenty of room here to make adjustments. Perhaps it takes a full couple of magasines to build up significant blur, perhaps only a few bullets. It just needs some tuning. The difference and thinking here between tanks and snipers is that even when you've got them disorientated or routed to the spot, you don't have the killing power to finish them off unless they were already hurting from another fight

    I'd have no problem swapping weapon order primary/secondary. I just called them 1,2. I didn't plan for which starts in his hands.

    I know there are similarities to the bomb with c4. I had intended that it's not a quick to use skill. The assault can pull bombs out mid-combat. This needs a quiet second to yourself to sit down and arm it.

    Regarding base attacks, I had thought that his dead zone skill combined with c4 would be a good way of damaging multiple turrets (due to it's large blast radius and presumably high power). did I state that the dead zone would shut down turrets inside its sphere of influence? I forget and cannot check on this page.

    I agree that the charged shot is a bit weak in terms of the sense it makes. I'd be open to change.

    Must all classes be able to deal damage and make kills? What's the reasoning here?

    Thanks for your thoughts

    - Bez
  6. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    so far all classes are able to compete for kills.

    supports should be the most passive class, and he has turret kills and airstrikes and shotguns. i think they generally want to make any class able to get an even amount of kills in a game.
  7. Korchanth

    Korchanth New Member

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    i dont think hes over powered i think its an excellent idea i mean he can only daze people with the darts not like hes killing them and a mid range rifle most rifles being bolt action and sight required would take time to shoot. he seems to be a class designed to cause hindrence and mayhem while other pros pick off whats hes dazed. cause if u threw that sphere thing of his at spawn or near camped people he may not be able to do much but he assists dramatically
  8. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    I don't mean overpowered as in him doing all the kills. I mean with 2-3 of these with a gunner or two, they could simply just decimate anything in their path. That is how they would be overpowered.
  9. Bezique

    Bezique New Member

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    It was my anticipation that covering the ground to get close to a pro would be tricky for the saboteur given his reasonably low health and no skills that speed him up.

    I at least am familiar with the pain a team of only supports and gunners can cause. I don't feel like a saboteur-gunner combo as suggested would be any worse. But I am no doubt biased.

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