Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by willofnadal3, November 24, 2010.

  1. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    So that's what happened. I just heard a juice-up, freaked out and tossed airstrikes, airstrikes everywhere. After my buddy killed the ball we had a laugh at him floating away to freedom :p

    We've played against that team (or at least their "leader") quite a number of times. It's sad to find out they like the ol' trash talkin. Hopefully their brains will fill up their skulls one day.
  2. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    Hahahahahaa that was amazing!
  3. mute

    mute New Member

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    In a public game on Ammo Mule, the team I was on had a typical well spread class layout... gunner, tank, 2 suports, and an assault. The opposing team had a gunner (never left his base) and 5 assassins. I was doing map control in the middle, keeping my firebase and teammates alive in the middle then runnin out on the sides to hit ejectors and nab the occassional kill and the occassional bot clearing airstrike. Consistently during the game, wether I was in the middle or running out on the ramps I would get swarmed by at least 3 assassins everytime I was attacked. Most of the time it ended up with 2 or 3 dead assassins. I've never given so many shottys to the face in my life, and even when they would kill me it was hilarious as I would be surrounded by blades slashing everywhere. At the end of the game I had like like 30-10-5 and all 5 of the assassins on the other team were way into the negative (5-0-25, etc). The game could've ended very early, but killing the assassins over and over was too much fun.
  4. willofnadal3

    willofnadal3 New Member

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    The time i got the acheivment 3 fer which i belived is a triple kill was actually not with a bomb nor ejector but with my assault rifle for some reason the evil hot shots had 4 gunners 1 sniper 1 tank and somehow we really sieged their base and when three gunners tried deploying on the overhang to save the moneyball i easily came up and with my assault rifle i quickly killed all three of them while i laughed and became surprised from what i got a triple kill with an assaukt rifle against only gunners but unfortunatley the last gunner came and shot me but we still won soo i was happy.
  5. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    Last time I played I joined in late with my ball at 25%. Went 8-4 until I got my double mini, then didn't die for the rest of the game. With 2 mins left I decided it was time to end it and hit the anhialator and juiced the turrets. As soon as the other teams ball went down they started quitting out. Guess they couldn't take the loss.
  6. IlliniJen

    IlliniJen New Member

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    Oh yeah, that was pretty much the match determiner right there. He would have torn through our ball if not for that airstrike. You did a great job of base defense that game.
  7. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Yeah, Rhine was a big help that game. Sorry I was on the other side of the map when you got the airstrike, otherwise I'd have noted it.
  8. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    I actually felt like I didn't do that well, I went into base defense mode way too late and couldn't keep any of the our lazers going for long. Was a good challenge though, bit of a switch from finding out I'm on your team and playing a suicidal support without a care in the world :p


    Just got back from a game on AmmoMule, and man oh man I had a good team. The previous game on Grenade 3 I went 38 (or something around there) while the rest of my team decided dieing dozens of times was a better strategy. I went tank on AmmoMule where everyone else went assault, except for a support. We were getting hammered, several assaults on the other team meant I wasn't going to have an easy time. My teammates had deaths in the 20's or so. I was doing alright, keeping positive kills, defending the base, but I wouldn't be able to get far until a juiced assassin or assault cut me down. Anywhere outside the arches, I was completely on my own.

    After my first juice run, the flow kicked in. It seemed like all the stuff I was doing was getting done right - tank charge jump, land near sniper, take him out, assault comes up the ramp, grenade him and retreat to the top dome, drop down charge and kill him... things like that started to happen a lot. overtime hits and I fight my way to the middle, dropping down from the top and killing an assassin and sniper in a charge to the juice dispenser. Juicing inside their base while a sniper runs after me - why he was only using his smg I can't tell - charged him every time he got close, finally killed him and backed off.

    I have to give my team credit, I don't know how they could defend in overtime for that long after doing so awful for the entire game. There was only a little health left, another juice run and before I even get to rail it my grenade does the last little bit of damage and we win the game. the scores told the story, on the other team 40+, 20+ kills almost all the way down with minimal deaths. I managed to go positive with 18 kills while the guy in second place got one kill and died over 20 times.

    That's the first time that I've "solo'ed" the ball in the most literal sense; I was the only offense my team had.
  9. Metallic Rage

    Metallic Rage New Member

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    My roommate and I jumped into a random game that happened to be steel peel. Our team already had 3 assassins on it so we're like hell, why not, might as well do it too so we both go assassin. Our 6th random guy went sniper for some reason, but it worked out. About mid-game we were doing surprisingly well. We were all zooming around at max speed and having the a great time when i see in the corner an assault. Apparently the 4 other assassins also saw him. 1 ninja was closest and face grappled the assault... oh **** the assault isn't gonna die. So then there is this influx of 4 assassins lunging at this assault towards the end of the ninja grapple. He was trapped on a wall, couldn't get out, and was getting wailed on by a few swords and couple daggers, his charge must have been on CD because he couldn't get out. So he get mowed down by 5 assassins at once. It was pretty epic, the funniest part is after he was dead(which happened really quick btw) not a single one of the ninjas ran off. Everyone stayed and circle danced on his body and slashed all over the guy. It was kinda mean but definitely the funniest thing i've seen happen to date.

    Either that or spawning 11 bouncers in a row and watching them devour the people and turrets. The enemy pros refused to go to ground level after that, bouncers were just standing around doing nothing all over their base waiting for someone to jump down. A support made that mistake, he had at least 4 bouncers coming from different angles, it was over for him. Next match i tried the same thing, farmed up a bunch of money then started spamming bouncers, only thing is the other team was doing the same thing, there were more bouncers running around than blackjacks. Once again the ground was off limits for a while, pretty funny seeing people afraid to touch any part of the ground level.
  10. The Teominator

    The Teominator New Member

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    Imagine an whole team of Teominator Assaults and two buddy supports would look like....

    Attached Files:

  11. Blatant Troll

    Blatant Troll New Member

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    Location: Grenade111

    My team's moneyball only had a sliver of health, while the opposing team had a full moneyball. My team was doing an okay job at defending the moneyball and I was doing jack-nothing. So I (a Sniper) decided to go destroy the enemy bots. I manage to get all the way to the other team's base and since the other team was busy attacking, the bots took down the moneyball's shields and I sniped the living crap out of it. When the moneyball had about 1/4 health left, the entire team went blitzing at me, but I managed to take down the moneyball and win the game!

    It's not that amazing of a comeback, but considering my playing abilities, I was freakin' screaming when I found out I won.
  12. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    So tonight I get a chance to play for the first time in a couple of days. I hit quickmatch, and instead of connecting it boots me back out to the MNC logo screen (no options). Rather than dashboarding out, I go down my friends list and randomly join someone's session, happens to be Tom Numbers. I get into the game and see the my team's moneyball only has a fraction of it's health. I walk out the door only to be facing a spawn camping gunner at point blank range. Instinctively I scope and fire, and get a mostly lucky headshot, then look up at the killfeed and see "lDeadeye". I hear someone say "Thank god PohTayToez is here", and I hit the button to see that I'm on team with SXD, JackTrips, Ninja Wallace, Cardboard, and probably someone else that I'm forgetting. Tom, DeadEye, and The Dude on the enemy team, Southsidesox was in there too somewhere, I forget which team.

    Anyway, I've joined in at the last couple minutes of the game and we were pinned in our base with the moneyball nearly gone. But we push back out of our base and actually end up winning the game in overtime. I got three kills on DeadEye which was over half of his deaths. I was just happy to screw up his K/D which he holds so dear, but turning the tables and winning at the last second wasn't bad either. Had a few good games after that too.
  13. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    Nah, that was it. Before you joined our team we had randoms coming in and out for the majority of the game, but most prominently we had two useless snipers who I don't think even killed anyone. We didn't have the class layout to compensate.
  14. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    Load up a random match, pull Steel Peel. I pick Assault since everyone else is not an offensive class (3 supports and sniper) I just grab Passive out of the gate, get to the outer ring and die by a massive range jet gun. The game devolves from there with me trying to dislodge a duo of supports from right outside of our base (The middle ring, not the spawn rings or the annihilator ring.) I'm guessing my 3 supports remembered their airstrikes because I got sidetracked with an assault on the left arm. I finally dislodge him, and start pushing out the bots. Its a struggle all game long.

    Time is running out. OT is about to hit, and i've got $700 on me. I go buy juice, and start heading to their spawn ring, since I know they're in a full court press on our base.

    OT hits. Blue light goes skyward. I hit juice, and start nailing their moneyball with grenades and my bomb as fast as it'll recharge. My juice runs out and I'm still hammering away at their ball. They're doing so to ours. I start taking damage from an SMG, so I turn up to see a sniper about to grab me. I Charge him, grab him and send him off the arena, then resume my attack. We're both down to 5%, and I've got a bomb coming up. My moneyball is creeping down. Theirs has my bomb about to destroy it after an intense uphill battle. 3, 2%. 2. 1%. 1. BOOM!

    My bomb detonates, and Bullseye is standing on the Icemen moneyball while I stand above it in Triumph!

    It was an INSANE match. Lemme just say this though: Liberty or Ruin is a FANTASTIC tank. Very difficult to engage as his railgun skills are excellent, and he flees at the first sign of trouble from me. He knows his class matchups and applies them in battle.
  15. x gr1m x reap3r x

    x gr1m x reap3r x New Member

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    heres one about me as sniper:
    it was monday night and the hotshots had all went to the left of grenADE III while their sniper went right to find a tank, assault and a gunner rushing the base, the battle was long and the icemen were refusing to their spawn room the assault hid behind a wall and the sniper trap and flakked him, headshotted the deployed gunner and (finnaly it was a long fight) juiced the tank
    only to lose with no defence a few minutes later

    Deadeye: OMGWTFBBQ!
    Last edited: December 7, 2010
  16. JuniorBarnes

    JuniorBarnes New Member

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    Was playing Assassin on Spunky Cola.
    XLs were spawning and we had the Hotshots moneyball down. My team was already working on their XL when I smoke bomb jumped over the middle partition to get into the fray a little faster. I landed right on top of the XL's head and my dainty little foot did just enough damage to drop the XL earning me the JACKBOT KILL bonus, much to my Support (rather vocal) chagrin.
  17. Disturbance24

    Disturbance24 Member

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    On Gernade III I managed, as a tank of course, to juice three times in one life off the opponent's laser blazers. Destroyed all their rockit turrets, and got at least 5 or 6 pros in the process.
  18. BamBam11

    BamBam11 New Member

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    Hi I'm new here and I have a disappointing fail as an assault

    Ok so I think I'm at grenade I think near the edge of the map and a gunner gets charged by someone else then jets back up to the edge.

    So I think I'm gunna murder suicide him with a charge.
    I hit B and go .............. right to the left of himflying of the map :cry:
    It was depressing...

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