Ask Gray Fox

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by grayfox, August 25, 2012.


All Pros, barring exploits, are well balanced. Outliers are within Δ10% overall efficiency.

  1. Yes

    42 vote(s)
  2. Yes, but with greater stretch.

    27 vote(s)
  3. No

    22 vote(s)
  1. thetinydoodle

    thetinydoodle Member

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    Do you think combat kitties + fortify is OP?
  2. Vetr

    Vetr Member

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    Do you think they should document the slow effect on fortify?

    What has been your favorite win?

    Do you have a favorite book series?

    How is it that people think the SMNC elite are all jerks when we have guys like you who take time to answer our stupid questions?
  3. wthermans

    wthermans New Member

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    You can still be blinded by Product Grenade. Try it on Loco Moco down the right lane or on the side rafters in the jungle of Bullet Gorge. Otherwise, I wouldn't get blinded and turn around to see the Product Grenade bounce impact another target. You don't need a direct hit to blind people, they just have to be alongside the path of the throw.

    Also, given that practically every grapple shows either my model above the ground or the enemy above the ground, that is pretty conclusive to be an air grapple. Also, why is it that you can start a jump and still grapple an opponent? I do it all the time as Spark with Flip Switch. IIRC, I've even grappled YOU out of a Prop Hop when our pings were within 5ms of one another. How is this not a problem and a consistent feature?

    I agree nothing will likely be done because "we're too far down the rabbit hole", but that just screams of bad development and design.
  4. jbeetle

    jbeetle Well-Known Member

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    sounds consistent
  5. wthermans

    wthermans New Member

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    How does a grapple showing one party or the other off the ground when it's initiated, consistent? That makes zero sense. Especially given the fact that game documentation and instructions strictly say grapples should happen on the ground. That is not consistent gameplay and inconsistencies just frustrate your playerbase and drive them to games that don't have random mechanics. Come on beetle, you're smarter than that.
  6. grayfox

    grayfox Active Member

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    Balanced. A strong area holder with burst in the form of Air Strikes. Good firebase placement can be dam near impossible to remove. They can make a team focus entirely on it for a while if it's infuriating enough. Out of all characters, Support is the one who REFUSES TO BLOODY DIE the most. The man will hurt gun hop to safety for forever and a day against melee characters. Great guy to have around end-game for rockit turret damage dumps and area holding.

    No. I would like to see an alteration to cats, though. Less cats = less slow. Make it start a bit weaker than what it is now and end a bit stronger with 3-4 cats.

    As in have it on the skill description? Yeah. It used to work on turrets, which wouldn't slow.

    Fighting the tournament winners at PAX EAST 2012 with a live audience of 50+ people, including the developers themselves and camera guys, all huddled around a plasma screen TV displaying my HUD.

    Gaunt's Ghosts (Dan Abnett in general). Ragnar the Space Wolf Omnibuses. The Hobbit + Tolkien's Lord of the Rings (The books, which didn't have A BUNCH OF ROMANTIC PADDING. Tolkien was a man of his era. Women did not have a constant pressing romantic role). Eoin Colfer's Artemis Fowl.

    I also have personal readings from online pastebins. I write a little myself as well.

    Mid-game heat. In a DotA style game, the negative actions of your teammates have a direct negative affect on your play experience. Anything done wrong makes the game harder. Things done wrong in quick succession can shatter the hopes of man. Think of it as a probability game. As your skill increases, the probability of making a mistake decreases, and your probability to win a match increases. You also deviate away from the skill mean. Vice versa for worsening skill, caused by time off, playing other games recently, or exhaustion. Now, the top players in a video game are, for all tense and purposes, extreme outliers. They're way way out on the right end of the bell curve. Their probability for success is very high based on their own person. Consequently, any team they are placed on has an exceedingly high chance for their teammates to be worse at the game than them (so says the laws of probability). If we tally up possible mistakes, we see that it's much more common for the other 4 players to create the mistakes instilling negative affects than the head player.

    Put into layman's terms, this means that a person who is skilled at the game has a very high win rate, and enjoys it. He becomes complacent with the act of winning, as it's so common. Assuming teammates on his level, it would take an incredibly rare assortment of foes for him to lose. This mean that a majority percentage of his losses are from the lacking nature of allies. The allies make the mistakes more often, and cause the game to be harder for the player. The User becomes a positive force in a sea of negative ones, and wins only if he can outdo the improper actions. With all this taken into account, it means that a loss, on average, should take an appalling level of failure from allied units. The sheer fact of a loss being a rare case causes the loss to be noticed all the more by a User. This, coupled with the fact of how bad things had to have played out to cause it (on average), is the main reason for irritated top players. To their eyes, the world is constantly crumbling around them, and only very rarely is it actually their fault. Some voice this frustration more than others.

    I am nowhere near a perfect man. If mistakes go on to excess, and consistently, I'll be curious as to why a player couldn't learn from his past failures. When mistakes start breaching a threshold to the point that they'll cost the team a game, things can get frustrating. All the while, you're fighting bolstered opponents on no fault of your own.

    I find understanding a fault is the most important thing. Mending it can take longer. It's when a user learns nothing from his experience that I get annoyed. There is no team deathmatch mode. This is a thinking game more than it is a reaction time game. You simply won't win through better button presses, and you can't rush into combat thinking that.

    I will do investagatamatamins.

    If you grapple an enemy in the air, one can assume they are beneath the grace height. If an enemy grabs you in the air, one can assume grace height or the enemy sees you on the ground on their screen. My memory is not clear on what happens server, what happens client. I'll have to ask around. I've grabbed many a Karl out of a Prop Hop. Grace height. Course, I think they shouldn't be grapple-able at that point. I have grappled a person after jumping before. We floated a wee bit off the ground under the grace height threshold. It's a matter of doing the commands closely enough together. Server doesn't register me as "shouldn't be able to grapple guys" fast enough or some such thing.

    No game is ever released completed, and no game is ever without bugs. When an assassin grapples my buttocks from 1.5 times further than she should, my jimmies are considerably rustled. I can at least run on the assumption that this case will be true for this particular Assassin the rest of the match. The same can be said of negative features too, such at me being able to grapple someone all the time or a little bit into the air.

    It's a bad thing, but I can thing of far worse things. It'd be a positive measure to see it mended, but I imagine it's likely a horrid pain to do so if it hasn't been done yet. Welcome, my friend, to engine issues. Each one has pluses and minuses, and you must choose one. There will always be an unrelenting issue of some sort.
  7. mutanteggs

    mutanteggs Member

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  8. grayfox

    grayfox Active Member

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    Sorry, I have little code-breaking experience.

    A bank with 2 entry points on Baldwin Street, address 1174, is to be robbed. One team will make a third entry via wall breach. Exit point Southeast.

    Yggdrasil, the World Tree of Norse mythology, is likely in danger, considering this transmission is related to bank robbery. World Tree is likely referencing a World Bank of sorts.
    Last edited: August 27, 2012
  9. hotcakes

    hotcakes New Member

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  10. grayfox

    grayfox Active Member

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    Man I always have to remember where to put these things. Guess it's too much to ask for youtube vids.
  11. hotcakes

    hotcakes New Member

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    My entire HDD is full and I literally do not have enough space to record a whole match with FRAPS.
  12. wthermans

    wthermans New Member

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    While I do agree it's an issue with the engine, isn't it bad game design to make such an inconsistent mechanic, as punishing as grapples currently are?
  13. grayfox

    grayfox Active Member

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    I simply don't agree on the level of inconsistency. We're just netting for the perfect fish now by keeping this going. I doubt either of us is going to have an outstanding change of opinion. Grapples could have been done differently. They weren't. On the whole, I enjoy grapples.
  14. bravetriforcer

    bravetriforcer New Member

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    Spring clean that **** mane.

    O.T. Possibly asked before, but do you consider Assassin to be in a good place right now? Because she and (somewhat) Spark are the only reasons I said "No" to the poll.
  15. madpony

    madpony Member

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    I recorded a random game where I play Vet, I'm actually uploading it on Youtube. I'll send the link when it'll be done.
  16. hotcakes

    hotcakes New Member

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    You don't hoard media?
  17. grayfox

    grayfox Active Member

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    Incredibly slightly UP. Doesn't do as good as other melee players cuz no swingback cheese.
  18. madpony

    madpony Member

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    So, here's the video

    I did a pretty good early game. But then we got pushed hard, and lost.
  19. hotcakes

    hotcakes New Member

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  20. grayfox

    grayfox Active Member

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    I'll observe and reply to both these videos later today, apologies for the wait. Laziness + college.

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